TRENDnet Router 300Mbps Wireless N Gigabit Router User Manual |
Quick Installation Guide
H/W: V1
1. Before You Start
Package Contents
?User's Guide CD-ROM
?Multi-Language Quick Installation
?AC Power Adapter (12V DC, 0.5A)
?1x RJ-45 cable
Installation Requirements
?A computer with a network adapter installed.
?Wireless router (e.g. TEW-639GR).
?An available DHCP Server –wireless routers usually have a built-in DHCP
?A game console with an Ethernet port.
Wireless N Gaming Adapter
USB to 10/100Mbps Adapter
300Mbps Wireless N
Gigabit Router
2. Hardware Installation
Note: There are two methods for setting the gaming adapter: Wi-Fi Protected
Setup (WPS) Push Button Setup or Manual Setup. If your wireless router
does not support WPS, go to section 2.2 Manual Setup. If your wireless
router does support WPS, please follow the directions in section 2.1 Wi-Fi
Protected Setup (WPS) Push Button Setup.
2.1. Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) Push Button Setup
1. Plug the power adapter into the
TEW-647GA and then into an
available power outlet.
2. Press the WPS button on your
wireless router. The example
shows a TEW-639GR.
3. Press the WPS button on the
TEW-647GA. The WPS button will
start to blink.
4. Once the WPS button becomes
steady, the TEW-647GA has been
successfully configured.
5. Connect an Ethernet cable from
the LAN port on the TEW-647GA to
an Ethernet port on your game
6. Congratulations, the installation is
now complete.
2.2. Manual Setup (For Windows Users)
Note: Manual Setup requires a Windows PC.
1. Insert Utility CD-ROM into your
computer's CD-ROM drive.
2. Click Run Setup.exe (Windows
Vista only)
3. Click Setup Wizard.
4. Click I accept the terms in the
License Agreement and then click
5. Connect the provided RJ-45 cable
from the Ethernet port on your
computer to the Ethernet port on
the TEW-647GA. Then click Next.
6. Connect the AC Power Adapter to
the Access Point and then to a
power outlet and then click Next.
7. Select the TEW-647GA from the
list and then click Configure.
8. Enter your password and then click
Login. By default, there is no
9. Enter a new password, retype the
new password and then click
10. Select Manual Setup and then
click Next.
11. Select 'Dynamic IP Address'
Configuration and then click
12. Click Site Survey.
13. Select the SSID for your wireless
router and then click Select.
14. Click Next.
15. If encryption is enabled on your
wireless network, the correct
Wireless Mode, Security Mode,
WPA Mode and Cipher Type will
be selected. Enter your Pre-
Shared key and then click Next.
This example shows WPA-PSK.
16. Click Save (Optional).
17. Give the file a name, then click
Save (optional).
18. Click Apply.
19. Connect the RJ-45 cable from the
Ethernet port on the TEW-647GA
to the Ethernet port on your game
console. Then Click Next.
20. Click Exit.
21. Click Yes to exit.
22. Verify that the network setting on
your game console is set to
obtain an IP address
automatically (dynamic IP).
Please refer to the manual or
contact your game console's
technical support for instructions.
Your configuration is now complete.
For detailed information regarding the TEW-647GA's configuration and
advanced settings, please refer the Troubleshooting section, User's Guide
Register Your Product
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Q1: My Nintendo WII does not have an Ethernet port. Can I use this with my WII?
A1: You will need to install a USB to Ethernet adapter on your WII. The
TRENDnet TU2-ET100 version 3.0r is compatible with the WII. Please go to
Q2: My wireless router does not support Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS). What
should I do?
A2: Please follow the instructions in section 2.2 Manual Setup if your wireless
router does not support WPS.
Q3: I inserted the User's Guide CD-ROM into my computer's CD-ROM Drive to run
the Setup Wizard, but the installation menu does not appear automatically. What
should I do?
A3: For Windows 2000/XP, if the installation menu does not appear automatically,
click Start, click Run, and type D:\setup.exe where "D" in "D:\setup.exe" is the
letter assigned to your CD-ROM Drive, and then press the ENTER key on your
keyboard. For Windows Vista, if the installation menu does not appear
automatically, click Start, click the Start Search box, and type D:\setup.exe
where "D" in "D:\setup.exe" is the letter assigned to your CD-ROM Drive, and then
press the ENTER key on your keyboard.
Q4: I receive an unable to configure error when I go through the wizard. What
should I do?
A4: First, double check that the wireless LED on the TEW-647GA and your
wireless router is lit. Second, power cycle the TEW-647GA and your wireless
router. Unplug the power to the TEW-647GA and your wireless router. Wait 15
seconds, then plug the power to your wireless router back in. Wait 15 seconds,
then plug the TEW-647GA back in. Then go through the wizard again. Third,
factory reset the TEW-647GA and go through the wizard again. To reset the TEW-
647GA, take a pin or paper clip and press the reset button for 15 seconds, then let
Q5: I connect the TEW-647GA to my game console, but I am unable to play games
online. What should I do?
