Command Reference
Table of Contents
Warranty and Service
Chapter 1 Overview
What’s New in 3.1?
NETServer Overview
Chapter 2 Basic Installation
System Administrator Requirements
Accessing the Command Line
Getting Started
Getting the LAN Port Up and Running
Recommended Global Configuration
Chapter 3 Configuration Overview
How to Set Up Applications
The Command Line
Quick Command Overview
Overview of Configurable Tables
Chapter 4 IPTerminal Server Setup
Terminal/ Workstation Setup
NETServer Setup (Overview)
Using Default Hosts
IP Terminal Server (Detailed Setup)
Configuring a port
Adding a Login User to the User Table
IP Terminal Server Case Studies
Chapter 5 Network Dial-in Access
Dial-In User Setup
NETServer Dial-In Setup (Overview)
NETServer Dial-In (Detailed Setup)
Configuring a Port
Adding a Network User to the User Table
IP Remote Access Case Study
IPX Remote Access Case Study
Chapter 6 LAN-to-LAN Routing
Setup for NETServer Routing (Overview)
An Introduction to NETServer Routing
PAP and CHAP Authentication
LAN-to-LAN Routing (Detailed Setup)
Configuring a Port
Adding a Remote Device to the Location Table
Adding a Remote Device to the User Table
LAN-to-LAN Routing Case Study
Testing the Connection
Chapter 7 Talking to the Modems
TCP/ IP Modem Sharing
Implementing Security with Host Device Dial Out
Configuring Modems as UNIX pseudo TTYs
Modem Initialization Scripts
Sending AT Commands
Chapter 8 Packet Filters
Packet Filter Overview
Adding Packet Fitlers
Filter Rule Format
TCP/ IP Rules
TCP and UDP parameters
Filtering ICMP packets
IPX Packet Filtering
SAP Rules
Editing Packet Filters
Chapter 9 AdministrativeTools
Configuring the !root Account
Manually Connecting to a Remote Site
Troubleshooting Commands
The SHOW commmand
Chapter 10 Command Reference
Global Configuration
Hosts Table Configuration
Location Table
LAN Port (Net0) Configuration
Netmasks Table Configuration
Ports Table (S-port configuration)
Routes Table Configuration
SNMP Table
User Table
Reference Section
Appendix A Technical Specifications
Appendix B Addressing Schemes
Appendix C Software Download
Appendix D The Boot Process
Appendix E Syslog Accounting
Appendix F RADIUS Security and Accounting
Warranty and Service
Limited Warranty
U.S. Robotics Access Corp. warrants to the original consumer or
other end user purchaser that all U.S. Robotics Total Control
products and parts are free from defects in materials or work-
manship for a period of two years from the date of purchase.
During the warranty period, and upon proof of purchase, the
product will be repaired or replaced (with the same or similar
model) at our option, without charge for either parts or labor.
This warranty shall not apply if the product is modified, tam-
pered with, misused, or subjected to abnormal working condi-
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental
or consequential damages or allow limitations on how long an
implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations or exclusions
may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal
rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from
state to state.
Service and Support
To obtain service, contact the U.S. Robotics Systems Product
Support Department as described below. Whichever method
you use to contact us, please have the product serial number(s)
Technical Support
For technical assistance, contact USR in one of the following
8100 North McCormick Blvd.
Skokie, Illinois 60076-2999
Toll-Free Line
Fax on Demand
America Online
Anonymous FTP
GO USROBOTICS* Username=Anonymous
Password=your internet address.
World Wide Web
http:/ /
*The FTP is for downloading files only.
If the support representative determines that you should send
your equipment to USR for service, you will be given a Service
Repair Order (SRO) number to help track your service request.
Once you have received an SRO number, take or mail the
product, postage prepaid, to U.S. Robotics at the above address.
Include proof of the date of purchase.
IMPORTANT: If you ship your unit, pack it securely, be sure
your SRO number is visible on the outside of the package, and
ship it charges prepaid and insured.
We welcome your suggestions for better documentation
Every effort has been made to provide useful, accurate informa-
tion. If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us
By voicemail:
(708) 933-5200
Via the Internet:
Chapter 1
This chapter provides an overview of the Total Control
NETServer/ 8 and NETServer/ 16. It also contains information
on what’s new in version 3.1 of the NETServer firmware.
What’s New with Release 3.1?
Release 3.1 supports the following new features:
• Classless InterDomain Routing and Host-based routing via
the Netmask Table.
• IP address spoofing.
• Support for RADIUS accounting servers, ANI/ DNIS, and
ICMP message logging.
• Support for a secondary and a tertiary name server.
• Randomized use of Default/ Alternate Hosts for load
• New Modem Port Features
Additional Software Enhancements
• NetBIOS over IPX support
• PAP enable/ disable
• Pre-allocated system netbufs increased from 1000 to 1400
• Rezero network statistics and session statistics saved until
next call
• Unidirectional Van Jacobson compression
• Users set to Prompt may specify a TCP port with the host
name or IP address when using Telnet
Overview 1-1
Netmask Table
CIDR (Classless Interdomain Routing) or host-based routing
requires special netmasks. Special netmasks may also be useful
for debugging.
The Netmask Table allows you to configure netmasks for CIDR
or host-based routing as needed. RIP messaging/ dynamic route
information must be active for host-based routing.
IP Address Spoofing
The NETServer may now be configured to spoof a single IP
address. When the NETServer identifies itself to remote routers
or other remote devices, it uses this IP address rather than the IP
address of its LAN interface.
IP address spoofing is useful when more than one NETServer
must appear to be a single router or other device to remote
networks and other routers.
Accounting Servers
The NETServer supports the following new features:
• Log accounting information to a RADIUS accounting server
such as the security feature of U.S. Robotics Total Control
• ANI and DNIS call information
• Log ICMP error messages to a UNIX Syslog server
Accounting Server Support
The NETServer now supports event logging. You can configure
the NETServer to send event information to a Total Control
Accounting Server or a UNIX accounting server. You can also
configure the NETServer to send the event information to an
alternate accounting server if the primary server is unavailable.
Event logging is performed by transmitting a record containing
event information from the NETServer client to an accounting
server. TCM uses the RADIUS client/ server model for this
1-2 Overview
RADIUS Accounting and ANI/DNIS
Release 3.1 of the NETServer supports the current RADIUS
Accounting Internet Draft. The NETServer can generate
appropriate Code 4 Accounting-Request and Code 5
Accounting-Response messages for properly configured
RADIUS servers.
The NETServer’s RADIUS implementation also supports ANI
and DNIS services.
ICMP Message Logging
If your system uses syslog network accounting, you can
configure the NETServer to send ICMP error messages to the
syslog server.
Multiple Name Servers
Release 3.1 of the NETServer supports up to two name servers.
The first is a primary name server, and the second is a backup
server that is used when the primary name server is
Note: The NETServer does not support more than one name
service at a time (DNS and NIS cannot both be running).
Randomized Hosts
You can now relieve the burden on frequently-used global
default, port default and RADIUS user table hosts, by
randomizing the selection of the host chosen for user sessions.
When this feature is enabled, a preferred host will be randomly
chosen from among the default and alternate hosts defined
rather than always preferring the default host.
Overview 1-3
New Modem Port Features
Release 3.1 of the NETServer Command Line and NETServer
Manager software now support the following modem port
• Download new firmware to the modems using NETServer
Manager (windows software) version 3.2 or later.
• You can now send AT commands directly to the modems
from the NETServer’s command line.
• Detect and flush of stopped ports
• Dialback delay
• Port status display shows current and configured status
• Ports reset if Carrier Detect is lost before a user connects to a
• Support for of up to eight Alternate Hosts
1-4 Overview
NETServer Overview
The NETServer allows you to implement four basic applications:
IP Terminal Service, IP modem sharing, IP/ IPX Network Dial In,
and IP/ IPX LAN-to-LAN routing. Everything else it does is
based on one of these four.
IP Terminal Service
Remote terminals can log into an IP host on the NETServer ’s
local network as of they were physically connected to it. To do
this, the NETServer receives TTY terminal output (keystrokes)
over a dial up line. It then forwards the terminal output to the
host using a virtual terminal protocol (login service) like Telnet
or Rlogin. Since the connection is bi-directional, the terminal
also receives the host’s responses.
Overview 1-5
IP Modem Sharing
Hosts on a local IP network can use a chassis modem to dial out.
Moreover, the NETServer can create pools of modems that can
be used by local hosts on a first come, first serve basis.
To do this, the NETServer allows the host to establish a virtual
terminal session with the modem. The host can then interact
with the modem’s command line and from there, dial out.
On a UNIX host, you can install a pseudo TTY driver that allows
the host to interact with this virtual terminal connection as if it
was actually a serial port. This makes the modem appear to be
directly connected to the host.
Network Dial In Access
Remote IP and IPX users can dial in and attach to the local
network as if they were local nodes. IP and/ or IPX packets are
transmitted over a dial in connection encapsulated in a serial
line networking protocol (PPP or SLIP). When received by the
NETServer, the IP and IPX packets are forwarded from the
remote user to the LAN and vice versa.
1-6 Overview
Dial-Up Routing
The same routing engine that allows network dial in access
allows the NETServer to establish dial up routing sessions with
remote networks. Such connections can be maintained
continuously or established on an on-demand basis and torn
down when not needed.
How do I get there from here?
Configuring any of these applications on a NETServer is a three-
step process:
Perform basic configuration for the NETServer. This
includes configuring it to talk to your LAN and setting
global user and global routing parameters. You can begin
this process by going to Chapter 2.
2. Configure modem “S-ports” to support the application
Configure user table entries for dial in connections and IP
modem sharing, location table entries for dial out routing.
Steps 2 and 3 are covered by application in chapters 4 through 7.
Overview 1-7
The NETServer supports IP and IPX packet filtering in both the
inbound and the outbound directions of ports, users, and dial
out locations. Packet filter configuration is discussed in Chapter
The NETServer also supports the use of a centralized RADIUS
security server, allowing you to create a single account for each
user rather than multiple user accounts on multiple NETServers.
RADIUS security is discussed in Appendix F.
Administrative Utilities
The NETServer’s command line includes an assortment of
utilities for troubleshooting connections including:
• The ability to manually dial a location to test connectivity
• The ability to use Telnet, Rlogin or PortMux to establish a
session with another host from the NETServer ’s command
• UNIX-like troubleshooting commands including ifconfig,
ptrace, ping and traceroute for debugging IP connections.
These commands are contained in Chapter 9, along with
instructions for customizing the supervisor account.
1-8 Overview
Chapter 2
Basic Installation
This chapter contains information on the following:
• System Administrator Requirements
• Logging into the supervisor account for the first time
• Getting the LAN port up and running
• Recommended Additional Configuration
System Administrator Requirements
In compiling this manual, we have had to make certain assump-
tions about the knowledge of users who will install the product.
The documentation assumes that the system administrator is
familiar with Novell networks and/ or IP networks, as well as
networks in general. Novell offers a variety of programs to
certify administrators in network technology. TCP/ IP informa-
tion is available from a variety of sources, some of which are
covered below.
After reviewing this manual, users should decide if their ability
is sufficient to handle the technical details of installation. If the
assistance of a qualified professional is needed, we recommend
that you consult with your nearest authorized U.S. Robotics
Platinum reseller for advice. For a service fee, U.S. Robotics also
offers qualified engineering assistance on site. Contact Systems
Product Support at (800) 231-8770 for more information.
Basic Installation 2-1
TCP/IP Reference Material
It is the responsibility of the Network Manager to devise an
addressing strategy appropriate for the size and growth poten-
tial of the network. We recommend the following reference
material for TCP/ IP:
Comer, D.E., Internetworking with TCP/ IP Volume I:
Principles, Protocols and Architecture, Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1995.
IP machines and networks that will be attached to the Internet
must obtain registered addresses from the Internet’s Network
Information Center. They can be contacted at the following
address and phone number.
Network Solutions
InterNIC Registration Services
505 Huntmar Park Drive
Herndon, VA 22070
However, for networks with only a few IP machines, it is
probably better to contact your local Internet access provider
and let them handle the details.
2-2 Basic Installation
Accessing the Command Line
To configure the NETServer from the command line, you must
log in as the supervisor.
1. In order to login, you need a login prompt. There are three
ways to get one:
Attach the provided serial cable to the CONSOLE port
and attach the other end of the cable to a terminal (or a
PC running terminal emulation software such as Win-
dows Terminal). See the Quick Start Guide for more
Using communications software, dial into any modem
port that is configured to support user login or network
dial in (by default, they all are). The data format is 8
data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity (8-N-1).
If you have configured the LAN port (Ethernet interface)
to communicate with a local TCP/ IP network, you can
Telnet to the NETServer using the address assigned to
this port. For information on configuring the LAN port,
see Getting the LAN Port Up and Running, later in this
Note that if you are just turning the NETServer on, it may take a
few seconds after the NETServer begins to boot before the login
prompt appears. If the login prompt does not appear, try
hitting the Enter key.
2. Login as the supervisor/ superuser by typing the following:
(Must be all lower case!)
3. The password prompt appears. The default is no password
at all. If you have changed the password for the !root
account, type the new password in and press the Enter key.
Otherwise, just press
4. The “Command>” prompt appears. The NETServer is now
ready to be configured.
Basic Installation 2-3
Getting Started
Name your NETServer. Among other things, this name will be
used for the NETServer’s DNS system name and its SNMP
system name. It is also the name that the NETServer will
advertise in SAP broadcasts. No other device on your network
should be using this name. Use the following command:
set sysname <name (up to 32 characters)>
The next thing you need to do is get your NETServer talking to
the network attached to its LAN port. This section below titled
Getting the LAN port up and running contains the minimum
configuration needed to allow the NETServer to talk to your
Ethernet or Token Ring LAN. Keep in mind that these may not
be the only parameters you’ll want or need to set—just the ones
you must set. A complete listing of LAN port parameters can be
found in Chapter 10.
Once you have configured the NIC interfaces, we recommend
that you proceed to global configuration. The parts of this that
most administrators will want to do right away can be found
later in this chapter under Recommended Global Configuration. A
more complete listing of global parameters can be found in
Chapter 10.
2-4 Basic Installation
Getting the LAN port up and running
First step for IPX or IP/IPX networks
If your network uses the IPX protocol, you must enter the IPX
network number of the segment the NETServer connected to the
NETServer ’s LAN port. You can find this network number
using Novell’s CONFIG utility.
For File Servers Running Novell Version 3.xx
1. Go to the console of a file server that is on the same network
segment that the NETServer is on.
2. From Novell’s Console program press CTRL-ESC, then ESC,
until the : (colon) prompt appears. Select System Console
and press the Enter key.
3. Type the following:
A display similar to the one shown below appears:
File server name: USR_SERVER_ONE
IPX internal network number: 0000000A
Western Digital Star EtherCard PLUS Driver v2.05 (910424)
Hardware setting: I/O Port 300h to 31Fh, Memory CC000h to
Cffffh, Interrupt Ah
Node address: 0000C0488D28
Frame type: ETHERNET_802.3
Board name: TENBASE_802.3
LAN protocol: IPX network 00000255
Western Digital Star EtherCard PLUS Driver v2.05 (910424)
Hardware setting: I/O Port 300h to 31Fh, Memory CC000h to
Cffffh, Interrupt Ah
Node address: 0000C0488D28
Frame type: ETHERNET_802.2
Board name: TENBASE_802.2
LAN protocol: RPL
LAN protocol: IPX network 00000684
Basic Installation 2-5
This is an example of the information returned for one
version 3.xx card that has two different frame types. The
card has one port address, but two LAN protocol network
addresses, one for each frame type. The network number
for 802.3 is 00000255, and for 802.2 it is 00000684.
4. Write down the LAN protocol IPX network number for the
frame type you want to use.
For File Servers Running Novell Version 2.xx
1. Go to the console of a file server that is on the same network
segment that the NETServer is on.
2. Press CTRL-ESC until the : (colon) prompt appears.
3. Type the following:
A display similar to the one shown below appears:
LAN A Configuration Information:
Network Address: [0788] [002608C0D53F4z]
Hardware Type: [3Com 3C505 EtherLink Plus (Assy 2012 only)
V2.30EC (880813)]
Hardware Setting: IRQ=5, IO=300h, DMA 5
The above example only has one frame type, so the network
address is 0788.
4. Write down the network address for the frame type you
want to use.
2-6 Basic Installation
IP Configuration
1. IP Network Address: You must assign an IP address to the
NETServer ’s LAN interface (Ethernet or Token Ring port).
Type the following:
set net0 address <IP address>
If your network does not use IP, you may choose whatever
address you like. See Appendix B for some basics on TCP/
IP addressing. However, if you want to connect the
NETServer to the Internet (even indirectly), the address
must be unique in the world. To obtain such an address,
contact your local Internet service provider. If you need a
large number of IP addresses, you may want to contact the
InterNIC (see the beginning of this chapter for their ad-
set net0 address
2. You must set the LAN port’s subnet mask. The default is, which would be appropriate for a Class C
network with no subnetting or for Class C size subnets of
larger networks. You must change this value if the network
attached to the NETServer’s LAN port uses a different
subnet mask. To change the Netmask, type the following:
set net0 netmask <netmask>
set net0 netmask
Basic Installation 2-7
3. You must also set the Broadcast Address. Type the
set net0 broadcast <high or low>
The bits of the host portion of a broadcast address
are all ones. This is the rule for the vast majority of
IP networks.
The bits of the host portion of a broadcast address
are all zeroes. This is rare, but is still used by
some systems including Sun OS 4.x (Solaris 1.x).
For example, the node uses the default subnet
mask of, which would give it a high broadcast
address of and a low broadcast address of To use the address ending in 255:
set net0 broadcast high
4. If your network does not use the IPX protocol, you may now
go to Final Steps. Otherwise complete the steps in the next
section, IPX Configuration.
2-8 Basic Installation
IPX Configuration
IMPORTANT: Even if your network uses only the IPX protocol,
you must set up an IP address for the NETServer if you want to
use the Windows-based management software. If you have not
already done so, perform step 1 under IP Configuration.
1. IPX Network Frame Type: This is the IPX frame type of the
network segment connected to the NETServer ’s LAN port.
set net0 ipxframe <frame type>
Valid frame types are:
set net0 ipxframe ethernet_II
2. IPX Network Number: This is the network number of the
network segment connected to the NETServer ’s LAN port.
Note that the same physical network segment will have a
different network number for each frame type used. Be sure
to select the network number associated with the frame type
selected above. Type the following:
set net0 ipxnet <network number>
<Network Number> is the number you obtained by follow-
ing the instructions titled First Step for IPX Networks. If you
have not already obtained this number, do so now.
set net0 ipxnet 00000684
Note that the preceding 0’s in this example could have been
omitted. The NETServer would have accepted “684” as the
correct IPX Network Number and filled in the preceding 0’s.
Basic Installation 2-9
Final Steps
Save your configuration and reboot the NETServer. Note that
the LAN port settings are the only configuration changes that
will require rebooting the NETServer.
To save your changes, type the following:
save all
Wait until the RN/ FL LED is green. Rebooting the NETServer
while a save is in progress could cause the flash memory to be
corrupted. When the LED is green, type the following:
Note that the NETServer may respond with a command prompt
to indicate that it has received the reboot command, but you will
not be able to access the NETServer until it finishes rebooting.
When the NETServer finishes rebooting, the login prompt will
From this point on, configuration can also be done from the
Windows-based NETServer Manager software. If you would
rather configure the NETServer from Windows, proceed to the
Installation and Recommended Configuration sections of the
NETServer Windows Software Guide.
2-10 Basic Installation
Recommended Global Configuration
Following is a list of global fields that we recommend you
This is the password for the superuser (supervisor) account. If a
password has been set, it must be entered when logging into the
NETServer from either the command line or from the Windows-
based software. The default is none. The password can be any
combination of up to 15 ASCII characters. Type the following:
set password <password>
Do not forget your password. If you do you will have to erase
all configuration information saved in flash memory - set DIP
switch #4 in the bottom row of DIP switches ON (down) and
reboot the NETServer. If you do not have your NETServer’s
configuration saved to disk (using the NETServer Windows
software), you will have to start all over again.
IP and IPX Default Gateways
If the NETServer does not know where to send a packet, it
forwards the packet to the default gateway or router defined in
this step. Default gateways must be on the same subnet as the
You must also enter a metric (hop count) for each type of default
gateway. Possible values range from 1 (default) to 15. Note that
since the actual metric of a default gateway is only 1 hop, the
value entered here is used to control the perceived cost of the
gateway to other routers on your network. For example, a high
metric will limit the number of hops that the route is broadcast
and may cause other routers to see it as a less preferable route.
If the NETServer is configured to listen for IP default route
broadcasts (see Global Configuration, Default Route in Chapter 10),
the IP Default Gateway can be overridden by a default route
broadcast with a lower hop count.
Basic Installation 2-11
To set the IP gateway, type the following:
set gateway <IP address> <metric>
The following example configures an IP default gateway whose
cost is prohibitive to all but the closest subnets:
set gateway 12
To set the IPX gateway, type the following:
set ipxgateway <IPX node address> <metric>
The IPX node address is the full hex IPX node address, in other
8 digit network number:12 digit node MAC address
The following example sets up a default gateway on network
number A34. Note that the preceding zeros could be omitted:
set ipxgateway 00000A34:000000123456 1
2-12 Basic Installation
Name Service
This is the server that translates your host names into their
corresponding IP addresses.. The NETServer supports two
types of name services DNS and NIS. NIS is also sometimes
referred to as Yellow Pages (YP).
If you are using DNS, type
set namesvc DNS
If you are using NIS, type
set namesvc NIS
You must also identify the name server and domain name used
by the name service. The name server (the computer respond-
ing to name service queries) is indicated by its IP address. The
domain name is the domain that the NETServer belongs to.
Type the following lines. Follow each with the Enter key.
set nameserver <IP address>
set domain <domain name>
Note: The name server will only be consulted to resolve host
names not found in the hosts table. If you are using a name
service, the hosts table may be left empty.
Save your work
Once you are done setting the desired parameters, you can save
your changes to flash memory by typing the following:
save all
Basic Installation 2-13
2-14 Basic Installation
Chapter 3
Configuration Overview
The internal firmware lets you manage and configure the
NETServer by typing commands. This chapter covers the
• How to set up applications
• Issuing commands
• Quick Command Overview
• Overview of configurable tables
How to Setup Applications
There are three applications the NETServer is designed to
handle: user dial in access, modem sharing, and LAN-to-LAN
routing. All other applications are variations on one of these.
Applications - Each modem can be configured for one or more of these
User Dial In Access
IP Modem Sharing
LAN-to-LAN Routing
Configuration for each of these applications is a two step
1. Configure one or more modems to support the application.
Note that modem ports may be configured to support
multiple applications at the same time.
2. Add user table or location table entries or both, depending
on the application.
Configuration Overview 3-1
Where do I go from here?
Each of the three applications has a section of this manual
devoted to its setup. If you want to begin configuration
immediately, you may go to one of the chapters listed below:
User Dial In Access
LAN-to-LAN Routing
IP Modem Sharing
Chapters 4 and 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Note that there are actually two Chapters for user dial in access.
They cover two very different types of user: login users and
network dial in users.
Login Users
These are users requesting terminal access to an IP host. They
dial into the NETServer and are connected to the requested host
with a login service such as Telnet or Rlogin. Note that these
users don’t need an IP address, since they aren’t actually
attaching to the network.
(See Chapter 4 for setup)
Login Users
Terminal-style login
using a service such
as Telnet or Rlogin
Dial In
Network Dial In Users
Use PPP or SLIP to
become a virtual node
of the network
(See Chapter 5 for setup)
Network Dial In Users
These users actually pretend to be nodes, complete with ad-
dresses, on the network. They do this by using PPP or SLIP to
send network packets over the phone lines. Since all IPX users
attach to the network and have addresses, All IPX users are of
this type.
3-2 Configuration Overview
The Command Line
The Command Line Interface is similar to DOS, UNIX or
Netware in that you can type commands to view information,
change settings and so on.
Commands are not case sensitive
You can type any command in upper or lowercase.
Table entries are case sensitive, however. For example,
“SASHA,” “Sasha” and “sasha” are three different users (or
You can abbreviate commands
You can abbreviate most commands and command options with
the first two or three letters that distinguish that command from
any other command. For example, you need only type set net0
addr to set the NETServer ’s IP address (the full command is set
net0 address).
IMPORTANT: Make sure that your abbreviation is long enough
to distinguish the command from any similarly spelled com-
mands. For example, if you typed IPX to set the IPX network
number, you’ll get an error message. This is because you could
be referring to any one of the following commands: ipxnetwork,
ipxgateway, or ipxframe.
Separate a parameter and its value by a space
Do not use an equal sign ( = ) or any other punctuation mark
between a parameter and the value to be set. For example, you
should type the following:
set user fredb service netdata
You should not type the following:
set user fredb service=netdata
Configuration Overview 3-3
Save your changes
You can save all of your changes, or you can save changes to a
specific table only.
Note: We recommend using save all. If you save tables
individually, the space used by the previous version of the table
is not freed up. Issuing the save all command frees up any
unused space before saving.
save all
save s<port #>
save filter
save global
save host
save all configuration data
save a port’s configuration
save all of the packet filters
save the global table
save the hosts table
save ipxroute
save location
save netmask
save routes
save snmp
save user
save the IPX routes table
save the location table
save the netmask table
save the IP routes table
save SNMP configuration
save the User Table
Reset any ports you have changed
If you make changes to any port, you must reset the port before
the changes take effect. This will close any active connections on
the port!!!
reset all
reset s<port #>
S-ports (s0 through s16)
a specific S-port
reset n<connection handle> an active connection
(find handle with show netconns)
Reboot when necessary
The only changes that require rebooting the NETServer are
changing its LAN port (Net0) configuration. If you change the
Net0 configuration, save your work and then type the following
How to log out of the command line
When you are done configuring the NETServer, you may exit
the command line interface by typing done, exit, or quit.
3-4 Configuration Overview
Quick Command Overview
The NETServer’s configuration data is stored in several tables,
including the user table and the location table among others. To
change most parameters in these tables, use the set command:
set <user | location | port | etc.> <parameter name> <value>
For example:
set net0 address
set user John password Bumblebees
Some things, like individual locations and users, must be
created before they can be configured. The following command
is used:
add <user | location | filter | etc> <name>
Names are case sensitive!!! Note that anything that can be
added can also be deleted.
delete <user | location | filter | etc.> <name>
You can view current configuration information using the show
command. For example:
show net0
show user John
show ipxroutes
A complete listing of commands and options may be found in
the back of the Quick Start Guide. Help for any of these com-
mands is available using the help command. For example:
help set
help set user
help add
help delete
help show
Configuration Overview 3-5
Overview of configurable tables
This section contains a brief description of each of the
NETServer ’s internal databases.
Global Configuration
The Global Configuration table lets you configure parameters
that apply to all ports, such as the Name Service (if any) your
network uses, default gateways through which to forward
packets, and so on. You can also set the Global Default Host that
login users may establish a session with, as well as the
NETServer ’s password.
RADIUS Configuration
The Global Configuration table also allows you to designate a
RADIUS security server. A RADIUS security server will allow
you to maintain users in a single, centralized users file rather
than updating the users tables for several different NETServers
You may also specify a RADIUS network accounting server.
The Hosts Table is a list of local hosts. The table is used to
translate names to IP addresses and vice versa. This allows
users and administrators to type host names rather than ad-
This is especially useful if the network does not have a name
service such as NIS or DNS. If your network has a name server,
the NETServer tries to match the host name with an IP address
using the Hosts Table before using the name server.
Note that IPX networks do not use this table since SAP auto-
matically provides the functionality of a name service.
3-6 Configuration Overview
Initialization Script Configuration
A Port Initialization Script is a string of text that is sent to a
modem (or S0, the external serial port) each time the port is
reset (a modem resets itself every time it disconnects).
Initialization scripts for the modems will probably contain the
AT commands needed to configure them for use on your
The location table stores information about remote sites that the
NETServer needs to dial out to. The table is used during LAN-
to-LAN routing, to tell the NETServer how to dial out to and
communicate with a remote location. It is also used for dialing
back network dial in users. Each location is configured with
parameters such as what addresses and which protocol to use
for the connection. A dial script for each location contains
instructions on how to dial out to and sometimes even how to
log into a remote host.
Net0 (LAN Port) Configuration
The Net0 Port Configuration table configures the LAN Interface.
These settings reflect how the LAN attached to the NETServer is
configured and include, for example, what protocol the LAN is
using (IP, IPX, or both).
Netmasks Table
The netmasks table is used when you want to employ Classless
InterDomain routing (also called Supernetting). Supernetting is
a specialized IP addressing technique used by some Internet
service providers. The technique requires that special netmasks
be defined using the netmasks table.
See Appendix B For more information on supernetting.
Configuration Overview 3-7
Packet Filter Table
Packet filters may be created to control which packets are
permitted to pass through given interfaces. Packet filters
created in the Packet Filter Table screen are used in the following
• Net0 (LAN port) Configuration—to control what packets
may pass through the LAN interface to the local network
(output filter) or from it (input filter)
• Location Table—to control what packets are received from
the remote location (input filter) and what packets are sent
to it (output filter)
• Ports Table—to control what hosts a user can access, or if the
port is set to Hardwired, to control what packets are re-
ceived from the remote location (input filter) and what
packets are sent to it (output filter)
• User Table—for a Login User, to control what hosts the user
can access, or for a Network User, to control what packets
are received from the remote location (input filter) and what
packets are sent to it (output filter)
3-8 Configuration Overview
Port Configuration
Port Configuration controls the modem ports and the external
serial port. The configuration of these ports reflect what appli-
cations a given modem can be used for.
Three fields determine which type of services a modem will
support: User Login, Host Device, and Network. The default
configuration is:
Host Device
User Login
Dial In
User Login
A user login port services login users. As explained at the
beginning of this chapter, login users are provided terminal
access to hosts on the network, but do not actually become
nodes on the network.
Host Device
Host device ports are used for IP modem sharing. A TCP port
number is assigned to the modem, allowing users and applica-
tions to talk directly to its command line.
Network ports are used for routing network (IP and IPX)
packets via a serial communications protocol (PPP or SLIP).
Both LAN-to-LAN routing and network dial-in users require
this kind of connection. There are three types of network port:
dial in, dial out and hardwired. A fourth setting, network
twoway, allows both dial in and dial out service.
Dial In
Network dial in ports service network dial in
users and remote routing devices that dial in to
form a routing connection.
Dial Out
Network dial out ports are used to initiate dial up
routing connections and to dial back network dial
in users.
Configuration Overview 3-9
A hardwired port is a serial port that is connected
directly to another device via a serial cable (this is
only possible on S0). Note that both Host Device
and User Login must be disabled on Hardwired
The routes table contains both static and dynamic routing
information. Dynamic routes are updated by RIP broadcasts
received from other routing devices on the network. Static
routes are routes added to the table by hand. A static route to a
given location will override a dynamic route that RIP generates.
Static routes to a given location are required when the location is
not running RIP or when the NETServer is not listening for RIP
broadcasts on the given interface. Without RIP protocol messag-
ing, the NETServer cannot gather information on the location of
other routers, gateways, and remote hosts and must know
exactly where to send a packet.
See An Introduction to NETServer Routing in Chapter 6 for an
overview of the routing process.
SNMP Configuration
The NETServer provides support for the Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) and industry standard MIB-II
variables. These variables are fully described in your MIB-II
The SNMP Configuration commands let you configure what
SNMP servers (if any) are permitted to make SET and GET
requests, as well as what Read and Write Communities.
3-10 Configuration Overview
User Table
The User Table contains authentication and configuration
information for two types of users: Login Users and Network
Users. Note that you cannot have a Login User with the exact
same name as a Network User.
Login users are remote users dialing in to request
terminal service from an IP host. Once such a user is
authenticated, he or she is connected to a host with a
login service such as Telnet or Rlogin.
Network Network users are remote users dialing in to become
a virtual node of the local network. Such a user may
be an individual attaching to the network or an entire
LAN dialing in to route packets onto the local net-
Keep in mind that entries in the user table will usually override
the settings for the port the user is connected to.
Configuration Overview 3-11
3-12 Configuration Overview
Chapter 4
IP Terminal Server Setup
If you have workstations or terminals at a remote site that
require access to a host on the local network, you can configure
the NETServer to function as a terminal server.
Terminal or Workstation Setup
A. The remote user should get the following information from
the NETServer ’s system administrator:
The user name and password that he or she will use.
The telephone number of the NETServer the user must
dial into.
If the terminal or workstation user will be able to choose
which host he or she will log into for a given session, the
IP address or name of each possible host must also be
B. The dial in workstation or terminal should be configured for
the following communications parameters:
8 bits, No parity, and 1 stop bit
Hardware (RTS/ CTS) flow control
Normal Carrier Detect
Hang up and reset when DTR drops
Note that although these settings are the defaults, you can
change the NETServer ’s communications parameters if you
want to. See Port Configuration, Serial Communications
Parameters in Chapter 10 and your modem reference
material for more information.
IP Terminal Server Setup 4-1
NETServer Terminal Server Setup (Overview)
A. Find out what kind of terminals are being used (or what
kind of terminal will be emulated). If you don’t know the
terminal emulation to use, you can also choose to go with
standard Network Virtual Terminal emulation (ASCII only
dumb terminal).
B. Make sure that the hosts support the login service(s) that
you will use to log into them. Virtually all IP machines
support Telnet. Rlogin is standard to most UNIX machines
and has spread to some other IP machines. PortMux
requires that a host have the PortMux daemon (in.pmd)
running. You can find the PortMux daemon on the U.S.
Robotics web site.
A fourth service, Netdata, does not require that the host be
running a “Netdata” service. Instead of talking to such a
service, Netdata (also called Clear TCP ) exchanges data
directly with a given port number on the host. Netdata
does, however, require that the specified TCP port number
actually be an accessible process or device on the host.
C. Configure a port for a connection. See Configuring a Port,
later in this chapter. This includes setting a default login
service and default hosts for the port, as well as configuring
a login message (banner) and login prompt. The default
login message is none, or no login message. The default
login prompt is login:.
D. Create a user entry in the User Table for the remote user.
See Adding the Login User to the User Table, later in this
chapter. A login user table entry defines a host and login
service for an individual user.
4-2 IP Terminal Server Setup
A Note About Hosts
When a login user dials in, he or she is forwarded to a host.
Which host the user is forwarded to depends on several things.
The NETServer first attempts to find host information in the
individual’s user table entry. If the user table shows a host of
Default, the NETServer checks the host setting for the port the
user is connected to.
User Table
set user <name> host <default | prompt | IPaddress>
Port Default
set s<port #> host <default | prompt | IPaddress>
Global Default
set host <IP address>
If the port shows a host of Default, the NETServer uses the
Default Host defined in Global Configuration. Note that it is
possible that no host will be defined in any of these places. If
this is the case, the NETServer will return to the login prompt.
The user will not be allowed to log in unless he or she enters a
user name/ password for a user with a host defined.
IP Terminal Server Setup 4-3
Terminal Server (Detailed Setup)
The following section give details on configuring the NETServer
as a terminal server from the command line. For instructions on
how to attach to the command line software, see Connecting to
the Command Line in Chapter 2.
Configuring a Port
Ports used for terminal service must be configured as User
Login ports.
Step 1 - Set the port type to User Login
The following command configures a port for terminal service:
set s<port #> login
Step 2 - Set the port’s security (Pass-Thru Login)
This setting determines what the NETServer will do with users
who are not in its User Table. You can turn security on or off.
If a user does not enter a user name/ password pair that
can be found in the NETServer ’s user table, check with
the RADIUS security server (if present). The connection
is terminated for all users who are not in either the
NETServer ’s user table or the RADIUS database. Use
the following command:
set s<port #> security on
(Default) Do not consult RADIUS. Anyone dialing in to
this port who does not enter a valid user name and
password will be connected directly to the Port Default
Host without being authenticated.
set s<port #> security off
4-4 IP Terminal Server Setup
Step 3 - Create default user settings for the port
If you turned security off in Step 2, port defaults must be set to
tell the NETServer what to do with users not in the user table. If
security is on, these settings are optional.
Users who are in the NETServer’s user table may also use some
of these settings.
Port Default - Host
The port default host is for users not in the user table and for
users whose user table entries specify a host of Default. You may
choose a host of Default, Prompt, or a specific IP address. Use the
following command:
set s<port #> host <host type>
Users are passed on to the Default Host defined in
the Global Configuration table. (Default)
If the Global Default Host is not available, users
are passed on to one of the Global Alternate Hosts
(if specified).
set s<port #> host default
As soon as a user connects with the NETServer, he
or she is given a Host: prompt. Users type the
name or IP address of the host they want.
Note that since the host prompt appears before
the login prompt (before the NETServer knows
who the user is), even users who have a host
specified in the user table will be prompted for a
host. However, a host specified in the user table
will always override the value entered here.
set s<port #> host prompt
IP Address
Users are connected to a specific host other than
the default host. Type in the IP address of the
specific host.
set s<port #> host <IP address>
IP Terminal Server Setup 4-5
Port Default - Login Service
The NETServer uses the service specified here to connect users
not in the user table with the port default host. Users with user
table entries will not use this setting This setting is never used
when Security is set to On. Note that the remote terminal or
workstation does not need to know how to use this service since
it talks directly to the NETServer, not the host. Use the following
set s<port #> service_login <login service> <TCP port#>
<TCP port#> is the port number on the host you want to connect
to. It is optional unless you choose Netdata as the login service.
<login service> is one of the following:
Supported by most TCP/ IP computers, Telnet lets
the user log in to hosts that support it. If you set a
terminal type (see Term Type below), Telnet will pass
that information along. Otherwise, it negotiates a
standard, Network Virtual Terminal interface.
Although Rlogin was originally a (BSD) UNIX only
protocol, it is now supported by some non-UNIX
machines as well. Unlike Telnet, Rlogin allows a
user logged into a host, to access their accounts on
other (trusted) hosts without reentering a password.
Rlogin requires that you specify a terminal type.
See Term Type below.
(Default) PortMux is similar to Telnet except that it
multiplexes many Telnet sessions into a single data
stream that’s more efficient to transmit and requires
fewer connections. PortMux requires that the host
be running a special PortMux daemon (in.pmd).
Note that this daemon also allows the host to use
NETServer ports set to Host Device as pseudo TTYs
(See Chapter 7). The PortMux daemon is available
on the U.S. Robotics web site.
Unlike Telnet, Rlogin and PortMux, Netdata is not
actually a login service. Netdata is a direct (clear
TCP) connection to a given TCP port number. 8-bit
data is exchanged without interpretation. Such
connections may be used by dial in applications that
require a socket interface.
4-6 IP Terminal Server Setup
Port Default - TerminalType:
This value is used by all login users connected to this port. The
purpose is to inform the host what kind of terminal is being
used (or emulated). by users connecting to this port. The field
is a string of characters that must be recognized by the host as a
valid terminal type. Valid terminal type strings for a UNIX host
are stored in a database called termcap or terminfo.
Specifying a terminal type is only required if Login Service is
set to Rlogin However, Telnet and PortMux will also use this
value if one is entered. If no terminal type is entered, Telnet and
PortMux will assume dumb terminal mode (standard Network
Virtual Terminal). Use the following command:
set s<port #> termtype <emulation>
Step 5 - Optional Friendly Stuff
The following two parameters allow you to customize the port’s
printed response to dial in users.
Login Message
You can create a message (banner) that users will see prior to
login. Use the following command:
set s<port #> message <login message>
The login message can be up to 240 characters in length and
does not need to be surrounded by quotation marks (if you use
quotes, they will be included in the message). Use the carat ( ^ )
to designate the start of a new line. Example:
set s24 message U.S. Robotics^NETServer
Login Prompt
The following command allows you to customize the login
prompt for the port:
set s<port #> prompt <login prompt>
If you put the word $hostname in the prompt, the NETServer will
substitute the name of the port’s default host. The default
prompt for user login ports is $hostname login:. If you use
quotation marks, they will be included in the prompt.