A5: First, verify that a computer can get online through the router wirelessly.
Second, verify that the network setting on your game console is set to obtain an IP
address automatically (dynamic IP). Please refer to the manual or contact your
game console's technical support for instructions. Third, power cycle the TEW-
647GA and your wireless router. Unplug the power to the TEW-647GA and your
wireless router. Wait 15 seconds, then plug the power to your wireless router back
in. Wait 15 seconds, then plug the TEW-647GA back in. Fourth, factory reset
the TEW-647GA. To reset the TEW-647GA, take a pin or paper clip and press the
reset button for 15 seconds, then let go.
Q6: I followed the Quick Installation Guide and setup a new password. When I log in to the
browser configuration an access error message appears. What should I do?
A6: The default user name is admin. When you log in to the browser
configuration for the first time, make sure to enter admin for user name. Do not
leave the user name field blank. If the password was changed and you don't
remember it, you need to reset the TEW-647GA. To reset the TEW-647GA, take a
pin or paper clip and press the reset button for 15 seconds, then let go.
Q7: Can I need a gaming console in order to use this device?
A7: This device is compatible with any Ethernet-enabled device.
Q8: Is WPS required on my router in order to use the TEW-647GA?
A8: A router with WPS is not required. You will need to use the wizard. When you
run the wizard, you will need to select Manual Setup, instead of Wi-Fi Protected
Setup (WPS). Manual Setup allows you to select the following encryption type: ]
WEP, WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK. For detailed instructions, see section 2.2
Manual Setup.
If you still encounter problems or have any questions regarding the TEW-647GA, please
contact TRENDnet's Technical Support Department.
GPL/LGPL General Information
This TRENDnet product includes free software written by third party developers. These codes are subject to the GNU
General Public License ("GPL") or GNU Lesser General Public License ("LGPL"). These codes are distributed WITHOUT
WARRANTY and are subject to the copyrights of the developers. TRENDnet does not provide technical support for these
codes. The details of the GNU GPL and LGPL are included in the product CD-ROM.
least three years from the product shipping date.
You could also request the source codes by contacting TRENDnet.
20675 Manhattan Place, Torrance, CA 90501, USA. Tel: +1-310-961-5500 Fax: +1-310-961-5511
Informations générales GPL/LGPL
Ce produit TRENDnet comprend un logiciel libre écrit par des programmeurs tiers. Ces codes sont sujet à la GNU General
Public License ("GPL" Licence publique générale GNU) ou à la GNU Lesser General Public License ("LGPL" Licence
publique générale limitée GNU). Ces codes sont distribués SANS GARANTIE et sont sujets aux droits d'auteurs des
programmeurs. TRENDnet ne fournit pas d'assistance technique pour ces codes. Les détails concernant les GPL et LGPL
GNU sont repris sur le CD-ROM du produit.
conditions spécifiques de chaque licence.
Les codes source sont disponibles au téléchargement sur le site Internet de TRENDnet web site
Vous pouvez également demander les codes source en contactant TRENDnet.
20675 Manhattan Place, Torrance, CA 90501, USA. Tel: +1-310-961-5500 Fax: +1-310-961-5511
GPL/LGPL General Information
freie Software „Linux „mtd“ (Memory Technology Devices) Implementation (© 2000 David Woodhouse), erstmals integriert in
Linux Version 2.4.0-test 3 v. 10.07.2000 (,
sowie weitere freie Software. Sie haben durch den Erwerb dieses Produktes keinerlei Gewährleistungsansprüche gegen die
Berechtigten an der oben genannten Software erworben; weil diese die Software kostenfrei lizenzieren gewähren sie keine
Haftung gemäß unten abgedruckten Lizenzbedingungen. Die Software darf von jedermann im Quell-und Objektcode unter
Beachtung der Lizenzbedingungen der GNU General Public License Version 2, und GNU Lesser General Public License
(LGPL) vervielfältigt, verbreitet und verarbeitet werden. Die Lizenz ist unten im englischsprachigen Originalwortlaut
wiedergegeben. Eine nichtoffizielle Übersetzung in die deutsche Sprache finden Sie im Internet unter
mitgelieferten CD-ROM.
des Downloads verfügen können Sie bei TRENDnet.
20675 Manhattan Place, Torrance, CA 90501 -U.S.A -, Tel.: +1-310-961-5500, Fax: +1-310-961-5511 die Software anfordern.
Información general sobre la GPL/LGPL
Este producto de TRENDnet incluye un programa gratuito desarrollado por terceros. Estos códigos están sujetos a la
Licencia pública general de GNU (“GPL”) o la Licencia pública general limitada de GNU (“LGPL”). Estos códigos son
distribuidos SIN GARANTÍA y están sujetos a las leyes de propiedad intelectual de sus desarrolladores. TRENDnet no ofrece
servicio técnico para estos códigos. Los detalles sobre las licencias GPL y LGPL de GNU se incluyen en el CD-ROM del
específicas de cada licencia.