IP Terminal Server Setup 4-7
Many automated login scripting systems expect a login prompt
to end in login:. Putting any character after the colon (including
quotation marks!) will cause some login scripts to crash.
If you select Telnet as the Port Default Login Service, the
NETServer changes the login prompt to “Press <Return> to
begin logging in”. If you would prefer to use a different login
prompt, type the new prompt using this command.
Step 6 - Save your work
Save your changes to flash memory. Use the following com-
save s<port #>
Reset the port so that the changes take effect. Use the following
reset s<port #>
4-8 IP Terminal Server Setup
Adding a Remote User to the UserTable
Users for terminal server applications are configured as login
Step 1 - Add the user to the User Table
Type the following command:
add user <name> password <password>
Step 2 - Configure the user
You must specify a login service for each user. Specifying a host
for each user is optional if you have either a port default or a
global default host defined.
This tells the NETServer which host the user will be logging in
to. Use the following command:
set user <name> host <host type>
<host type> is default, prompt or a specific IP address
(Default) The user is passed on to the default host
for the port he or she is connected to.
set user <name> host default
The user is given a Host: prompt. Users type the
name or IP address of the host they want.
Note that if the port default host type is also
prompt, the host prompt appears before login.
Otherwise, the host prompt appears after login.
set user <name> host prompt
IP Address
The user is connected to a specific host other than
the default host. Type in the IP address of the
specific host.
set user <name> host <IP address>
IP Terminal Server Setup 4-9
Login Service
The NETServer uses the service specified here to connect the
user to the selected host. Note that the remote terminal or
workstation does not need to know how to use this service since
it talks directly to the NETServer, not the host. Use the following
set user <name> service <service> <TCP port #>
<TCP port#> is the port number on the host you want to connect
to. It is optional unless you choose Netdata as the login service.
<service> is one of the following:
(Default) Supported by most TCP/ IP computers,
Telnet lets the user log in to hosts that support it.
If you set a terminal type for the port the user
connects to, Telnet will pass that information
along. Otherwise, it negotiates a standard,
Network Virtual Terminal interface.
Although Rlogin was originally a (BSD) UNIX
only protocol, it is now supported by some non-
UNIX machines as well. Unlike Telnet, Rlogin
allows a user logged into a host, to access their
accounts on other (trusted) hosts without reenter-
ing a password. Rlogin requires that you specify a
terminal type for the port the user will dial into.
PortMux is similar to Telnet except that it multi-
plexes many Telnet sessions into a single data
stream that’s more efficient to transmit and
requires fewer connections. PortMux requires
that the host be running a special PortMux
daemon (in.pmd). Note that this daemon also
allows the host to use NETServer ports set to Host
Device as pseudo TTYs (See Chapter 7). A UNIX
version of the PortMux daemon is available on
the U.S. Robotics web site.
Unlike Telnet, Rlogin and PortMux, Netdata is not
actually a login service. Netdata is a direct (clear
TCP) connection to a given TCP port number. 8-
bit data is exchanged without interpretation.
Such connections may be used by dial in applica-
tions that require a socket interface.
4-10 IP Terminal Server Setup
Step 3 - Configure for dialback use?
Normally, after a user enters his or her user name and password,
the connection to the host proceeds. When a dialback user
enters his or her user name and password, the NETServer hangs
up and dials the user back. To configure a dialback user, type
the following command:
set user <name> dialback <number >
<number> can be any valid string of up to 32 characters. If you
want to use AT commands in this string, begin the string with
“AT”. Otherwise, the NETServer will expect only a phone
The two lines below actually do the same thing. The difference
is that other AT commands could also be inserted in the second
set user smiley dialback 5551000
set user smiley dialback atdt5551000
To clear the dialback entry and return the user to normal dial in
service, type the following:
set user <name> dialback none
Step 4 - Save your work
Type the following command:
save user
IP Terminal Server Setup 4-11
IP Terminal Server Case Studies
The following examples set up users to log into the two hosts in
the illustration below.
IP Terminal Server - Case Studies
Example 1
UserA, UserB, and UserC are all Login Users with entries in the
user table. An application on VAX1 is connected to a dial-up
information database that is open to the public (those not in the
user table).
Before you begin
Make sure the NETServer is properly configured.
• the NETServer must have an IP address assigned to it
• the NETServer ’s netmask must match the one being used on
the local network.
See Minimum Configuration in Chapter 2 for instructions on how
to set these parameters.
4-12 IP Terminal Server Setup
This example also assumes that Sun1 is the NETServer ’s global
default host. The command to do this is:
set host
Port Setup
The NETServer will use ports 6, 7, and 8 for this application.
set s6 login
set s7 login
set s8 login
Ports 6 and 7 will be used exclusively by users who already
have user accounts. We want the NETServer to perform its own
security checks and hang up on anybody not in the User Table
or in the RADIUS server ’s database. Note that since we have
three user accounts but only two ports used for this purpose,
only two of the three users may be logged in at any one time.
set s6 security on
set s7 security on
Users connecting to these ports will be logging into Sun1 unless
their user table entries specify a different host. Sun1 also
happens to be the NETServer ’s global default host.
set s6 host
set s7 host default
(Sun1’s IP address)
(Sun1 could also be specified this way)
By default, these users will be logging in with terminals emulat-
ing VT100s. Note that since security is on for this port, you
should not specify a port default login service. The NETServer
would never use such an entry.
set s6 termtype VT100
set s7 termtype VT100
Port 8 will be used as a public information line. We want
anybody to be able to dial into it.
set s8 security off
IP Terminal Server Setup 4-13
Users connecting to the info line will be connected directly to a
database application running on VAX1 and will have no other
access to VAX1. Note that since netdata is talking directly to an
application, it will not relay terminal type information to the
host. Instead, it will relay exactly what the application outputs.
set s8 host
(VAX1’s IP address)
set s8 service_login netdata 6020
(Connect directly to application at TCP port# 6020)
User Table Setup
User A will be logging in to Sun1 with Rlogin. Since Sun1 is the
port default host, User A needs only a User name, a password,
and a login service in the User Table.
add user UserA password UserAPw
set user UserA service rlogin
User B can log into either SUN1 or VAX1. After he or she types
the correct user name and password, User B will be prompted
for a host name or IP address. User B will use the default login
service, Telnet.
add user UserB password UserBPw
set user UserB host prompt
UserC is a dialback user. When he or she enters the correct user
name and password, the NETServer will hang up and dial the
user back at 9, 555-1000. User C will use the port default host
(Sun 1) and Telnet. Note that the password does not have to be
defined on the same line as the user name.
add user UserC
set user UserC password callmeback
set user UserC dialback 9,555-1000
Save your work and reset all the ports
save all
reset all
4-14 IP Terminal Server Setup
Example 2
Suppose you have a lot of potential users, but only a couple of
hosts, each of which has its own login security already set up for
each of its potential users. It may be easier to assign generic
user names for each host and let the hosts take care of user
authentication. In this example, SUN1 is a generic user name
for users of a Sun host. VAX1 is a generic user name for users of
a VAX host.
set s6 prompt Which Computer?
set s7 prompt Which Computer?
set s6 security on
set s7 security on
add user SUN1
set user SUN1 host
set user SUN1 service telnet
add user VAX1
set user VAX1 host
set user VAX1 service telnet
save all
reset all
When dialing into the NETServer, the user receives a “Which
Computer” prompt. If the user enters SUN1, a connection is
established with the Sun, which proceeds to authenticate the
user with its own security info. Since no terminal type has been
defined for the serial ports, all users will be defaulted to dumb
terminal emulation. The same would be true of the VAX.
IP Terminal Server Setup 4-15
4-16 IP Terminal Server Setup
Chapter 5
Network Dial In Access
Network dial in users establish PPP or SLIP connections with
the NETServer and the local network. Unlike the “login users”
covered in the previous chapter, this kind of user is connecting
to the network as a virtual node rather than simply acting as an
input/ output device (terminal) for an existing network node.
IPX dial-in users are all of this type.
Dial-in User Setup
The instructions below are required by all remote users dialing
in to the NETServer.
1. The remote user ’s computer must have communications
software that supports PPP or SLIP connections.
2. A PPP or SLIP protocol driver must be loaded on the remote
user ’s computer for PPP or SLIP connections.
3. Set the modem to 8 data bits, No parity, and 1 stop bit.
Note: These are the default settings only. If you want to,
you can change what communications settings the
NETServer uses on each port. See Port Configuration, Serial
Communications Parameters in Chapter 10.
Network Dial In Access 5-1
NETServer Setup for Network Dial-In (Overview)
This setup configures a NETServer for users to dial in to.
Note: This is a special case of LAN-to-LAN routing in which
the dial in network has only one node (an end user). For a more
complete understanding of how the NETServer handles these
functions, you may want to study Chapter 6 as well
Get the following information (Note that not all settings apply to
all applications):
IP Parameters
• The dial-in user ’s IP address.
Note that if the dial-in user ’s IP address is not important,
the NETServer may be told to simply assign the user an
address each time he or she dials in. The address can also be
negotiated by the NETServer and the user ’s machine.
• The connection protocol (PPP or SLIP) that the user will
• The dial-in user ’s subnet mask.
• The dial-in user’s Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU, the
largest packet size that the system will transmit) if appli-
cable; both local and remote MTU’s must match.
• Whether or not the dial-in user is configured for Van
Jacobson compression.
IPX Parameters
IPX remote access sessions must use the PPP protocol and an
MTU of 1500. Note that when you assign an IPX Network
number to the user, the NETServer will automatically set these
things for you. Get the following information:
• A unique IPX Network Number that will represent the link
between the remote user and the local network for the
duration of the connection.
5-2 Network Dial In Access
A. Configure at least one port for a network dial in connection.
See Configuring a Port, later in this chapter, for details.
B. Decide whether the dial in user is a normal user or a
dialback user. If the he or she is a dialback user, you must
create a Location Table entry for that user.
Note: Configuring the Location Table is not covered in this
chapter. For detailed information on the Location table see
Chapter 10. For a Location Table walkthrough, see Adding a
remote device to the Location Table in Chapter 6.
C. Create an entry in the User Table for each dial-in user. See
Adding a Remote User to the User Table, later in this chapter.
Network Dial In Access 5-3
NETServer Dial-In (Detailed Setup)
To set up the NETServer software for this application:
• Configure at least one port
• Create a user table entry for each user
Configuring a Port
Ports used for this type of dial-in access should be configured as
Network ports that allow dial in.
Step 1 - Port Type
Set the port type. Usually, you would configure the port as a
network dialin port. If you will be configuring dialback users,
or will also be using the port for dial out routing, configure the
port as network twoway. Use the following command:
set s<port #> network <dialin | twoway | hardwired>
Hardwired: Setting a port to Hardwired tells the NETServer ’s
operating software that you are establishing a synchronous
connection via a serial cable. Since s0 is the only serial port, this
is the only port for which the hardwired setting is valid.
If you configure s0 as Hardwired, set the following parameters
and go to Step 4. (For an explanation, see Ports Table, Hardwired
Port Parameters in Chapter 10).
IP Address
IPX Network Number
5-4 Network Dial In Access
Step 2 - Optional friendly stuff
The following two parameters allow you to customize the port’s
printed response to dial in users. Note that Hardwired ports do
not use these settings.
Login Message
You can create a message (banner) that users will see prior to
set s<port #> message <login message>
The login message can be up to 240 characters in length and
does not need to be surrounded by quotation marks (if you use
quotes, they will be included in the message). Use the carat ( ^ )
to designate the start of a new line. Example:
set s15 message U.S. Robotics^NETServer
Login Prompt
You can also customize the login prompt for each port. The
default prompt for network dial in ports is login:. Use the
following command:
set s<port #> prompt <login prompt>
If you use quotation marks, they will be included in the prompt.
Many automated login scripting systems expect a login prompt
to end in login:. Putting any character after the colon (including
quotation marks!) will cause some login scripts to crash.
Step 3 - Dialback Users on this Port?
If dialback users will be dialing into this port, it is a good idea
for the NETServer to be able to use the same port for dial out.
This makes sure that a dial out port will be available to dial the
user back. Part of this was done in Step 1, when you setup the
port as network twoway . The other thing that needs to be done
for a dial out port is assign the port to a dial group.
set s<port #> group <group # (0-99)>
Network Dial In Access 5-5
Step 4 - Save your changes
Save the changes to flash memory:
save s<port #>
Reset the port so the changes take effect:
reset s<port #>
Adding a Remote User to the UserTable
Note that user table entries do not need to be created for
Hardwired ports. Hardwired ports do not use this table.
5-6 Network Dial In Access
Step 1 - Create a new user
Add the remote user to the User Table. Use the following
add netuser <name> password <password>
Specifying a password is optional. In the example below, User1
will not be required to enter a password to get access to the
add netuser User1
add netuser User2 password GumDrops
Step 2 - Normal or dialback user?
Normal users dial in and immediately initiate a session with the
network. When a dialback user dials in and types his or her
user name and password, the NETServer hangs up the line and
calls the user back. This can be useful if you want to reverse
charges on the phone bill.
If you are configuring a normal user, go to step three.
Dialback User Configuration
To configure a dialback user, type the following command:
set user <name> dialback <location>
<location> must be the name of a location table entry for the
dialback user. If you have not already done so, you must create
this location table entry. A list of location table commands can
be found in Chapter 10. A location table walkthrough can be
found in Chapter 6 under Adding the Remote Device to the Location
Since configuration for dial out connections is handled by the
location table, no further information needs to be added to a
dialback user table entry (you can skip to step 4).
Network Dial In Access 5-7
Step 3 - Add configuration information for the user
You must set the following parameters. All other parameters are
IP Address
This is the dial in user ’s IP address for the duration of the
connection. This address can be selected in three different ways.
The user is dynamically assigned an address from
a pre-defined pool of IP addresses. This requires
that an Assigned Address pool be defined (See
Global Configuration in Chapter 10).
IP address
PPP connections only. The NETServer tries to
learn the remote computer ’s IP address using
IPCP address negotiation.
The user has a fixed IP address, which is specified
Use the following command:
set user <name> destination <address>
The address can be assigned, negotiated or an actual IP address.
The last line in the example below is a specified address.
set user User1 destination assigned
set user User2 destination negotiated
set user User3 destination
IPX Network
If the dial in user wants to talk IPX, the connection between the
NETServer and the dialin user must have an IPX network
number assigned to it just like any cabled connection would.
Note that this number must be unique (not already used) on the
NETServer ’s LAN and also must be unique to whatever net-
work the dialin user may be connected to.
set user <name> ipxnet <IPX network #>
5-8 Network Dial In Access
Select the protocol to be used for the connection (PPP or SLIP).
Use the following command:
set user <name> protocol <ppp | slip>
IPX remote access sessions require the PPP protocol. If you have
specified an IPX Network Number, the NETServer will set this
to PPP automatically.
This is the user ’s IP subnet mask. Use the following command:
set user <name> netmask <netmask>
The Maximum Transmission Unit specifies the size of the largest
packet that may be sent to this user. IPX connections will
discard larger packets. IP connections will fragment larger
packets prior to transmission. Normally, this should be set to
the largest value that the user ’s system can handle.
Valid PPP MTUs range from 100 to 1500 (default is 1500). Note
that PPP allows a remote system to negotiate a smaller MTU if
needed. Valid SLIP MTUs range from 100 to 1006 (default is
set user <name> mtu <value>
IPX connections require an MTU of 1500. When you assign an
IPX Network Number, the NETServer will set this to 1500
Network Dial In Access 5-9
Set the level of RIP messaging that the two devices will ex-
change during the connection. Use the following command:
set user <name> routing <option>
<option> can be any one of the following:
broadcast Send dynamic routing information to the dial in user
(but do not listen)
Listen for dynamic routes received from the dial in
user (but do not broadcast)
Do both of the above
Do not send dynamic routing information. Ignore
dynamic routes received
If using SLIP, enable Van Jacobson IP header compression only if
both networks use CSLIP (compressed SLIP).
If compression is enabled for a PPP connection, the NETServer
will attempt to negotiate for compression, but will not use it if
the remote site does not support compression.
set user <name> compression <on | off>
Step 4 - Save your changes
Use the following command:
save user
5-10 Network Dial In Access
IP Remote Access Case Study
UserA, UserB and UserC will be dialing to connect with the
local network. UserC will be a dialback user.
IP Remote Access Case Study
This case study assumes the following:
• The configuration will take place from the Command Line
• The NETServer has the correct IP address and netmask
• All other settings remain at factory defaults
Configure the ports
This example will use ports 3 and 4 to answer calls from dial in
user. In order to accommodate the dialback user, port 4 will also
be configured for dial out.
set s3 network dialin
set s4 network twoway
When users connect to the port, the NETServer will greet them.
Although the greeting says the same thing. Port 3 will write it
all on one line, while port 4 will split it up over three lines.
set s3 message Welcome to the Computer Center
set s4 message Welcome^to the^Computer Center
Network Dial In Access 5-11
Create user table entries for the dial in users
Use the following commands to create User A:
add netuser userA password userApw
set user userA address
set user userA netmask
set user userA protocol ppp
set user userA mtu 1500
set user userA routing on
User B will be configured to use CSLIP (Compressed SLIP)
add netuser userB password userBpw
set user userB address
set user userB netmask
set user userB protocol slip
set user userB compression on
set user userB mtu 1006
set user userB routing on
Create a user table entry for the dialback user
Only two lines are required for the dialback user table entry.
The user table configures dial in connections. The NETServer
dials OUT to a dialback user. The first line looks like this:
add netuser userC password callmeback
Dial out connections are configured with the location table. The
second line of the user table entry specifies the location to use.
Before we can this line to the user table, we must create the
location to be used. Note that the location type is manual, since
we want the NETServer to dial the user only when it is specifi-
cally asked to do so.
add location sales_1
set location sales_1 manual
set location sales_1 destination
set location sales_1 netmask
set location sales_1 protocol ppp
set location sales_1 mtu 1500
set location sales_1 routing on
set location sales_1 script 1 “atdt5551000\r” ”CONNECT”
(To contact UserC, dial 555-1000 and wait for “CONNECT”)
5-12 Network Dial In Access
A modem group must be defined to tell the NETServer which
modems it can use to dial out to the location. Note that since
only serial port 4 was configured for dial out use, the group we
create will contain only port 14.
set s4 group 1
set location sales_1 group 1
Maxports (the maximum number of ports that can be used to
dial out to a location) must be set to something other than its
default (0).
set location sales_1 maxports 1
For a more in-depth discussion of location table entries, please
see Adding a remote device to the Location Table in Chapter 6.
Finishing the user table entry
Now that we have created the location, we can add the second
line of the user table entry. It looks like this:
set user userC dialback sales_1
Save your work and reset the ports
Use the following commands:
save all
reset s3
reset s4
Network Dial In Access 5-13
Connecting to the NETServer
The users are now ready to connect to the local network. When
they dial into the NETServer from a communications software
package, they will see a login message (banner) and prompt.
If UserA and UserB respond to the User Name and Password
prompts correctly, the NETServer connects them to the network.
If userC types in its user name and password at the login
prompt, the NETServer sends the message ”Dialback Accepted .
. .” and disconnects. UserC must set his modem to Auto Answer
(usually with ATS0=1). The NETServer dials the user back,
using the number entered as part of the location dial script.
Once connected to the network, users can run TCP/ IP software
such as Novell’s LAN workplace to telnet, ftp, and so on to
other hosts on the network.
Note: Users with software supporting automated dialing, such
as Chameleon, may not see the login banner or prompt.
5-14 Network Dial In Access
IPX Remote Access
This case study assumes the following:
• The configuration will take place from the Command Line
• The NETServer is configured with the correct IPX network
number, IPX Frame Type, and Sysname.
• The NETServer is set to the factory defaults on all other
• Two users want access to a Novell server on the
NETServer ’s network (userA and userB).