Los códigos fuentes están disponibles para ser descargados del sitio Web de TRENDnet
También puede solicitar el código fuente llamando a TRENDnet.
20675 Manhattan Place, Torrance, CA 90501, USA. Tel: +1-310-961-5500 Fax: +1-310-961-5511
Îáùàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ î ëèöåíçèÿõ GPL/LGPL
 ñîñòàâ äàííîãî ïðîäóêòà TRENDnet âõîäèò áåñïëàòíîå ïðîãðàììíîå îáåñïå÷åíèå, íàïèñàííîå ñòîðîííèìè
ðàçðàáîò÷èêàìè. Ýòî ÏÎ ðàñïðîñòðàíÿåòñÿ íà óñëîâèÿõ ëèöåíçèé GNU General Public License ("GPL") èëè GNU
Lesser General Public License ("LGPL"). Ïðîãðàììû ðàñïðîñòðàíÿþòñÿ ÁÅÇ ÃÀÐÀÍÒÈÈ è îõðàíÿþòñÿ àâòîðñêèìè
ïðàâàìè ðàçðàáîò÷èêîâ. TRENDnet íå îêàçûâàåò òåõíè÷åñêóþ ïîääåðæêó ýòîãî ïðîãðàììíîãî îáåñïå÷åíèÿ.
Ïîäðîáíîå îïèñàíèå ëèöåíçèé GNU GPL è LGPL ìîæíî íàéòè íà êîìïàêò-äèñêå, ïðèëàãàåìîì ê ïðîäóêòó.
 ïóíêòàõ ( è ( èçëîæåíû êîíêðåòíûå óñëîâèÿ
êàæäîé èç ëèöåíçèé.
Èñõîäíûé êîä ïðîãðàìì äîñòóïåí äëÿ çàãðóçêè ñ âåá-ñàéòà TRENDnet ( â
òå÷åíèå, êàê ìèíèìóì, òðåõ ëåò ñî äíÿ ïîñòàâêè ïðîäóêòà.
Êðîìå òîãî, èñõîäíûé êîä ìîæíî çàïðîñèòü ïî àäðåñó TRENDnet.
20675 Manhattan Place, Torrance, CA 90501, USA. Tel: +1-310-961-5500 Fax: +1-310-961-5511
GPL/LGPL informações Gerais
Este produto TRENDnet inclui software gratuito desenvolvido por terceiros. Estes códigos estão sujeitos ao GPL (GNU
General Public License) ou ao LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License). Estes códigos são distribuídos SEM GARANTIA
e estão sujeitos aos direitos autorais dos desenvolvedores. TRENDnet não presta suporte técnico a estes códigos. Os
detalhes do GNU GPL e do LGPL estão no CD-ROM do produto.
Os códigos fonte estão disponíveis para download no site da TRENDnet (
por pelo menos três anos da data de embarque do produto.
Você também pode solicitar os códigos fonte contactando TRENDnet, 20675 Manhattan Place, Torrance, CA 90501,
USA.Tel: +1-310-961-5500, Fax: +1-310-961-5511.
GPL/LGPL üldinformatsioon
See TRENDneti toode sisaldab vaba tarkvara, mis on kirjutatud kolmanda osapoole poolt. Koodid on allutatud GNU (General
Public License) Üldise Avaliku Litsentsi (GPL) või GNU (Lesser General Public License) ("LGPL") Vähem Üldine Avalik
Litsentsiga. Koode vahendatakse ILMA GARANTIITA ja need on allutatud arendajate poolt. TRENDnet ei anna koodidele
tehnilist tuge. Detailsemat infot GNU GPL ja LGPL kohta leiate toote CD-ROMil. Infot mõlema litsentsi spetsiifiliste terminite
Samuti võite lähtekoodi paluda TRENDneti'lt, 20675 Manhattan Place, Torrance, CA 90501, USA. Tel: +1-310-961-5500, Fax:
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with FCC and CE Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.
(2) This device must accept any interference received. Including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
Waste electrical and electronic products must not
be disposed of with household waste. Please
recycle where facilities exist. Check with you Local
Authority orRetailer for recycling advice.
En todos nuestros equipos se mencionan claramente las caracteristicas del adaptador de
alimentacón necesario para su funcionamiento. El uso de un adaptador distinto al
mencionado puede producir daños fisicos y/o daños al equipo conectado. El adaptador
de alimentación debe operar con voltaje y frecuencia de la energia electrica domiciliaria
existente en el pais o zona de instalación.
Product Warranty Registration
Please take a moment to register your product online.
20675 Manhattan Place
Torrance, CA 90501
Copyright ©2009. All Rights Reserved. TRENDnet.
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