IPX Remote Access Case Study
Configure the ports
Ports 3 and 4 will be used for this application. Set them both to
network dialin.
set s3 network dialin
set s4 network dialin
After connecting to either port, the user will receive a welcome
message. Use the following command:
set s3 message Welcome to the Computer Center
set s4 message Welcome to the Computer Center
Network Dial In Access 5-15
Create User Table entries for the dial in users
Use the following commands to create an IPX user account for
add netuser userA password userApw
set user userA ipxnet 00010000
set user userA protocol ppp
set user userA mtu 1500
set user userA routing on
UserB also has both the IP and the IPX protocol stacks loaded on
his machine. So, we’ll tell the NETServer what his IP address is
just in case he ever wants to talk IP across the link.
add netuser userB password userBpw
set userB address
set userB netmask
set user userB ipxnet 00020000
set user userB protocol ppp
set user userB mtu 1500
set user userB routing on
Save your work and reset the ports
Use the following commands:
save all
reset s3
reset s4
5-16 Network Dial In Access
Chapter 6
LAN-to-LAN Routing
The NETServer can perform IP or IPX LAN-to-LAN routing
with a remote NETServer or third party router. This chapter
assumes that the basic installation of all involved routing
devices has already been performed.
Setup for NETServer Routing (Overview)
Before you begin, obtain the following information. These items
are required for routing connections:
TCP/IP routing
• An IP address to connect to. If the remote device is another
NETServer, you may use its Net0 IP address (the address
you assigned during the startup procedure).
Some routing devices have an IP address assigned to each
port rather than just one IP address for the whole box. If
this is the case with the remote device, use the address of the
port you want to connect to.
• The connection protocol (PPP or SLIP) the NETServer will
use. If routing IPX, the NETServer will set this for you (as
• The remote system’s netmask
• The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU, the largest packet
that the NETServer will send to the remote device); both
local and remote MTUs must match.
• Whether or not the remote device is configured for Van
Jacobson compression.
LAN-to-LAN Routing
IPX routing
• An IPX network number that will represent the connection
between the two devices. This number must not already
exist on either network.
• IPX connections must use the PPP protocol and an MTU of
1500. When you assign an IPX network number to the
connection, the NETServer will set these values automati-
A. Configure at least one NETServer port for a connection with
the remote device. See Configuring a Port, later this chapter.
B. If you want to use dynamic routing during the connection,
set the Routing (RIP messaging) for the port you intend to
use to Broadcast & Listen (On).
If you do not want to use dynamic routing, shut RIP
messaging off. It only clutters the interface, slowing traffic.
C. If the remote device will be dialing in to this NETServer, you
must create a User Table entry (Network User) for it. See
Adding a Remote Device to the User Table, later in this chapter.
D. If this NETServer will be dialing out to the location, you
must create a Location Table entry for the remote device.
See Adding a Remote Device to the Location Table, later in this
E. If you are using PPP, you can also use CHAP authentication.
This requires some special configuration:
Regardless of whether the NETServer is dialing out to a
remote device or authenticating a dial in device, it must
have a (network user) user table entry for the User ID
that the remote device will send. (If the remote device is
another NETServer, it will send its Sysname).
The Password in this user table entry must be the CHAP
shared secret.
The remote device must be configured to look up this
same password when it receives the User ID (Sysname)
that the NETServer will send.
See PAP and CHAP authentication, later in this chapter for
more information.
6-2 LAN-to-LAN Routing
F. Test the connection from both sites. See Testing the Connec-
tion, later in this chapter for details.
LAN-to-LAN Routing
An Introduction to NETServer Routing
Some network devices, such as Router 1 and Router 2 in the
drawing below, have more than one network interface, allowing
them to be attached to multiple network segments. Such
devices allow data from one end of a large network to be
forwarded to the other end. This process is called routing. If a
packet of data must pass through more than one routing device
to reach its destination, all the routing devices involved must
know how to pass a packet onto the next router (also called next
hop” or “gateway”) on the way to the destination.
Router 1
Router 2
Notice that Router 1 can’t forward the packet to segment C
directly because it isn’t directly connected to segment C. All
Router 1 needs to know is that it should send packets destined
for segment C to Router 2. Router 2 takes care of the rest.
Similarly, if there was a segment D on the other end of segment
C, Router 1 would still only need to know that the “next hop”
toward that destination was Router 2.
NETServer Routing
When the NETServer receives a packet that is addressed to
another device, it routes that packet toward its destination. To
make routing decisions, the NETServer looks up the packet’s
destination address in its Routes Table, which contains the
6-4 LAN-to-LAN Routing
addresses of “Gateways” (next hops) through which packets
should be forwarded when they are headed for given destina-
tion addresses. A gateway can be a host, a server or any other
device that performs routing functions
In the drawing below, the NETServer would require an entry for
segment C in its routes table in order to forward packets going
from network segment A to C. The entry would contain C as a
destination address and the address (on segment B) of the
gateway (next hop) needed to get there.
Note that even though network segment B uses two modems to
transfer data rather than a physical cable, it looks like a cabling
segment to Network A and Network C.
With such an entry in place, the NETServer can pick up packets
on A that are bound for C and sends them to the gateway. The
gateway handles the rest.
LAN-to-LAN Routing
Static vs. Dynamic Routes
Static routes are user-defined. By adding entries to the Routes
Table, you tell the NETServer how to forward packets bound for
specific networks.
Fortunately, most networks don’t require you to build routing
tables by hand. All IPX and most IP networks use a protocol
that builds routing tables dynamically to reflect changing
network conditions. IPX servers and routers use Novell’s
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) to communicate what
network segments they have access to. Many IP machines also
use a protocol called RIP. These are completely different proto-
cols, but they accomplish the same thing in roughly the same
manner. The NETServer handles both protocols identically.
When you execute a command that affects RIP messaging, both
versions of the protocol are affected.
How RIP Dynamically Builds the Routing Table
Network devices running RIP (either version) broadcast the
addresses of the network segments which they know how to get
to. Routing tables are built by listening to the broadcasts of
other machines.
In the example above, the NETServer would learn about
network segment C through a broadcast from the routing device
joining B and C. This device would then be added to the routing
table as a gateway leading to C. The NETServer might also hear
the same routing device advertising a route to network segment
B. But, since the NETServer already has a better route to
segment B (a direct one), the broadcast would be ignored.
If the NETServer does not periodically hear a broadcast for a
given (dynamic) route, the route will be assumed unavailable
and deleted from the table. Static routes remain in the table
until removed by the administrator.
If you have defined a static route to a given location, the
NETServer assumes you want that route used and ignores
dynamic routing broadcasts pointing to the same location.
6-6 LAN-to-LAN Routing
How Packets are Routed
When the NETServer receives a packet, it looks up the packet’s
destination in its routing table. If a static route is found, the
packet is sent to the gateway listed. If a static route is not found,
the NETServer will use a dynamic route. If the routing table
contains no routes to the destination, it will send the packet to
the Default Gateway. If no such gateway has been defined, the
packet is discarded.
Establishing Connections to Remote Gateways
The NETServer can easily forward a packet to a gateway for
which there is an established connection, such as a gateway on
the same segment of the local LAN or at the other end of an
active dial-up connection. All the NETServer has to do in these
situations is send the packet out the right port.
However, when there is no existing connection, the NETServer
has to do a bit more work. The Location table contains a list of
remote gateways that the NETServer can dial into. When the
NETServer does not have a connection to a packet’s next hop, it
looks up the address of the gateway in the Location table. The
Location Table should contain a “dial script” which tells the
NETServer how to contact the remote location.
Dial Scripts are most useful for on-demand routing sessions. In
these situations, the NETServer connects to a remote gateway
only when it has packets queued for that location.
LAN-to-LAN Routing
Routing Procedure
(user defined)
next hop in Routes
Listening for
RIP Messages?
route to destination
Default Gateway
(Next Hop)
in Routes
Connection to
"Next Hop"
Next hop
listed in Location
connection to
next hop
Packet to
Next Hop
Destination X
6-8 LAN-to-LAN Routing
PAP/CHAP Authentication
The NETServer supports auto-detecting the PAP and CHAP
methods of login authentication on PPP connections. If a user
dials in and starts sending PPP packets, the NETServer asks that
the user log in with PAP (enter a user name and password). If
the user refuses PAP authentication, the NETServer demands
CHAP authentication. If this is also refused, the NETServer
hangs up.
Security Note: PAP is a less secure authentication method than
CHAP since user names and passwords are passed over the link
in “clear text” (in other words, they are not encrypted). For this
reason, it is possible to force CHAP authentication by disabling
PAP support. The command to do this is:
set pap off
PAP (Password Authentication Protocol)
PAP is simply a fancy way of saying that the dialing user or
system will respond to the User Name and Password prompts
given by the authenticating system. Although the NETServer
will not initiate dial out PAP authentication, you can accomplish
the same effect by creating a dial script containing the expected
prompts and the required responses.
However, the NETServer will respond to a dial-in PAP authenti-
cation request. All that is needed is a User Table entry for the
remote device.
CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol)
Instead of actually sending a password over the link, CHAP
relies on a “shared secret”, a password that both sides of the
connection know, but never send. When a remote system
requests CHAP authentication, the authenticating host replies
with a challenge packet. The challenge packet contains (among
other things):
• A user name for the host. The challenged system needs this
to look up the correct “shared secret” password.
LAN-to-LAN Routing
• A “challenge value” (a randomly generated string of
The challenged system then concatenates the challenge value
with the shared secret and passes the new string through a
hashing algorithm. When the hashing algorithm has formed a
response based on this string, the challenged system replies with
a packet containing both the response value and a user name.
The authenticating host looks up the correct password for the
user name received and then performs the same calculations the
client performed, comparing the result to the response value
received. If the results match, the challenged system is allowed
to pass through. However, the authenticating host can issue
additional CHAP challenges at any time during the connection.
Note: both ends of the connection must be using the same
hashing algorithm for the connection to succeed. The
NETServer uses an algorithm called MD5.
CHAP Setup for the NETServer
Because both sides of a CHAP connection need to look up a
password, each side requires a user table entry for the other
system. Note that each of these user table entries must have a
password and the passwords must be identical.
• Whether dialing in or authenticating, the NETServer puts its
Sysname in the user name field. This means that the remote
system must have a user table entry with this user name.
• The NETServer must have a (network user) user table entry
for the user name the remote system sends. Note that if the
remote device is another NETServer, it will be sending its
• These user table entries must not be configured as dialback
6-10 LAN-to-LAN Routing
A CHAP Challenge Example
At the Corporate site is a NETServer with the Sysname of
NETSERVE. A typical authentication might resemble the
1. A remote NETServer establishes a connection and negoti-
ates for an authentication procedure.
2. NETSERVE becomes responsible for issuing a CHAP
challenge. Inside that challenge is a User Name string
containing the name NETSERVE and the random challenge
3. When the remote NETServer receives the challenge, it
checks its local User Table for the entry NETSERVE.
4. Finding the entry, the remote NETServer learns the shared
secret password CHAP_PW and passes the string
5. MD5 forms a response which the remote NETServer sends
back to NETSERVE. Contained within the response is a
User Name containing the Sysname of the remote
6. NETSERVE then looks in the User Table for the name of the
remote NETServer, and uses the password and the challenge
string to validate the CHAP response received from the
remote NETServer.
7. If the password comparison is successful, NETSERVE will
then send a CHAP successful message back to the remote
NETServer and the connection is complete. If the MD5
comparison fails, a CHAP failure message is sent to the
remote NETServer and the process repeats.
LAN-to-LAN Routing
LAN-to-LAN Routing (Detailed Setup)
The following section gives details on configuring routing from
the command line. To attach to the command line software, see
Connecting to the Command Line in Chapter 2.
Configuring the Port
Ports used for LAN-to-LAN routing need to be configured as
Network ports.
Step 1 - Port Type
The port must be configured as a network port with one of the
following options. Dial In, Dial Out, Dial In & Dial Out
(twoway), or Hardwired. Use the following command:
set s<port #> network <dialin | dialout | twoway | hardwired>
Hardwired: Setting a port to Hardwired tells the NETServer ’s
operating software that you are establishing a synchronous
connection via a serial cable. Since s0 is the only serial port, this
is the only port for which the hardwired setting is valid.
If you configure s0 as Hardwired, set the following parameters
and go to Step 3. (For an explanation, see Ports Table, Hardwired
Port Parameters in Chapter 10).
IP Address
IPX Network Number
6-12 LAN-to-LAN Routing
Step 2 - Creating a Dial-Out Group
Dialout and Twoway ports only. If the NETServer will dial out
to a remote location, you must create a group of modems that
can be used to dial out to the location. Note that you must do
this even if only one modem will be used for that particular
location. The following command creates such a group:
set s<port #> group <group #>
<group #> is any number from 0 to 99. The example below
creates group #2, which consists of ports 5 and 6:
set s5 group 2
set s6 group 2
Step 3 - Save your work
Save the changes to flash memory. Use the following command:
save s<port #>
Reset the port so the changes take effect by using the following
reset s<port #>
LAN-to-LAN Routing
Adding a Remote Device to the LocationTable
This is required only if the NETServer will dial out to the remote
location. If the NETServer will not be initiating connections to
the remote location (the remote device will always do the
dialing), you may skip to the section titled Adding a Remote
Device to the User Table.
Step 1 - Create a new location table entry.
Use the following command:
add location <location name>
The Location Name can be up to 15 characters long.
Step 2 - Set Required Location Parameters.
The parameters listed below must be set:
The following command determines when the NETServer will
dial out to the remote location:
set location <location> <on_demand | manual | continuous>
On Demand The NETServer dials out to the remote device
when it has packets queued for that location. It
then maintains the connection only as long as
there is traffic on the line. Note that dynamic
routing information is updated while there is a
connection between the two devices, but not
before the NETServer dials or after it hangs up.
When an on-demand connection is terminated,
the NETServer retains current RIP and SAP
information in memory (stops aging it). It then
uses these last known values to “spoof” (fake) RIP
and SAP broadcasts to active LAN and WAN
connections. When an on-demand connection is
first created, the NETServer will immediately
attempt to dial the remote location to obtain some
initial RIP and SAP values.
6-14 LAN-to-LAN Routing
(Used for debugging) The NETServer dials out
only when it receives a dial command from the
command line.
The NETServer will attempt to maintain the
connection at all times. If the connection is
broken it will dial again.
set location Atlanta on_demand
Select the protocol to be used for the connection (PPP or SLIP).
Use the following command:
set location <location name> protocol <ppp | slip>
IPX LAN-to-LAN routing requires the PPP protocol. If you have
assigned an IPX Network Number, the NETServer will select
PPP automatically.
IP Address
This is the remote device’s IP address.
set location <location name> destination <IP address>
If the connection will use PPP and the location has been config-
ured as Manual or Continuous, the IP address can be set to, which tells the NETServer to learn the IP
address of the remote system using IPCP address negotiation.
IPX Network
This is the unique IPX network number that the NETServer and
the remote device will share for the duration of the connection.
It does not designate a physical network cable. This network
number refers to the dial up connection itself. Use the following
set location <location name> ipxnet <IPX network #>
LAN-to-LAN Routing
This is the remote network’s IP subnet mask. Use the following
set location <location name> netmask <netmask>
The Maximum Transmission Unit specifies the size of the largest
packet that may be sent to this location. IPX connections will
discard larger packets. IP connections will fragment larger
packets prior to transmission. Normally, this should be set to
the largest value that the remote network can handle. However,
an IP connection using multi-line load balancing may benefit
from a smaller MTU (see Step 3, below).
Valid PPP MTUs range from 100 to 1500 (default is 1500). Note
that PPP allows a remote system to negotiate a smaller MTU if
needed. Valid SLIP MTUs range from 100 to 1006 (default is
1006). Use the following command:
set location <location name> mtu <value>
IPX LAN-to-LAN routing requires an MTU of 1500. If you have
assigned an IPX Network Number, the NETServer will set this
to 1500 automatically.
Set the level of RIP messaging that the two devices will ex-
change during the connection. Use the following command:
set location <location name> routing <broadcast | listen | on | off>
broadcast Send dynamic routing information to the remote
device. (but do not listen)
Listen for dynamic routes received from the remote
device. (but do not broadcast)
Do both of the above.
Do not send dynamic routing information. Ignore
dynamic routes received.
6-16 LAN-to-LAN Routing
If using SLIP, enable Van Jacobson IP header compression only if
both networks use CSLIP (compressed SLIP).
If compression is enabled for a PPP connection, the NETServer
will attempt to negotiate for compression, but will not use it if
the remote site does not support compression. Use the follow-
ing command:
set location <location name> compression <on | off>
Dial Group Number
Specifies which pool of modems will dial out to the remote
location. Range is 0 to 99. The NETServer will only use ports
that belong to this group to dial out to the remote location. The
default is 0. Use the following command:
set location <location name> group <group #>
Idle Time-out
Applies to Manual and On Demand locations only. This field
specifies how many minutes a dial out connection to this
location can remain idle (no packets being sent or received)
before the NETServer disconnects. The idle timer ignores RIP,
SAP and keepalive packets, allowing ports to time-out even
though these protocols are running. The default is 0 (disable
idle time-out). Use the following command:
set location <location name> idletime <2 to 240 minutes>
You must set the Idle Time-out field to something other than its
default (no time-out) for on-demand locations. If you don’t do
this, the initial connection will stay up permanently.
LAN-to-LAN Routing
Step 3 - Multiple lines for a single connection
When talking to other NETServers, the NETServer can spread a
single TCP/ IP connection over multiple lines (increasing
throughput). Individual IPX clients/ socket connections will
show little (if any) benefit from this technique. However,
because load balancing is employed, this technique may allow
you to pipe more IPX clients/ socket connections through the
same bandwidth. There are two parameters used to set this up:
High Water Mark and Maximum Ports. Furthermore, there is
some additional setup needed to allow the dialing NETServer to
dial multiple numbers from a single location table entry.
High Water Mark
Determines when the NETServer should open an additional
connection to a remote NETServer. The NETServer will open
another port if all of the following are true:
• The number of bytes queued for the remote location exceeds
the High Water Mark
• There is an available port in the location’s dial group
• The number of ports currently being used for the connection
is less than the Max Ports setting.
Default is 0 (immediately open Max Ports lines every time).
If you configure a small high water mark, the NETServer will
use an additional line whenever one is available. A larger high
water mark will cause the NETServer to use additional lines
only when they are really needed, leaving them free for other
uses. Keep in mind the kind of traffic you expect across the link.
Light traffic, such as a user Telnet session, will usually only
queue a few hundred bytes. File transfers, on the other hand,
can easily queue several thousand. Use the following command:
set location <location> high_water <bytes>
6-18 LAN-to-LAN Routing
Maximum Ports
Sets the maximum number of ports the NETServer can use for a
single connection to the remote location. Use the following
set location <location name> maxports <0 .. 16>
(default) disable dialout to the location.
Use only one port for a connection. This setting must be
used if the remote device is not another NETServer.
2+ When the number of bytes queued for the remote location
exceeds the High Water Mark, another line will be added to
the connection if it is available.
Additional setup for multiple line connections
A NETServer on the answering end of a connection must receive
each incoming call on a different line even though the other
NETServer is dialing the same number every time (there is only
one dial script per location). There are two ways to accomplish
The first is to have a single phone number on the receiving end
of the connection set up on a hunt group. A hunt group routes
calls through a single phone number out to the first available
LAN-to-LAN Routing
The second method is to configure each modem to dial a differ-
ent stored number. This is done using the modem’s AT&Z
command. You can send this command to the modem from the
NETServer ’s command line by typing the following:
set s<port #> at “AT &Z<slot #>=<phone number>\r”
<slot#> is the position (0-9) in the modem’s non volatile memory
(each modem stores up to ten numbers).
Repeat for each modem in the dial group. Note that a different
phone number must be stored for each modem, but <slot#>
must be the same for all modems.
Step 4 - Create a Dial Script
Dial scripts tell the NETServer how to dial and, if necessary, log
into a remote location. Each line of a dial script contains a send
string and a reply string. The NETServer issues the send string
to the port making the connection and then waits until it re-
ceives the reply string.
The send strings should end with a \ r (carriage return) character.
reply strings are case-sensitive. Also, the send and reply options
must be enclosed in quotes (“ ”).
set location <location> script <line #> “<send>\r”“<reply>”
To dial 555-1000 and wait for a CONNECT message from the
set location Chicago script 1 “atdt5551000\r”“CONNECT”
Note: Waiting for a CONNECT message from the internal
modem requires that the modem be configured to respond with
verbal result codes (add the AT commands Q0V1 to the init
string of each modem). If the modem is not configured to send
verbal result codes, the NETServer will wait indefinitely for a
message that does not arrive.
Alternatively, try putting the remote systems “login:” prompt in
the expect string instead of the connect message.
6-20 LAN-to-LAN Routing
If you had configured this location to use multiple lines without
a hunt group (see Step 3), you would configure the NETServer
to use whichever number the modem has stored, rather than
giving it the number explicitly. Since each modem has a differ-
ent number stored, each will dial a different number. Example:
set location Chicago script 1 “atds<slot#>\r”“CONNECT”
For detailed information on dial scripts, see Dial Scripts in
Chapter 10. Consult your modem reference guide for informa-
tion on AT commands supported.
Step 5 - Save your changes
Use the following command:
save location
LAN-to-LAN Routing
Adding the Remote Device to the UserTable
Adding a user table entry is required if the remote device will be
dialing into the NETServer.
It is only required for dial out connections if you want to use
CHAP authentication on a PPP connection.
Step 1 - Create a User Table Entry
Type in a user name and password:
add netuser <user name> password <password>
Note: If you plan to use CHAP authentication, the password
defined here is the CHAP shared secret. The shared secret must
be the same on both devices. The User Name you enter here
must be the system ID that the remote device will send during a
CHAP challenge (Another NETServer will send its Sysname).
Step 2 -Tell the NETServer about the Remote Device
You must set the following parameters.
IP Address
This is the IP address that the remote device uses for the dura-
tion of the connection. Use the following command:
set user <user name> address <IP address>
IPX Network
Use the following command to assign an IPX network number
to the connection between the NETServer and the remote
set user <user name> ipxnet <IPX network #>
Note that this number cannot already be used on any network
attached to the NETServer or any network attached to the
remote device.
6-22 LAN-to-LAN Routing
Select the protocol to be used for the connection (PPP or SLIP).
Use the following command:
set user <user name> protocol <ppp | slip>
IPX LAN-to-LAN routing requires the PPP protocol. If you have
assigned an IPX Network Number, the NETServer will set this
to PPP automatically.
Use the following command to tell the NETServer the remote
network’s IP subnet mask:
set user <user name> netmask <netmask>
The Maximum Transmission Unit specifies the size of the largest
packet that may be received from the remote location. IPX
connections will discard larger packets. IP connections will
fragment larger packets. Normally, this should be set to the
largest value possible. However, an IP connection using multi-
line load balancing may benefit from a smaller MTU (see Step 3
of Location setup, earlier in this chapter).
Valid PPP MTUs range from 100 to 1500 (default is 1500). Note
that PPP allows remote systems to negotiate a smaller MTU if
needed. Valid SLIP MTUs range from 100 to 1006 (default is
set user <user name> mtu <value>
IPX LAN-to-LAN routing requires an MTU of 1500 If you have
assigned an IPX Network Number, the NETServer will set this
to 1500 automatically.
LAN-to-LAN Routing
Set the level of RIP messaging that the two devices will ex-
change during the connection. Use the following command:
set user <user name> routing <broadcast | listen | on | off>
Send dynamic routing information to the remote
device. (but do not listen)
listen Listen for dynamic routes received from the remote
device. (but do not broadcast)
Do both of the above.
Do not send dynamic routing information. Ignore
dynamic routes received.
Van Jacobson TCP/ IP header compression should be enabled for
a SLIP connection only if both the local NETServer and the
remote device are configured to use compressed SLIP (CSLIP).
Both sides must agree on whether to use compression or the
connection will fail.
Enabling compression on a PPP connection will cause the
NETServer to negotiate for compression. Compression will be
used only if the remote device supports it. Use the following
set netuser <user name> compression <on | off>
Step 3 - Save your changes
Use the following command:
save user <user name>
6-24 LAN-to-LAN Routing
LAN-to-LAN Routing Case Study
The following example shows routing between two NETServers
in order to demonstrate how each end of the connection would
be configured.
This case study assumes the following:
• both NETServers (NETServerA and NETServerB) are
configured with the correct IPX network number, IPX Frame
Type, IP address and Netmask.
• NETServerA’s Sysname is NSA. NETServerB’s Sysname is
• both NETServers are set to the factory defaults on all other
• NETServer A is on LAN1, the main data center of a com-
pany, and NETServer B is on LAN2, a branch office.
• if traffic on the connection becomes too great, NETServerB
will open a second line
• if there is no traffic on the connection for 30 minutes,
NETServer B disconnects
Case Study - LAN to LAN Routing Between Two NETServers
LAN-to-LAN Routing
This example will set up two NETServers for LAN-to-LAN
routing. NETServer B will be configured to dial NETServer A
on demand. In other words, when packets are waiting to be
transferred, NETServer B will form a virtual connection to
NETServer B. When the connection is no longer needed, it is
Setting Up NETServer A
NETServer A will use ports 7 and 8 to handle incoming routing
from NETServer B. (Technically, these lines are unnecessary on
a new NETServer since the factory default, login network dialin,
will work just as well).
set s7 network dialin
set s8 network dialin
Since NETServer B will be dialing in to form a network connec-
tion, NETServer B is a network user. It will need an entry in
NETServer A’s user table.
add netuser nsb password xyzabc
(For CHAP, “nsb” is NETServer B’s Sysname)
set user nsb address
set user nsb netmask
set user nsb ipxnet 2
The NETServers will exchange dynamic routing information
(RIP packets) with each other.
set user nsb routing on
Save your work and reset the ports.
save all
reset all
6-26 LAN-to-LAN Routing
Setting Up NETServer B
NETServer B (a 16 port NETServer) will dial out to NETServer
A using ports 10 and 11 (The port defaults will not work in this
set s10 network dialout
set s11 network dialout
Instead of user entries, dial out ports have entries in the location
table. In this case, a location entry for NETServer A.
add location nsa
(For CHAP, “nsa” is NETServer A’s Sysname)
set location on_demand
set location nsa destination
(the location has nsa’s IP address)
set location nsa netmask
(and netmask, IPX network number etc)
set location nsa ipxnet 2
set location nsa protocol ppp
Looks sort of like a user entry so far, right? But, a dial out
location needs a little more information, for example, which
modems it can use to dial out to this particular location.
set s10 group 1
set s11 group 1
set location nsa group 1
The following lines tell the NETServer to dial out with the
second modem when the queue is backed up by more than
1000bytes (the “High Water Mark” is exceeded).
set location nsa high_water 1000
set location nsa maxports 2
Since we will be using multiple lines, we will configure the
modems to dial separate numbers.
set s10 at “AT&Z1=555-1000\r”
set s11 at “AT&Z1=555-1001\r”
Next, we need to add a dial script to tell the NETServer to use
the stored numbers. When the NETServer is finished dialing, it
will wait for a connect message.
set location nsa script 1 “ATDS1\r”“CONNECT”
LAN-to-LAN Routing
Since this dial script expects the verbal result code “CONNECT”
from the modem, we should make sure the the init script for
each modem in the dial group contains Q0 and V1. The default
init script, USR_int, contains both of these settings (as part of
&F1) and some other useful modem configuration. So, we’ll just
make sure that these modems are using USR_int.
set s10 init USR_int
set s11 init USR_int
Since this is an on-demand connection, each modem should
hang up if it’s not being used. In this case, after 30 minutes of
idle time.
set location nsa idle 30
When NETServer A receives a call from NETServer B, it will
respond with a user name prompt, just like it would for any
other network user. But instead of just logging in like a user,
NETServerB is going to initiate CHAP authentication. Needless
to say, this means that NETServer A must be in NETServer B’s
user table. Let’s add a user entry.
add netuser nsa password xyzabc
(For CHAP, passwords must be the same!)
set user nsa address
set user nsa netmask
set user nsa ipxnet 2
set user nsa routing on
Notice that the passwords of both NETServer A and NETServer
B must be the same for CHAP authentication. This is called a
“shared secret.”
Now, save your work and reset the ports.
save all
reset all
6-28 LAN-to-LAN Routing
Testing the Connection
You can test the connection by setting the location for manual
set location nsb manual
dial nsb -x
The -x parameter lets you see the connection/ authentication
messages in order to verify the connection. Make any necessary
changes to the dial script and retry dialing until the connection
succeeds. Once the connection is successful, verify that the
remote NETServer is accessible through your local network.
For IP routing:
ping nsa
For IPX routing, NETServerB should show up on the SAP
interface table. To see this table:
show sap
Verify that you can access a computer (not the other NETServer)
at the remote site. For example, IP computers could use ping,
rlogin or telnet.
If the NETServers were set up to dial from either end, you
would then reset the ports to break the connection, and repeat
the above steps from the other end of the line. In this case,
however, only NETServer B is dialing.
When the testing is done, reset the ports to break the connection
and then configure the location for on-demand routing.
reset s10
reset s11
set location nsa on_demand
save all
LAN-to-LAN Routing
Connecting to NETServer A from NETServer B
When a user on LAN2 tries to connect with a host on LAN1,
NETServerB dials NETServerA and establishes a LAN-to-LAN
connection. The first person to connect sees an initial delay
while the NETServers exchange CHAP messages.
After the initial connection, traffic will flow freely and any user
on either network can use the connection to telnet, ftp, and so on
back and forth. If there is no activity on the connection for 30
minutes, NETServerB hangs up.
If the destination is set to for PPP connections,
the NETServer will try to negotiate the local IP Address. If set to, the port will be disabled for PPP connections.
What If I Don’t Want to Use CHAP Authentication?
If you don’t want to go to the trouble of creating the extra user
table entry, using the same passwords for both systems and
using the NETServer ’s Sysname as its User Name, you can have
it log in to the remote system as a regular network user by
adding a few lines to the dial script. In the example above, you
could have added the following lines to NETServer B’s dial
script configuration rather than adding a User Table entry for
NETServer A.
set location nsa script 2 “\r”“Login:”
(Line 2 - Send a carriage return and wait for “Login:”)
set location nsa script 3 “nsa\r”“Password:”
(Line 3 - Reply to Login Prompt and wait for “Password:”)
set location nsa script 4 “xyzabc\r”
(Line 4 - Reply to password prompt)
6-30 LAN-to-LAN Routing
Chapter 7
Talking to the Modems
This chapter discusses use and configuration of the NETServer ’s
internal modems. The following subjects will be covered:
• TCP/ IP modem sharing
• Modem Initialization Scripts
• Sending AT commands to the modems
TCP/IP Modem Sharing
Configuring a port to act as a “host device” allows users on a
local TCP/ IP network to use the modem for dialing out. It
works like this:
Step 1 - Configure the port as a host device
The following command tells the NETServer that the port may
be accessed directly by other devices on the network.
set s<port #> device /dev/<device name>
Unless you are using one of the pseudo TTY drivers described
later in this chapter, type the word network in the <device name>
Step 2 - Assign the modem a TCP port number
You will need to choose the login service you will be using to
connect to the modem’s command line (If you will be using
Telnet to talk to the modem, choose Telnet, etc.) Use the follow-
ing command:
set s<port #> service_device <telnet | rlogin | netdata> <TCP port #>
Talking to the Modems 7-1
<TCP port#> can be any number not already used by the
NETServer. We suggest 6000 plus the modem number. Assign-
ing the same TCP port number to multiple ports will create a
pool of modems. The user will be connected to the first avail-
able modem in the pool.
Selecting NetData as the login service allows an application
program to form a “Clear TCP” connection with a modem. In
other words, data exchanged with the modem will not be
filtered in any way. The NETTTY pseudo TTY driver described
later in this chapter is an example of such an application.
Step 3 - Turn modem control (carrier detect) off
If the port is set to host device only (is not also a user login or a
network port) , you must turn modem control off. This keeps the
modem from refusing your telnet connection.
If the port is also configured for any other function, modem
control must be on, which allows the NETServer to detect when
the port is being used for other purposes.
Use the following command:
set s<port #> modem <on | off>
Step 4 - Save your work and reset the port
Use the following commands:
save all
reset s<port #>
set s7 device /dev/network
set s7 service_device telnet 6007
set s7 modem off
save all
reset s7
To use the modem, you would simply telnet to port 6007 at the
NETServer ’s IP address. For example:
telnet 6007
7-2 Talking to the Modems
Implementing Security with Host Device Dial Out
To authenticate a host device dial out user, configure a host
device port with a device service of Telnet and a TCP port
number between 10,000 and 10,100. These ports can only be
connected to by the NETServer itself, forcing the user to telnet to
port 23, the default telnet port, and have the NETServer forward
him to the modem. When the user connects to port 23, he or she
will be prompted for a user name and password just like a login
user. The port setup would look something like this:
set s1 device \dev\network
set s1 service_device telnet 10000
set s1 modem off
save all
reset s1
Since such a user will be authenticated, he or she will require a
user table entry. Example:
add user Dialer password dialoutpw
set user Dialer host <NETServer IP address>
(user’s host is NETServer)
set user Dialer service telnet 10000
To use the modem, the user telnets to the NETServer
telnet <NETServer IP address>
The user will then be prompted for a user name and password.
If he or she responds correctly, the user will be connected
directly to the modem’s command line.
Note: RADIUS servers have a user type called Outbound User
which is defined as a dial out user on the local network. How-
ever, because the NETServer defines these users as login users
whose host is the NETServer itself, in RADIUS you would
configure these users with the user type Login-User.
Talking to the Modems 7-3
Configuring modems as UNIX pseudoTTYs
A pseudo tty device acts like a serial device, but is actually
something else entirely. In this case, we would like one of the
NETServer’s modems to act like it is connected to one of the
serial ports of a UNIX host, even though it’s really attached to
the NETServer.
There are two different UNIX pseudo TTY device drivers that
work with the NETServer. Both are available on the U.S.
Robotics web site.
This daemon is a pseudo TTY driver used to access
NETServer Host Device ports. Host Device ports
should be configured to use the Netdata device
The PortMux login service daemon will also provide
pseudo TTY functionality. Host Device ports should
be configured to use the PortMux device service.
Once obtained, such a daemon must compiled and installed on
each UNIX host that will be using the modems.
You must then set up some host device ports on the NETServer.
This is a special case of the procedure described above. Use the
following commands:
set s<port #> device /dev/<device name>
set s<port #> service_device <netdata | portmux> <TCP port #>
set s<port #> modem off
save all
reset s<port #>
Note that all ports in a single dial out pool must use the same
TCP port number.
The <device name> field must be the name of a UNIX pseudo-
tty device listed in each host’s / dev directory. The default is
none. This same value must be entered at the host’s command
line when you run either daemon. Some standard entries are:
/dev/ttyp0 through /dev/ttypf
/dev/ttyq0 through /dev/ttyqf
/dev/ttyr0 through /dev/ttyrf
7-4 Talking to the Modems
Keep in mind that other programs on the host may use these
pseudo-tty devices, but usually select the pseudo-tty drivers
from the beginning of the list (for example, / dev/ ttyp0, / dev/
try, and so on). In order to avoid conflicts, we recommend you
select the pseudo-tty device drivers from the end of the list (for
example, / dev/ ttypf or / dev/ ttyqe).
Talking to the Modems 7-5
Modem Initialization Scripts
An initialization string may be sent to any one of the
NETServer ’s S-ports every time the port is reset (a modem
resets itself each time it disconnects). An initialization string can
contain any text that needs to be sent to a port at start up. For a
modem, the initialization string will usually contain AT com-
There is no standard list of what commands a modem initializa-
tion string should execute. Every system administrator will
have different needs for each modem. For example, an adminis-
trator with a number of remote dial in users who have a wide
range of modems of varying reliability may choose to force an
internal modem to a safe modulation like V.32 bis rather than
allow higher speed modulations. A separate initialization string
may be assigned to each port.
How To . . .
Add a New Initialization Script
Use the following command to add a new initialization script to
the Init Table:
add init <script name>
<script name> is case sensitive and must be unique among other
initialization scripts. It must not contain spaces.
Note that this command only creates an empty script. It does
not assign text to the script. Nor does it tell any port to use the
new script.
Assign Text to an Initialization Script
Once a script has been created, its contents are defined using
the following command:
set init <script name> “<text>“
<text> can be no longer than 56 characters. It is case sensitive
and must be surrounded by quotes. This is the text that is sent
to the port when the script is executed. For example, the string
could contain AT commands needed to initialize a modem.
7-6 Talking to the Modems
Caution: Avoid using commands that write to the modem’s
NVRAM (such as &W) in an initialization script that you plan to
use indefinitely. Rewriting the NVRAM every time the port is
reset may eventually wear the NVRAM out. Use such com-
mands only on a short term basis.
The following special characters are allowed. \ r should always
be present at the end of any modem initialization string:
\ r
carriage return
line feed
\ n
\ 0xx octal digit in the xx
\ \ single backslash
Use an Existing Initialization Script
A port is not sent any script until an existing script is assigned to
it. Type the following command:
set s<port #> init <script name >
The script must already exist and should be assigned some sort
of content string. You can also remove an init script from a port.
Type the following command to configure a port to use no init
set s<port #> init none
Delete an Initialization Script
An initialization script may be deleted using the following
delete init <script name>
Displaying an Initialization Script
To display a specific initialization script, use the following
show init <script name>
If a script name is not specified, all initialization scripts will be
Talking to the Modems 7-7
Initialization Script Example
Setting up a new initialization script is a four step process. The
example given below forces modem 3 to auto answer.
1. Create an empty initialization script.
add init auto_an
2. Define the contents of the new script.
set init auto_an “ATS0=1\r\n”
3. Assign the new script to a port.
set s3 init auto_an
4. Save the new configuration information.
save all
5. Reset the port so your changes take effect.
reset s3
The default initialization string
NETServer/ 8 and NETServer/ 16 have a pre-defined initializa-
tion script assigned to all their internal modems. This script is
called USR_int and looks like this:
This string sets a U.S. Robotics modem for hardware flow
control and auto answer.
7-8 Talking to the Modems
Sending AT commands to the modems
Version 3.1 of the NETServer/ 8 and NETServer/ 16 firmware
allows you to send AT commands to the internal modems
directly from the NETServer ’s command line.
To do this, type the full AT command string that you would send
to the modem as part of the following command:
set s<port #> at “AT<command string>\r”
For example, you can ask modem five to display call diagnostics
for its last connection by typing the following:
set s5 at “ATI6\r”
The NETServer will then proceed to show you the modem’s
response to the command. To return to the NETServer ’s com-
mand prompt, press the Enter key.
Note that the NETServer will only show you the first few lines
of longer responses. If you want to see more of the same
display, send another keystroke to the modem. For example,
set s5 at “\r”
would send a carriage return to modem 5.
Special characters
The same special characters that can be used with initialization
strings and dial scripts also apply to this command. \ r should
always be present at the end of any AT command string:
\ r
carriage return
line feed
\ n
\ 0xx octal digit in the xx
\ \ single backslash
Note: This command may be used only when the modem is
idle. You will get an error message if the modem is on-line with
a remote device.
Talking to the Modems 7-9
7-10 Talking to the Modems
Chapter 8
Packet Filters
This chapter covers setting up packet filters for the NETServer.
The following topics are included:
• Filter overview
• Creating new packet filters
• Filter rule format
• TCP/ IP packet filtering
• IPX packet filtering
• Editing Packet filters
Packet Filters
Packet filters are primarily used in networks that cross organiza-
tional or corporate boundaries. They control inter-network data
transmission by permitting or denying the passage of specific
packets through network interfaces.
When data packets are received by a network interface such as a
modem, the packet filter analyzes their header information.
After evaluating the data packet against its set of rules, the filter
permits it to pass through or discards it. If an IP packet is
discarded, the NETServer sends an ICMP “Host Unreachable”
message back to the originator.
Packet Filters 8-1
Types of Filters
The NETServer supports the following types of packet filters:
• Input and output filters; packet filters can be created to
control either inbound or outbound data packets
• Source and destination address filtering; a packet filter can
permit or deny access based on the IP address of the source
and/ or destination
• Protocol filtering; inbound or outbound network traffic can
be evaluated based on the protocol
• Source and destination port filtering; a packet filter can
control what services local or remote users can access
• Established session filtering; a packet filter can permit users
to connect with a remote network without letting remote
users have access to the local network (or vice versa)
Packet Filters and the NETServer
Once created, a packet filter can be designated for use in any of
the following applications:
• Filter packets exchanged with the local network (Input Filter
and Output Filter fields of LAN Port Configuration)
• Control which hosts all login users can access (Input Filter
field of Port Parameters window for user login ports);
• Control which hosts a specific login user can access (Access
Filter field of the Login User Parameters window)
• Filter packets passing through a hardwired connection
(Input Filter and Output Filter fields of the Port Parameters
window for hardwired ports)
• Filter packets exchanged with a specific network user (Input
and Output Filter fields of Network User Configuration)
• Filter packets exchanged with a specific location (Input
Filter and Output Filter fields of the Location Table)
8-2 Packet Filters
Information Sources
Internet packet filtering and security are complex issues which
this chapter can barely scratch the surface of. The following
sources provide additional information:
Cheswick and Bellovin, Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling
the Wily Hacker, Addison Wesley, 1994, ISBN 0-201-63357-4
Siyan and Hare, Internet Firewalls and Network Security, New
Riders Publishing, 1995, ISBN 1-56205-437-6
Input filters vs. Output filters
You can assign two packet filters to each interface: an input filter
and an output filter. Input filters control which packets are
allowed into the NETServer through the interface. Output filters
control what packets are allowed out of the NETServer.
When possible, use the input filter to filter out an incoming
packet rather than waiting to catch a packet on its way out of the
NETServer. There are several good reasons for this.
• Preventing a packet from entering the NETServer can keep
potential intruders from attacking the NETServer itself.
• The NETServer’s routing engine does not waste time
processing a packet that is going to be discarded anyway.
• Most importantly, the NETServer does not know which
interface an outgoing packet came in through. If a potential
intruder forges a packet with a false source address (in order
to appear as a trusted host or network), there is no way for
an output filter to tell if that packet came in through the
wrong interface. An input filter, on the other hand, can filter
out packets purporting to be from networks that are actually
connected to a different interface.
Packet Filters 8-3
Adding Packet Filters
1. To create a new filter, type the following command:
add filter <filter name>
The filter name can be up to 15 characters long.
Optionally, you can add an extension beginning with a
period to the end of a filter. For example, we recommend
that you add .in to an input filter name (such as and
.out to the corresponding output filter (such as sales.out).
RADIUS Note: Although the NETServer allows you to
specify both an input and output filter for a network user,
RADIUS authentication allows you to specify only one filter
name (Framed-Filter-ID). To get around this limitation of
RADIUS, NETServer derives both filter names from the
single response it gets from RADIUS. To do this, it adds .in
and .out extensions to the RADIUS filter name. For ex-
ample if you have defined a RADIUS framed user with a
Framed-Filter-ID of User_F, you must add the filters and User_F.out to the NETServer. If filters with
these names do not exist on the NETServer, no filter will be
applied to the user.
2. Add the filter ’s rules. Make sure you don’t specify the same
rule # twice (if you do, you overwrite the earlier rule). See
Filter Rule Format for instructions on creating individual
Note: The NETServer evaluates the rules in order, so you
should put the most frequently matched rules first.
3. When you are finished adding rules, use the following
command to save the filter table.
save filters
8-4 Packet Filters
Input filters vs. Output filters
You can assign two packet filters to each interface: an input filter
and an output filter. Input filters control which packets are
allowed into the NETServer through the interface. Output filters
control what packets are allowed out of the NETServer.
When possible, use the input filter to filter out an incoming
packet rather than waiting to catch a packet on its way out of the
NETServer. There are several good reasons for this.
• Preventing a packet from entering the NETServer can keep
potential intruders from attacking the NETServer itself.
• The NETServer’s routing engine does not waste time
processing a packet that is going to be discarded anyway.
• Most importantly, the NETServer does not know which
interface an outgoing packet came in through. If a potential
intruder forges a packet with a false source address (in order
to appear as a trusted host or network), there is no way for
an output filter to tell if that packet came in through the
wrong interface. An input filter, on the other hand, can filter
out packets purporting to be from networks that are actually
connected to a different interface.
Packet Filters 8-5
Filter Rule Format
A packet filter consists of a set of rules which you must create.
A newly created packet filter contains no rules. The number of
rules a packet filter may have is limited only by the amount of
available flash memory in the NETServer.
When entering rules at the command line, rules must be num-
bered. Rules are processed in order, starting at rule 1. There are
three types of packet filter rules: IPX rules, IP rules, and SAP
rules. A packet filter can contain all three types. Each type of
rule is numbered separately. So, a filter can contain an IP rule 3,
an IPX rule 3 and an SAP rule 3 all at the same time.
set <rule type> <name> <rule #> <permit | deny> <options>
For example:
set filter 3 permit icmp
The example adds IP rule 3 to the packet filter (or over-
writes the previous IP rule 3). Rule 3 permits all ICMP packets
to pass through the interface.
Rule Type
There are three types of filter rules (IP, IPX and SAP). A filter
can contain all three types of rules. The filter rule type com-
mand options are:
IP rules
IPX rules
SAP rules
This is the name of an existing filter.
8-6 Packet Filters
Rule Number
This is a number up to the highest previously set Rule # plus
one. For example, if a packet filter currently has four rules, the
new rule can be any number between 1 and 5. Note that if an
existing rule number is specified, it is replaced by the new rule.
If no parameters are specified for the rule, that rule is deleted.
Permit or Deny
This is a required parameter which indicates whether the
packets meeting the specified criteria should be forwarded
(permit) or discarded (deny).
If a packet does not match any of a filter ’s rules, the NETServer
denies the packet. The NETServer takes this “if in doubt,
discard” approach to packet filtering because in many cases it’s
impossible to explicitly deny every possible intrusion into your
network. Even if you managed to create such a filter, it would
be out of date tomorrow. The accepted method of filter creation
is to:
1. Explicitly permit the services which are absolutely neces-
sary. Limit the permission in every way you can.
2. Allow everything else to be denied
3. See who yelps. Go to step 1
However, if you want to create a filter that permits everything
not specifically denied, add the following lines to the end of the
set filter <filter name> <rule #> permit
set ipxfilter <filter name> <rule#> permit
set sapfilter <filter name> <rule #> permit
Available rule options differ depending on what kind of rule
you are defining. For details, see TCP/IP packet filtering and IPX
packet filtering, below.
Packet Filters 8-7
TCP/IP packet filtering
After the filter name, rule number and permit/deny, IP rules start
with the following parameters:
<source address/mask> <destination address/mask> <tcp | udp | icmp>
Depending on the protocol, there can be more options following
these parameters. See TCP and UDP parameters and Filtering
ICMP packets (below) for more information.
Source Address
The address given here is compared to the source address of the
packet. Note that only the part of the address specified by the
mask field is used in the comparison. If a match is found, the
packet is forwarded (rules containing permit) or discarded
(rules containing deny).
The following rule example permits source addresses that match
the first 16 bits of the given IP address (that is, addresses begin-
ning with 192.77):
Note: The source address and destination address fields gener-
ally are used to limit permitted access to trusted hosts and
networks only, to explicitly deny access to hosts and networks
that are not trusted, or to limit external access to a given host
(for example, a web server or a firewall). For example, the
following rule permits (SMTP) E-mail packets only if they are
from the host
permit tcp dst eq 25
8-8 Packet Filters
Destination Address
The address given here is compared to the destination address
of the packet. Note that only the part of the address specified by
the mask field is used in the comparison. If a match is found, the
packet is forwarded (rules containing permit) or discarded
(rules containing deny).
The following rule example denies destination addresses that
match the first 8 bits of the given IP address (that is, addresses
beginning with 192):
These fields specify the number of bits to be used in the source
address and destination address comparisons. Valid values are
0–32. Common bit counts are:
Match packets with any IP address. The contents of the
source address or destination addr ess field are not
Compare the first byte (octet) in the IP addresses.
16 Compare only the first two bytes of the IP addresses
24 Compare only the first three bytes of the IP Addresses
32 Match the entire IP address
The masks are separated from source address and destination
address by forward slashes (/ ).
Packet Filters 8-9
TCP and UDP parameters
TCP and UDP packets can be filtered by source and destination
socket numbers. This allows you permit or deny specific
<tcp |udp> src <lt | gt | eq> <TCP/UDP port #>
Compare the source port number in a TCP or UDP packet to a
specific value.
lt or lessthan
eq or equal
less than
equal to
gt or greaterthan
greater than
A sample rule might look something like this:
permit tcp src gt 23
<tcp |udp>dst <lt | gt | eq> <TCP/UDP port #>
Compare the destination port number in a UDP packet to a
specific value. Example:
deny udp dst eq 40
established or estab
Evaluates whether the packet is for an established connection.
Note that since UDP is not a connection-oriented protocol, this
parameter can only be used in TCP rules. Example
permit tcp dest eq 192 established
Established is usually employed to restrict a normally two-way
connection to only one way. One example would be allowing
internal users to establish FTP sessions with external hosts,
while denying external users FTP access to local hosts. Since a
single FTP session sends packets in both directions, filtering out
FTP packets headed in either direction will kill FTPs in both
directions. See the discussion of FTP below for more informa-
8-10 Packet Filters
Standard Port Numbers
The table below contains information on standard port numbers
for some common services. For a complete list, see the most
recent “Assigned Numbers” RFC (currently RFC 1700).
File Transfer Protocol (data)
File Transfer Protocol (control)
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Who Is
Domain Name Service
Trivial File Transfer Protocol
World Wide Web HTTP
Post Office Protocol - Version 3
Sun Remote Procedure Call
Authentication Service
Network News Transfer Protocol
Network Time Protocol
SNMP (Total Control Manager)
SNMP trap
Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3
remote process execution
remote login (rlogin)
remote who (rwhod)
remote command (rsh)
Syslog accounting
lpd spooler
talk (terminal to terminal chat)
Packet Filters 8-11
ntalk (new terminal chat)
uucp (UNIX to UNIX copy)
klogin (Kerberized login)
PortMux daemon
RADIUS security
RADIUS accounting
Filtering RIP messages
If the NETServer is listening for or broadcasting RIP messages,
you should permit them (UDP dst eq 520) to pass in the appro-
priate direction(s).
Note that spurious RIP messages can disrupt your routing
tables. If you are listening for RIP messages on a given interface,
you may wish to consider filtering out RIP updates from
untrusted networks.
FTP Packet Filtering
FTP is one of the most difficult protocols to permit while still
protecting your network. The input and output filters must
permit two separate bi-directional connections, one initiated by
the client and one initiated by the host. However, they should
still be able to provide as much protection from outside attack-
ers as possible. To write such a filter, we’ll go through the FTP
process and write the appropriate lines as we go.
In the example below, we will permit all users on the local class
C network, to initiate an FTP connection to any
other host on the Internet. However, incoming FTPs will be
Step 1 - Create two filters
Since we will be filtering both incoming and outgoing packets,
we must create two filters.
add filter
add filter ftp.out
8-12 Packet Filters
Step 2 - The client opens a control channel
To initiate an FTP session, the client opens a control channel on
the well-known FTP port 21. This means any client on the local
network must be able to send packets to TCP port 21 on any
external host.
set filter ftp.out 1 permit tcp dst eq 21
Step 3 - The host must reply
Allow packets coming from port 21 on any external host. To
prevent intruders from using this opening, restrict the access to
connections “established” by outgoing clients.
set filter 1 permit tcp src eq 21
Step 4 - The host opens a data transfer channel
Once a file transfer has been set up on the control channel, the
host initiates a data transfer connection from port 20. However,
we don’t know what the destination port will be beforehand. To
permit this connection, we would have to permit any external
host initiating a connection from port 20 to connect to any port
on any host on the internal network. Unfortunately, this also
leaves the network open to any intruder initiating a connection
on port 20. Since most standard services that are vulnerable to
attack are below port 1023. We can block most of these attacks
by forcing the host to connect to a port above 1023.
set filter 2 permit tcp src eq 20 dst gt
Note: Since the ports above 1023 are still vulnerable, you
should add additional rules that deny packets to any services
you want to protect. These rules should be placed before the rule
Step 5 - The client must reply
The client must use the data transfer channel to send acknowl-
edgment packets back to the FTP host.
set filter ftp.out 2 permit tcp src gt 1023
dest eq 20 established
Packet Filters 8-13
FTP Example 2
If you also wanted to allow external clients access to a specific
FTP server on your network, you could add a few more rules.
In this example, our FTP server is
set filter 3 permit tcp dst eq 21
set filter ftp.out 3 permit tcp src eq 21 dst
gt 1023 established
set filter ftp.out 4 permit tcp src eq 20 dst
gt 1023
set filter 4 permit tcp src gt 1023 dest
eq 20 established
8-14 Packet Filters
Filtering ICMP packets
ICMP packets can only be filtered by type. So, the only option
type <icmp message type>
The ICMP message types are listed below. Note that most of
them are error messages necessary for the correct operation of
Echo Reply (Ping)
Destination Unreachable
Source Quench
Redirect (change route)
Echo Request (Ping)
Time Exceeded for a Datagram
Parameter Problem on a Datagram
Timestamp Request
Timestamp Reply
Information Request
Information Reply
Address Mask Request
Address Mask Reply
If you are concerned about security, filter out incoming type 5
messages. Sending ICMP redirects is an easy way for a vandal
to change your routing tables.
deny icmp type 5
Although PING is useful for troubleshooting, it allows a poten-
tial intruder to obtain a map of your network by systematically
pinging every possible address. If you think this is a security
risk, then filter out incoming type 8 packets or outgoing echo
replies (type 0).
Packet Filters 8-15
IPX packet filtering
IPX packets can be filtered by source and destination host,
network or socket. Additionally, SAP packets can be specifically
permitted or denied. Note that IPX network numbers must be
specified as 8-digit hex values. Node addresses must consist of
the 8-digit network number, followed by a colon and then the
12-digit MAC address.
IPX Rules
The IPX rule format is as follows:
<permit | deny> <keyword> <value>
<keyword> may be srcnet, dstnet, srchost, dsthost, srcsocket, or
Compare the source IPX network number contained in the
packet to the network number given. The network number
must be in hexadecimal format.
<permit | deny> srcnet <IPX network number>
Compare the destination IPX network number contained in the
packet to the address given. The network number must be in
hexadecimal format.
<permit | deny> dstnet <IPX network number>
Compare the source IPX node address contained in the packet to
the address given. The IPX address should be in hexadecimal
<permit | deny> srchost <IPX node address>
8-16 Packet Filters
Compare the destination IPX node address contained in the
packet to the address given. The IPX address should be in
hexadecimal format.
<permit | deny> dsthost <IPX node address>
Compare the source IPX socket number contained in the packet
to the socket number given. You must specify the type of the
comparison. Valid comparisons are: less than (lt), equal (eq), or
greater than (gt).
<permit | deny> srcsocket <lt | gt | eq> <socket number>
Compare the destination IPX socket number contained in the
packet to the socket number given. You must specify the type of
the comparison. Valid comparisons are: less than (lt), equal (eq),
or greater than (gt).
<permit | deny> srcsocket <lt | gt | eq> <socket number>
IPX rule example
The following rules discards packets which are bound for
network number 342BF if their destination socket number is less
than 32.
deny dstnet 000342BF dstsocket lt 32
Packet Filters 8-17
SAP Rule Options
SAP rules are only used in output filters. The rule format is as
<permit | deny> <keyword> <value>
Possible keywords are server, network, host, and socket.
Compare the server name of an advertised service to the server
name of the packet filter.
<permit | deny> server <server name>
Compare the IPX network number of the advertised service to
the network IPX address. The IPX network number must be in
hexadecimal format.
<permit | deny> network <IPX network number>
The IPX node address of the service is compared to the host IPX
node address specified in the packet filter. The IPX address
must be in hexadecimal format.
<permit | deny> host <IPX network address>
Compare the server’s IPX socket number to the one given in the
filter. You must specify the type of the comparison. Valid
comparisons are: less than (lt), equal (eq), or greater than (gt).
<permit | deny> socket <lt | gt | eq> <IPX network address>
SAP filter rule example
The following rule allows a packet to pass if it is an advertise-
ment from the server named sales_1 and its socket number is less
than 32.
permit server sales_1 socket lt 32
8-18 Packet Filters
Editing Packet Filters
Edit a Packet Filter
See Filter Rule Format, earlier in the chapter for a description of
filter rule format. For information on filter rule options, see the
section specific to the type of packet filter you are editing.
To edit a filter, replace an existing rule with a new one. Use one
of the following commands:
set filter <name> <rule #> <permit | deny> <new options>
set ipxfilter <name> <rule #> <permit | deny> <new options>
set sapfilter <name> <rule #> <permit | deny> <new options>
When you are finished, save the filter with the following com-
save filters
Delete a Packet Filter Rule
To delete a rule, use the following command:
set filter <filter name> <rule #>
set ipxfilter <filter name> <rule #>
set sapfilter <fitter name> <rule #>
To delete all rules of a certain type, use the following command:
set <filter | ipxfilter | sapfilter> <filter name> blank
Delete a Packet Filter
To delete a specific packet filter, use the following command:
delete filter <filter name>
Save a Filter
Save your changes by issuing the following command:
save filters
Packet Filters 8-19
View a Packet Filter
If you want to check to view a specific packet filter, use the
following command:
show filter <name>
You’ll see the packet filter ’s IP rules first, IPX rules second, and
then the SAP rules. The information you see might look some-
thing like this:
1 d e ny 0 0 tc p src e q 23
2 d e ny 0 0 tc p d st e q 23
3 p e rm it
View the Packet Filter Table
To view the Packet Filter Table, use the following command:
show table filter
The information you see might look something like this:
inte rne
inte rne t.o ut
inte rne t.trc
lo g inuse
lo g inuse r.o ut lo g insa le s
8-20 Packet Filters
Chapter 9
Administrative Tools
This chapter covers commands whose functions are purely
• Configuring the !root account
• Manually connecting to a remote site
• Troubleshooting commands
• The SHOW command
Configuring the !root account
The commands in this section control access to the supervisor
account (!root).
Changing the command prompt
If you have more than one NETServer and want to differentiate
between them, you can change the Command> prompt you see
when you connect to the !root account. The prompt can be up to
20 characters long and must be enclosed in double quotes (“”).
Use the following command:
set prompt “<prompt message>”
!root Access
This command allows the administrator to disable !root login
through ports s1 to s16. If this parameter is set to off, the !root
account may be accessed only through the external serial port
(s0) or a Telnet session on an existing network connection. The
default is on, which allows !root access through all S-ports.
set !rootaccess <on | off>
Administrative Tools 9-1
Note: You can also disable Telnet access to the !root account.
For more information, see Telnet Access Port below.
Telnet Access Port
You can reach the command line interface by initiating a Telnet
session and logging into the NETServer as !root. The Telnet
Access Port identifies the specific TCP port number that the
NETServer should listen to for incoming Telnet sessions. The
default is 23, Telnet’s well-known port number.
The Telnet Access port number can range from 1 to 65536. Note
that 10000 through 10100 are reserved for an internal filter used
for host device port security. Use the following command:
set telnet <TCP port #>
Security Note: Some administrators consider using Telnet’s
well-known port (23) for remote administration a security risk
since anybody can get a login prompt simply by Telnetting to
the NETServer. This allows a potential vandal to attempt to
guess your !root password, possibly seizing control of the
Changing to a non-standard port adds additional protection by
making a potential vandal guess which port the NETServer is
listening to.
Alternatively, you may disable Telnet administration altogether
by setting this parameter to 0.
9-2 Administrative Tools
Manually Connecting to a Remote Site
You can dial a remote (or local) site from the Command Line
software with the dial command and log in to a local host with
the nslogin, rlogin, and telnet commands.
The Dial Command
Use the following command:
dial <location>
<location> must be a valid Location Table entry. You can also
add a debugging option, -x, after the <location> field. This
option displays the negotiation/ connection messages.
Nslogin, Rlogin and Telnet Commands
nslogin makes a PortMux connection with a host, rlogin an
Rlogin connection, and telnet a Telnet connection. PortMux
multiplexes many Telnet sessions, requiring fewer connections.
They all use the following syntax:
nslogin <host>
(or rlogin <host> or telnet <host>)
<host> must contain the IP address or name of the host you are
connecting to.
For example, to Telnet to a host with an IP address of, use the following command:
Administrative Tools 9-3
Troubleshooting Commands
Troubleshooting commands are described in the following
Viewing DEBUG messages
The debug command allows you to view certain messages which
would normally be discarded. If you have a strong background
in the protocols you wish to view, these messages should be
useful in determining the following:
• Why a dial in user is failing to connect.
• Whether they are negotiating PAP or CHAP.
• What their final IP address and netmask are.
• Any negotiation error codes such as duplicate IP address or
IPX network not unique.
To view debug messages:
1. Log into the !root account.
2. Tell the NETServer to direct all debug messages to your
screen by typing the following:
set console
Note: only one connection may be the output console at any
given time. If a second administrator types set console, the
output will be redirected.
3. Tell the NETServer which debug messages to send you. To
view IP and/ or IPX connection messages, type
the following:
set debug 0x51
To view PPP negotiation messages, type the following:
set debug 0x71
WARNING! Unless explicitly told to do so by U.S.
Robotics support, never enter any debug codes other than
the three shown in this section.
9-4 Administrative Tools
4. When you are finished viewing debug messages, tell the
NETServer not to display messages.
set debug 0x00
5. Turn off the output console by typing the following:
reset console
Administrative Tools 9-5
This command displays the current (active) configuration of an
interface. Note that the configuration of a serial port is only
displayed when there is an established point-to-point connec-
tion using that serial port. That is, an established connection
with S1 would show up as ptp1 (point-to-point connection 1)
Ifconfig also lets you reconfigure the NETServer interfaces while
they are active. Note that this affects configuration for the
currently active connection only. When the connection is
terminated, the port reverts to its normal configuration.
Viewing an Active Interface
To view an interface’s active configuration, use the following
ifconfig <interface>
If you type the command without a specific interface, the active
configuration of all interfaces appears. The first line of the
active configuration contains the name of the interface (net0,
ptp1, and so on), as well as various flags that indicate its status:
Indicates whether IP and IPX are being used
by the NETServer on this interface.
The interface is connected to a broadcast
network (e.g., Ethernet) rather than a point-to-
point link.
The interface is part of a PPP or SLIP link.
The interface is an on-demand dial out link.
However, the connection has been torn down
because there is no current traffic. The logical
connection is maintained to preserve routing
RIP packets are being received through this
RIP is being sent through this interface.
No RIP information is being exchanged
through this interface.
9-6 Administrative Tools
The second line contains the following information:
The Ethernet broadcast address.
Displays the IP address of the device on the
other end of a point-to-point connection.
The interface’s IP address (NETServer em-
ploys its LAN port IP address for most
The IPX frame type or protocol.
The IPX network address of the frame type
The maximum transmission unit of the
The IP subnet mask the interface is currently
When you issue the command, what you see might look some-
thing like this:
ne t0: fla g s=1016[IP_UP,IPX_UP,BROADCAST]
ine t
ip xne t 0AE31E03
ne tma sk ffffff00
ip xfra m e ETHERNET_802.3
b ro a d c a st
m tu 1500
Changing An Active Interface
To change an active interface, use the following command:
ifconfig <interface> <option> <new setting>
<interface> can be Net0, ptp1, ptp2 etc. However, the point-to-
point connections must be established in order to be
For example, to change the Netmask setting of an established
connection on S1 (point-to-point1) as it is being used for a
hardwired connection, you would use the following command:
ifconfig ptp1 netmask
Administrative Tools 9-7
This verifies that the NETServer can communicate with other
devices on the network. Use the following command:
ping <IP address>
<IP address> is the IP address or name of the device on the
network you want to ping. You’ll see the following results if the
ping is successful: is a live
If you have a name service such as DNS or NIS, you may see the
sa le s_e a st ( is a live
If the ping is unsuccessful, you’ll see the following:
No a nswe r fro m
9-8 Administrative Tools
This command lets you monitor network traffic at the packet
level. Use the following command:
ptrace <filter name>
Note that if you type the command without specifying a packet
filter, ptrace is disabled.
Keep in mind that this packet filter does not function like an
output or input packet filter. It does not discard packets that do
not meet its rules, it simply reports on those packets which do
meet its criteria.
When the command is issued, all packets received by the
NETServer are evaluated against the packet filter specified in
the command. If a packet meets the filter’s criteria, a message is
displayed on the command line. The message includes informa-
tion on the source and destination of the packet, the protocol
used, and information specific to that protocol.
When accessing the NETServer via a Telnet session, make sure
you filter out the administrative Telnet packets. Otherwise,
ptrace will report packets from the administrator ’s own ptrace
output, causing a large amount of unusable packet tracing
The following is an example filter for PTRACE:
1 deny tcp src eq 23
2 deny tcp dst eq 23
3 permit
This example filters out all Telnet packets while allowing all IP
traffic to be seen for the purpose of debugging.
The following is an example of ptrace output:
Co m m a nd > p tra c e ip
Pa c ke t Tra c ing Ena b le d
Co m m a nd > UDP fro m to
UDP fro m to
UDP fro m to
UDP fro m to
ic m p fro m to typ e Ec ho Re q ue st
p tra c e
Pa c ke t Tra c ing Disa b le d
Administrative Tools 9-9
This command identifies the routers (and the path) to a remote
host/ system. The name or IP address of the remote host/
system follow the traceroute command. Use the following
traceroute <IP address>
The information you see might look something like this:
Co m m a nd > tra c e ro ute
tra c e ro ute to (, 30 ho p s ma x
Use this command to see what version of NETServer code your
NETServer is using. U.S. Robotics Technical Support may
require you to furnish this information. Use the following
The NETServer replies with the firmware revision number (for
example, 3.1.2) as well as the date and time that this revision
was compiled.
9-10 Administrative Tools
The SHOW command
The show command can be used to view the NETServer’s
current configuration and its routing activity. The command has
the following options:
all S-ports
arp <interface>
filter <filter name>
init_script <script name>
IP address resolution data
a specific packet filter
a summary of flash memory
global configuration
a modem initialization string
the ipxroutes table
location <location name>
a location table entry
DRAM memory usage
Active connections
LAN port configuration
network statistics
netuser <user name>
routes or routing
the specified user
the IP routes table
SAP interfaces
s<port number>
table filter
table hosts
table location
table netmask
table snmp
table user
the specified port
current dial in sessions
filter table summary
hosts table summary
location table summary
the netmasks table
snmp table summary
user table summary
time since the last reboot
the specified user
user <username>
The commands in this list that are related to viewing specific
tables are discussed in the sections of Chapter 10 relevant to the
information being shown. Show filter is discussed in Chapter 8.
The show commands used mostly for troubleshooting are
covered below. They include: Show arp, flash, memory, netconns,
netstat, sap, and sessions.
Administrative Tools 9-11
show arp
Show arp allows you to view IP address resolution information
for the given interface. To use this command, type
show arp <interface>
<Interface> can be one of the following:
The LAN port
ptp<port #>
A point to point connection on port
The NETServer will respond with a list of IP addresses, followed
by the corresponding MAC addresses. Each response is similar
to the following: at 08:00:20:76:89:9B
show flash
If you want to know how much flash memory your configura-
tion data is using, type the following command:
show flash
The information you see might look something like this:
File na m e
“c o nfd a ta ”
“c onfig ”
“p a sswd ”
“ho stta b ”
“ro ute s”
“ip xro ute ”
“lo c a tio n”
“sc rip t”
“snm p ”
“filte rs”
“ip xfilt”
“sa p filt”
“ne tm a sks”
To ta l FLASH:
Use d :
262144 b yte s
11393 b yte s
Fre e : 250751 byte s
No c o m m it in p rog re ss
9-12 Administrative Tools
show memory
Use the following command to see the NETServer ’s DRAM
memory utilization:
show memory
The information you see might look something like this:
Syste m m e m o ry 2097152 byte s - 1457952 use d , 639200 a va ila b le
Fre e b lo c ks (b lo c k_size :c o unt): 4096:1 1152:0 640:0 80:7 160:1 48:5 128:0 32:8
Syste m nb ufs 800 c re a te d - 20 use d , 780 a va ila b le
(27 ma xim um use d , 0 und e rflows)
Syste m ne tq ue ue s 174 a va ila b le , 172 m in. a va ila b le
show netconns
This summarizes of all active connections to the NETServer,
providing information on network use, IP socket allocation, and
so on.
show netconns
The information you see might look something like this:
Hnd Po rt
Re c v-Q Se nd -Q
Lo c a l Ad d re ss
Fo re ig n Ad d re ss (sta te )
ne t
ne t
0a e 31e 03.1643
The point-to-point (ptp) connection handle.
You can reset an active connection by typing
the following:
reset n<handle #>
The port through which the connection has
been established.
How many packets are in the ptp connection’s
receive queue.
How many packets are in the ptp connection’s
send queue.
Local Address
The local port address that is a part of the ptp
Administrative Tools 9-13
Foreign Address The address of the port on the remote side of a
point-to-point connection. IPX port addresses
appear as 00000000.0.
The status of the connection. Possible values
include SPX LISTEN, UDP, and LISTEN.
show netstat
The show netstat command provides information on network
statistics, specifically on each network interface or ptp (point-to-
point) connection.
show netstat
The information you see might look something like this:
Na m e
ne t0
Ip kts
Ie rrs
Op kts
Oe rrs
Co llis
Re se ts
Que ue
Name of the interface, for example, ptp12 (point to
point connection on port s12).
How many packets the interface has received.
How many damaged packets the interface received.
How many packets were sent by the interface.
How many of the packets sent by the interface
caused an error condition.
How many collisions were detected by this interface.
How many times the interface has been reset.
How many packets are in the queue, waiting to be
sent. This field should normally be zero.
The following command resets these counters to 0:
reset netstat
9-14 Administrative Tools
show sap
Use the following command to view the SAP interfaces:
show sap
The information you see might look something like this:
Se rve r
Ne two rk Ho st
Soc k
Ho p s
Inte rfa c e
ne t0
ne t0
show sessions
This command provides a port-by-port synopsis of activity,
including information such as the user currently dialed in, the
destination host system, the type of connection, and the amount
of time that they have been dialed in. It allows you to track
activity on each port, which helps in diagnosing problems with
telephony issues, such as proper hunt group rollover.
show sessions
The information you see might look something like this:
Po rt
Use r
!ro o t
Ho st/ Ine t/ De st Typ e
Dir Sta tus
----- --------
Online Id le
-------- -----
Lo g / Ne t
Lo g / Ne t
2Wa y/ Ne t I/O IDLE
Lo g / Ne t
Lo g in
Lo g / Ne t
Lo g / Ne t
Lo g / Ne t
Lo g / Ne t
The number of the port.
The user name of the login or network user
connected to or logging in to a port.
This is the host or IPX server that the user
has established a session with.
Administrative Tools 9-15
This is the type of service that the port has
been configured to support. Possible Port
Types are:
User login port
Host device port
Both user login and host device
Network (dial in or dial out)
The direction associated with the port type.
For example, a network dial in port will
have a direction of In, and a Twoway port
will have a direction of I/O.
Possible entries are:
!root account session
Setting up connection
Connection is active
The port is idle
Waiting for a user name or a
The length of time since the session started,
in hours (if at least 1 hour) and minutes or in
The number of packets waiting to be sent
(either to the destination or the user).
9-16 Administrative Tools
Chapter 10
Command Reference
This chapter contains a complete listing of all the commands for
configuring the following (in alphabetical order):
• Global Configuration
• The Hosts Table
• The Location Table
• Net0 (LAN Port) Configuration
• The Netmasks Table
• The Ports Table (S-Port Configuration)
• The Routes Table
• SNMP Setup
• The User Table
Global Configuration
Global Configuration includes commands that affect every user
and every port. Since this is a very large group of functions, we
have broken global configuration down into several categories
• User parameters
• Routing parameters
• Name service configuration
• RADIUS security
• Accounting server configuration
Technically, many of the administrative commands covered last
chapter are also part of Global Configuration. However, we will
not repeat them here.
Command Reference 10-1
How to . . .
Get help
To bring up a list of command options for Global Configuration,
use the following command:
help set global
Save Changes
To save any configuration changes you have made, use the
following command:
save global
View the Global Configuration Table
To view Global Configuration, type:
show global
The information you see might look something like this:
Syste m Na m e : Cinc inna ti
De fa ult Ho sts:
IP Ga te wa y:
IPX Ga te wa y: 0000A462:000000AC1262
De fa ult Ro ute : Quie t (Off)
Ga te wa y Me tric :
Ga te wa y Me tric :
Do ma in: My_Do ma in.c o m
Na m e Se rvic e : DNS
DNS Ca c he Tim e o ut: 0 d a ys 0 ho urs 30 m inute s (30 m in)
Na m e Se rve rs:
Sys Lo g ho sts:
RADIUS Se rve r:
Ac c o unting Se rve r:
Alte rna te Se rve r:
Alt. Ac c t. Se rve r:
Te lne t Ac c e ss Po rt: 23
Assig ne d Ad d re ss:
Re p o rte d Ad d re ss:
ICMP e rro r Lo g g ing : OFF
Ra nd o m Ho sts List: OFF
Co nne c t Me ssa g e : ON Dia l !ro o t Ac c e ss: ON
SNMP a g e nt: OFF
Pro xy Arp : OFF
All of the parameters displayed are configurable.
10-2 Command Reference
Global user parameters
The following parameters apply to all users in the user table.
Assigned Address
Optional. The Assigned Address is the first of 9 (NETServer/ 8)
or 17 (NETServer/ 16) consecutive IP addresses. One address is
set aside for each modem plus an additional address for the
external serial port (s0). Network users whose IP address field
are set to “assigned” are given one of these IP addresses when
they dial in to the NETServer. Use the following command:
set assigned <first IP address of block>
Note: Be careful to choose a starting address so that the last
addresses in the block do not extend beyond the last legal
address on the subnet.
Connect Message
When this parameter is on, the NETServer will issue a “Con-
nected” message to login users after they have been successfully
connected to a host. This can be useful when the host itself does
not give such feedback.
set connectmessage <on | off>
Default Host
This is the IP address of the host that a user will log into if there
is no host specified in his or her user table entry and no host
specified for the port he or she is connected to. See also Random-
ize Hosts, below. Use the following command:
set host <IP address>
If the global default host is not available, a user will be directed
to one of these alternate hosts. Use the following command:
set host <host #> <IP address>
<host #> is a number 2-9. (The Default Host is 1. If a number is
not given, the software assumes 1)
Command Reference 10-3
Randomize Hosts
This command is used to relieve the burden on frequently-used
global default, port default and RADIUS user table hosts. All
three of these tables contain a default host and several alternate
When the random host command is turned off (default), the user
will be connected first to the default host. If the default host is
unavailable, he or she will be passed onto the first alternate host
that is available.
When the random host command is set on, the user is connected
to a random host selected from the default host and all the
alternates. A different host is selected every time the port is
connected to. Type the following command to enable this
set randomhost <on | off>
Note: The flow of host selection from user table entry, to
RADIUS user file entry to Port Default Host to Global Default
Host is the same regardless of the setting of this parameter.
Randomizing hosts only affects the NETServer ’s choice of a
Global Default vs. a Global Alternate Host, of a Port Default vs.
a Port Alternate Host, and of hosts in the RADIUS users file.
10-4 Command Reference
Global routing parameters
The parameters in this section configure routing on all ports.
Default Gateways
If the NETServer does not know where to send a packet, it
forwards the packet to the default gateway or router defined in
this step. Default gateways must be on the same subnet as the
You must also enter a metric (hop count) for each type of default
gateway. Possible values range from 1 (default) to 15. Note that
since the actual metric of a default gateway is only 1 hop, the
value entered here is used to control the perceived cost of the
gateway to other routers on your network. For example, a high
metric will limit the number of hops that the route is broadcast
and may cause other routers to see it as a less preferable route.
If the NETServer is configured to listen for IP default route
broadcasts (see Default Route below), the IP Default Gateway can
be overridden by a default route broadcast with a lower hop
To set the IP gateway, type the following:
set gateway <IP address> <metric>
The following example configures an IP default gateway whose
cost is prohibitive to all but the closest subnets:
set gateway 12
To set the IPX gateway, type the following:
set ipxgateway <IPX node address> <metric>
The IPX node address is the full IPX node address in hexadeci-
mal format. In other words:
8 digit network number:12 digit node MAC address
The following example sets up a default gateway on network
number A34. Note that the preceding zeros could be omitted:
set ipxgateway 00000A34:000000123456 1
Command Reference 10-5
Default Route
This command determines whether the NETServer will dynami-
cally update IP default gateway information. The default is off.
Use the following command:
set default <on | broadcast | listen | off>
The NETServer will broadcast its default gateway
information as part of normal RIP messaging and
will also listen for default gateways broadcast by
other routing devices.
The NETServer will broadcast its default gateway
information as part of normal RIP messaging, but
will not listen for default gateways.
The NETServer will listen for default gateway
information coming from other routers. However,
it will not broadcast such information.
The NETServer neither sends default gateway
information to other routers nor listens for default
Note: The NETServer will use a default route broadcast by
another router only if Default Route is set to on or listen and the
metric of the route received is lower than the metric of the IP
Default Gateway. In such a case, the broadcast default route will
override the Default Gateway setting.
IP Address Spoofing
This command configures the IP address that the NETServer
reports to remote networks. This allows more than one
NETServer to appear to have a single IP address. The default is (no IP address spoofing).
set reported_ip <IP address>
10-6 Command Reference
NetBIOS Packet Propagation
On an IPX network, NetBIOS obtains information by broadcast-
ing type 20 packets to all networks. In order to fully support
NetBIOS over IPX, the NETServer must be configured to for-
ward type 20 broadcast packets across an IPX network. The
following command is used:
set netbios <on | off>
The default is off, which disables NetBIOS packet propagation.
PAP Authentication
This allows you to disable PAP authentication in order to force
routing connections to use the more secure CHAP protocol. The
default is on, which enables PAP authentication.
set pap <on | off>
Proxy ARP
Proxy ARP can be useful when an ARP request is received on
one interface, but the NETServer knows that the requested
address is actually reached through another interface. Since the
requested address is not actually on the subnet from which the
ARP originated, there is no way that the desired machine can
When proxy ARP is enabled, the NETServer will reply to such a
request with its own MAC address. Packets headed for the
requested system will then be sent to the NETServer, which in
turn forwards them to the appropriate address.
set proxy <on | off>
System Name
This is the NETServer ’s system name, 15 characters maximum.
Required for LAN-to-LAN routing and CHAP authentication.
Also required if your network uses SNMP or IPX. If your
network has a name service, use the name assigned to the
NETServer. The following command sets the system name:
set sysname <name>
Command Reference 10-7
Name Service
These commands configure the name service your network uses.
A name service allows you to use host names rather than just IP
addresses. The default is no name service. If you select a name
service, you must also enter a Name Server and a Domain Name
(see below).
The choices for name service are DNS and NIS, with DNS being
the default.
The network uses the Domain Name Service (DNS).
The network uses the Network Information Service
(NIS). NIS is sometimes referred to as YP (Yellow
The NETServer does not use a name service.
Use the following command:
set namesvc <dns | nis | off>
Server name
This is the name or IP address of a server providing the name
service. You may specify a primary (1) , a secondary (2), and a
tertiary (3) name server. The NETServer checks with each name
server in turn. If no valid response is received in the amount of
time given below, NETServer proceeds to the next name server.
Nameserver 1
Nameserver 2
Nameserver 3
5 seconds
5 seconds
15 seconds
If no valid response is received from Nameserver 3, name
resolution fails.
set nameserver <1 | 2 | 3> <IP address>
If the <1| 2| 3> field is left blank, the NETServer assumes you
are configuring the primary nameserver (1).
10-8 Command Reference
Domain name
This is the name of the domain the NETServer belongs to. Both
the primary and the secondary name servers must belong to the
same domain. Use the following command:
set domain <domain name>
DNS Cache Reset Time-out
Once the NETServer has obtained a name resolution response
from a DNS server, it caches the results so that the name resolu-
tion information can be reused without further DNS requests.
The following command configures the length of time
NETServer caches individual DNS responses before refreshing
them (by issuing another DNS request):
set dnscache <DD:HH:MM>
You must specify days, hours and minutes as three two-digit
pairs separated by colons. For example,
set dnscache 00:00:30
The default is 30 minutes. Earlier versions of the NETServer
firmware also used 30 minutes for this function, but did not
allow you to change it.
Command Reference 10-9
RADIUS security
The following commands configure the NETServer ’s use of
RADIUS security servers. See Appendix F for more information
Primary RADIUS Server
This is the IP address of the primary RADIUS authentication
server. Use the following command:
set authentic <IP address>
Alternate RADIUS Server
The IP address of the secondary RADIUS authentication server.
If the primary server is unavailable, the NETServer will check
with this server. Use the following command:
set alternate <IP address>
This is the encryption key used to encode user passwords and
verify the user password with the RADIUS server. Use the
following command:
set secret <encryption key>
10-10 Command Reference
Accounting servers
The following commands configure the NETServer ’s communi-
cations with accounting servers.
RADIUS Accounting
This command specifies the primary (1) and secondary (2)
RADIUS accounting servers. RADIUS is an open protocol for
network accounting. This allows the NETServer to send ac-
counting messages to any one of a number of RADIUS imple-
mentations available, including U.S. Robotics’ own RADIUS
server. The default for both the primary and secondary account-
ing server is (none).
set accounting <1 | 2> <IP address>
If you omit the primary/ secondary parameter <1 | 2>, the
NETServer assumes you are configuring the primary accounting
Syslog Accounting
Optional. Enter a value in this field only if the NETServer will
support UNIX Syslog network accounting. Type in the name or
the IP address of the server that functions as the syslog host.
The default is (no Syslog host). See Appendix E for more
information on Syslog accounting. Use the following command:
set loghost <IP address>
The NETServer allows you to send Syslog accounting messages
to two different Syslog hosts simultaneously. Type the following
command to add the second host:
set 2ndlog <IP address>
Note: The two loghosts are independent of one another.
NETServer can send accounting messages to the secondary
loghost even if the primary loghost is not defined.
Command Reference 10-11
ICMP Logging
This command determines whether the NETServer sends ICMP
errors such as Host Unreachable to the Syslog server. The
default is off, which means that the NETServer does not pass
such messages to Syslog.
set icmplogging <on | off>
Note that the NETServer must be configured to use Syslog
network accounting (see Syslog Accounting).
10-12 Command Reference
Hosts Table
Like a name service, the hosts table translates names to IP
addresses and vice versa. However, the hosts table is only used
by the NETServer itself, rather than the entire network. If you
are not using a name service and you want to use names rather
than IP addresses, you must first create host table entries for all
the hosts you want to refer to.
How to . . .
Add a Host
To add a host to the Hosts Table, use the following command:
add host <IP address> <name>
Delete a Host
To delete a host, use the following command:
delete host <IP address or name>
Save Changes
To save changes you have made, use the following command:
save host
View the Hosts Table
To view the Hosts Table, use the following command:
show table host
The information you see might look something like this:
IP Ad d re ss
Ho st Na m e
fra nk
d e lp hi
Command Reference 10-13
Location Table
Use the location table to define sites that the NETServer can dial
out to. (As opposed to dialing in, which requires a User Table
How To . . .
Add a Location to the Location Table
To add a remote site or host to the Location Table, use the
following command:
add location <location name>
The Location Name is case sensitive and can be up to 15 charac-
ters long. Sales and sales would be two different locations. The
Location Name should be the name for the remote site in the
remote network’s SNMP server, domain server, or Novell
Bring Up the List of Commands
To bring up a list of commands and command options for the
Location Table, use the following command:
help set location
Change a Location’s Parameter(s)
To change a location’s parameters, use the following command:
set location <location name> <option> <value>
For example, to change the MTU value of a location called
westsales to 1099, you would issue the following command:
set location westsales mtu 1099
Delete a Location from the Location Table
To delete a location, use the following command:
delete location <location name>
10-14 Command Reference
Save Location Table Changes
To save changes you have made, use the following command:
save location
View the Location Table
To view the Location Table, type the following command:
show table location
The information you see might look something like this:
Lo c a tio n
De stina tio n
Ne tma sk
Ma xc o nn
Typ e
————— ——————— ——————
——— —————
On De ma nd
Ma nua l
sa sha
ne t
View a Particular Location
To view information on a specific location, type the following
show location <location name>
The information that appears may look something like this:
Lo c a tio n: sa sha
De stina tio n:
IPX Ne two rk: 0AE31E03
Pro to c o l: PPP
Typ e : Ma nua l
Ne tma sk:
Op tio ns: Ro uting , Co m p re ssio n
Gro up :
Ma x Po rts:
Id le Tim e o ut: 10 m inute s
MTU: 1500
Hig h Ma rk: 4 byte s
Async Ma p : 00000000
Dia l Sc rip t: Se nd Co m m a nd
Wa it Fo r Re p ly
a td t5551000
Command Reference 10-15
Location Table Parameters
Connection Type
This determines when then the NETServer will dial the remote
host or site. Your options are Continuous, Manual, and On
Demand. The default is On Demand.
The NETServer keeps the connection to the remote site active at
all times. If the connection is broken for any reason, the
NETServer automatically tries to reconnect. Use the following
set location <location name> continuous
The NETServer dials the remote site only when a the connection
is specifically requested.
set location <location name> manual
Manual is the preferred location type for locations used to
dialback network users since this setting restricts the NETServer
to dialing out to the user only when an initiating call is received.
Manual connections are also used for troubleshooting. You can
initiate a dial out connection to a manual location from the
NETServer ’s command line:
dial <location name>
If you want to see the connection debug messages, add -x to the
end of the command.
On Demand
The NETServer automatically dials and establishes a connection
to the remote site when packets are queued for that location.
Normally, this is used in conjunction with the Idle Timeout
setting, so the NETServer will maintain a connection only as
long as it is needed. Use the following command:
set location <location name> on_demand
10-16 Command Reference
IP Address
This command is used to tell the NETServer what IP address
will be used by the remote device. The default is, which
disables the port for TCP/ IP connections using PPP. Use the
following command.
set location <location name> destination <IP address>
PPP links: If the IP Destination is set to, the
NETServer will try to negotiate or learn the location’s IP
address. This will work only with manual and continuous
connection types. On-demand locations require a specified IP
address (to know when to dial).
This is the IP subnet mask for the remote location. It will be
used to determine the network and host portions of the address
given above. The default is, which would be
appropriate for a Class C network with no subnetting or for
Class C size subnets of larger networks. You must change this
value if the remote location is using a different subnet mask.
Use the following command:
set location <location name> netmask <netmask>
IPX Network
While a dial connection is up, it acts like a virtual network
segment to which both the NETServer and the remote location
are attached. This is the IPX network number that will be
assigned to that virtual network segment. It is not the number of
a physical cable on either network.
The IPX network number must be unique on both the remote
and local networks; that is, no device or service may be using
that exact network number. Use the following command:
set location <location name> ipxnet <IPX network number>
Command Reference 10-17
Default is SLIP. This field indicates what protocol the
NETServer should use to encapsulate packets bound for the
remote user.
set location <location name> protocol <ppp | slip>
Connections that forward IPX packets must use the PPP
protocol. If you enter an IPX network number for the location,
the NETServer will set this to PPP for you.
This field controls RIP messaging between the NETServer and
the remote site. Use the following command:
set location <location name> routing <on | broadcast | listen | off>
The NETServer sends RIP information to the
remote site and accepts RIP information from the
remote site.
The NETServer sends RIP information to the
remote site.
The NETServer accepts RIP information from the
remote site.
The NETServer does not send RIP information to
the remote site and ignores RIP messages from the
remote site.
This indicates whether Van Jacobson TCP/ IP header compres-
sion is enabled (on) or disabled (off). If you using SLIP with
compression enabled, the other end of the connection must also
be using compressed SLIP (CSLIP) or the connection will fail. If
you are using PPP with compression enabled, the NETServer
will attempt to negotiate for compression, but will still be able to
communicate with a remote location that is not using compres-
sion. The default is off.
set location <location name> compression <on | off>
10-18 Command Reference
Dial Group
This field specifies which group of modems will dial-out to a
remote location. Group numbers can range from 0 to 99. The
default group, 0, can be thought of as the group of all modems
which have not been assigned to a different group.
set location <location> group <group #>
Specifying a modem group lets you reserve a modem for dialing
specific locations, or ensure that the modem used for a connec-
tion is configured correctly for this location.
Such groups are created during port configuration by setting the
Dial Group of one or more modem ports to the same number.
Maximum Ports
This sets the number of ports the NETServer can allocate for a
single connection to this location. Use the following command:
set location <location> maxports <number>
Possible Values for <number>:
(Default) Dial out to this location is disabled.
The NETServer will allocate only a single line to a session,
regardless of the High Water Mark setting.
2+ When the High Water Mark is exceeded, the NETServer
will allocate additional lines until this total is reached or
there are no more free modems in the location’s dial group.
This option is valid only if the device on the other end of
the connection is another NETServer.
If the session is using multiple lines, the NETServer uses load
balancing to maximize throughput and the Idle Time-out setting
determines when to disconnect the additional lines.
For example, a local user connects to a location with a High
Water Mark of 100 bytes and a Maximum Ports setting of 2. If
the user is transferring large files, the traffic on that session’s
line would exceed the High Water Mark. The NETServer would
allocate another line to handle the file transfer, closing the
additional line when the traffic level decreases.
Command Reference 10-19
Idle Time-out
Applies to Manual and On Demand locations only. Idletime
specifies how many minutes a dial out connection to this
location can remain idle before the NETServer disconnects.
Default is 0 (disable idle time-out). Use the following command:
set location <location name> idletime <2 to 240 minutes>
Note: The idle timer ignores RIP, SAP and keepalive packets,
allowing ports to time-out even though these protocols are
High Water Mark
This is only used if the Maximum Ports setting equals 2 or more
(allowing use of multiple ports on a single connection) and
additional modems are available. When the amount of network
traffic between the local site and the remote host reaches the
number of bytes specified in this field, the NETServer opens
another dial-out line to the remote site.
If you configure a small high water mark, the NETServer will
use the additional lines whenever they are available. A larger
high water mark will cause the NETServer to use other lines
only when they are really needed, leaving them free for other
uses. Keep in mind the kind of traffic you expect across the link.
Light traffic, such as a user Telnet session, will usually only
queue a few hundred bytes. File transfers, on the other hand,
can easily queue several thousand.
set location <location name> high_water <bytes>
10-20 Command Reference
This is the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) used with this
interface. MTU sets the largest frame or packet size that a
connection protocol will send. If an IP packet’s size is greater
than the MTU setting, it’s broken down into smaller pieces. IPX
packets larger than the MTU are discarded. Use the following
set location <location name> mtu <value>
For IPX connections, the MTU must be set to 1500.
PPP connections are set between 100 and 1500 (default is 1500).
Note that either end of a PPP connection can negotiate for a
smaller MTU if necessary. SLIP connections are set between 100
and 1006 (default is 1006).
PPP Async Map
The PPP protocol supports the escaping of non-printing ASCII
characters. Escaping means that specific characters won’t be
sent, but will be replaced by a special set of characters. The
remote site then interprets this special set of characters as the
original characters.
The PPP Async Map is a bit-map of the 32ASCII control charac-
ters (the first 32 characters of the ASCII character set), repre-
sented as 8 hexadecimal digits. The order is actually big endian,
which means that the last bit of the last character corresponds to
the first ASCII character (Null) and so on. Use the following
set location <location name> map <value>
For example, to escape the ASCII null character to a location
named Chicago the command would be
set location Chicago map 00000001
The default is 00000000 (do not escape any characters). We
recommend that you do not change this field unless specifically
required by your network.
Command Reference 10-21
Output Filter
Packets being sent to the remote location are evaluated against
this filter and are discarded or accepted accordingly. See
Chapter 8 for more information on packet filters. Use the
following command:
set location <location name> ofilter <filter name>
Input Filter
Packets received from the remote location are evaluated against
this filter and are discarded or accepted accordingly. See
Chapter 8 for more information on packet filters. Use the
following command:
set location <location name> ifilter <filter name>
Dial Script
Dial scripts tell the NETServer how to establish a link to the
location. Usually, a dial script contains AT commands for the
dialing modem to execute - for example, ATDT5551234 (tone
dial 555-1234). Dial scripts also contain the replies that the
NETServer should wait for before it proceeds.
Dial Script Format
When creating a dial script, you must specify what the
NETServer will Send (for example, an AT string) and the Reply
it expects from the location (for example, “CONNECT”).
Each send string is issued to the modem or remote computer.
Each reply string verifies that the previous send string was
properly received and that the NETServer should transmit the
next send string.
You can specify up to 6 Send/ Reply pairs. Each Send and Reply
string may be up to 20 characters long. Send strings must end
with the \ r character. Use the following command:
set location <location name> script <line #> “<send>” “<reply>”
<line #> A number between 1 and 6.
<send> A string of up to 30 characters surrounded by quotes.
<reply> A string of up to 30 characters surrounded by quotes.
10-22 Command Reference
Special Characters
The send or reply strings can contain any printing ASCII
character. Also, you may use the following special characters:
\ r
ASCII carriage return
\ n
ASCII line feed
\ 0XX
\ \
octal digit XX (such as \ O7)
single backslash (\ )
An empty reply string (expect no reply)
The Last String in a Dial Script
The last entry in the Dial Command Script must be a Reply
string that indicates that the remote location is ready to begin
receiving network packets. This activates the TCP/ IP protocol
coming from the NETServer.
When connecting to a remote NETServer for example, the final
reply string to look for should be “SL/IP” or “PPP”. For other
routers, consult the product’s own documentation.
Dial Script Example
The following Dial Command Script is an example of how to
establish a connection between two NETServers which have
modems supporting the AT dial command syntax:
The 16155551234 would be replaced by the actual telephone
number of the remote modem.
my_location_name would be replaced by the actual user name for
your location.
my_password would be replaced by the actual password set up at
the remote site for that user name.
Command Reference 10-23
LAN Port (Net0) Configuration
LAN port configuration lets you configure the NETServer ’s
Ethernet interface.
If you have changed the IP address or IPX network number, you
must reboot the NETServer after you save your changes.
How to . . .
Bring Up the List of Commands
To bring up a list of commands for Net0 configuration, use the
following command:
help set net0
Reset the Network Interface Card
To reset the Network Interface Card, use the following com-
reset nic
Note that unlike other ports, you do not reset the LAN port after
you have finished configuring it. Instead, you reboot the
Save Changes
Since there is no save net0 command, you must use save all to
save LAN port configuration. Type the following command:
save all
10-24 Command Reference
View LAN Port Configuration
Use the following command:
show net0
The information you see might look something like this:
Ethe rne t Sta tus:
IP - Ena b le d
IPX - Ena b le d
Ethe rne t Ad d re ss:
Ethe rne t Me d ia :
Auto d e te c t
Inte rfa c e Ad d r:
Ne tma sk
Bro a d c a st Ad d re ss:
IPX Ne two rk:
IPX Fra m e Typ e :
Ro uting :
Ethe rne t_II
Bro a d c a st, Liste n (o n)
Inp ut Filte r:
Outp ut Filte r:
LAN Port Parameters
Ethernet Status
You can disable or enable the IP (or IPX) protocol on the net-
work interface. The default is IP enabled, IPX disabled. How-
ever, assigning an IPX network number to the Net0 interface
will enable IPX automatically. Note, disabling IP will also
disable the Windows-based management software. Use the
following commands to enable or disable the IP and IPX proto-
set net0 ip <up | down>
set net0 ipx <up | down>
up enables the protocol; down disables it.
Command Reference 10-25
Configured Ethernet Media
Previous versions of the NETServer firmware automatically
detected which type of Ethernet cable was connected to the NIC.
Although convenient, auto-detection has two disadvantages:
• There is a slight delay at boot time (while auto-detection
takes place).
• If you don’t attach an Ethernet cable to any of the interfaces,
lights flash at you and you get a lot of annoying messages in
debug mode.
NETServer now allows you to specify what type of cable is
being used.
set media <none | autodetect | 10baset | 10base2>
Assume that no cable is attached. Suppress LED
flashing and related error messages.
autodetect (default) Autodetect Ethernet cable type.
Assume 10 base-T connection.
Assume 10 base-2 connection.
Interface Address
IMPORTANT: Even if your network uses only the IPX protocol,
you must set up an IP address for the NETServer if you want to
use the Windows management software. See Appendix A for
more information on IP addressing.
This is the IP address of the NETServer ’s LAN interface. The
local address is set with the following command:
set net0 address <IP address>
After you issue this command, you must issue a save all com-
mand, wait for the RN/ FL LED to turn green, and then reboot
the NETServer.
10-26 Command Reference
This is the IP subnet mask of the subnet attached to the
NETServer ’s LAN interface. The default is, which
would be appropriate for a Class C network with no subnetting
or for Class C size subnets of larger networks. You must change
this value if the local network is using a different subnet mask.
Use the following command:
set net0 netmask <netmask>
Broadcast Address
This field sets the IP address that the NETServer uses as the
local broadcast address. The broadcast address is used by RIP
and some diagnostic protocols. The default is high. Use the
following command:
set net0 broadcast <high | low>
High The bits of the host portion of a broadcast address are all
ones. This is the rule for the vast majority of IP networks.
The bits of the host portion of a broadcast address are all
zeroes. This is rare, but is still used by some systems
including SunOS 4.x (Solaris 1.x).
For example, the node uses the default subnet mask
of, which would give it a high broadcast address of and a low broadcast address of To
use the address ending in 255:
set net0 broadcast high
IPX Network
This is the IPX network number of the LAN segment connected
to the NETServer ’s LAN port. It corresponds to the IPX frame
type, described above. Use the following command:
set net0 ipxnet <IPX network number>
To find the IPX network number, use the Novell utility CONFIG.
See First Step for IPX Networks in Chapter 2 for more informa-
Command Reference 10-27
IPX Frame Type
This sets the IPX frame type for the NETServer’s LAN interface.
The default is 802.2 Ethernet.
If the network attached to the NETServer ’s LAN interface has
more than one frame type, choose the frame type that best suits
your network. Keep in mind that this frame type has a specific
network number associated with it. When you enter the IPX
Network Number for the Net0 interface, you must use the
number associated with this frame type. Use the following
set net0 ipxframe <frame type>
Valid <frame type> entries are
Default is Listen. This field configures the exchange of RIP
messaging (routing information) between the NETServer and
the local network. Use the following command:
set net0 routing <option>
Possible values for <option>
The NETServer listens for routing information from
local routers and sends routing information to local
Broadcast The NETServer sends RIP messages to the local
The NETServer listens for RIP messages coming
from local routers.
The NETServer neither sends nor listens for RIP
messages through the Net0 interface.
10-28 Command Reference
Input Filter
This filter controls packets coming into the NETServer through
the LAN interface. Use the following command:
set net0 ifilter <filter name>
Packet filters control access to computers, networks, and net-
work services by using a set of rules to analyze the header
information of each packet of data received. If the packet meets
the filter ’s criteria, it is allowed to pass through. Otherwise, the
packet is discarded. See Chapter 8 for instructions on creating
packet filters.
Output Filter
This filter controls packets going out of the LAN interface. Use
the following command:
set net0 ofilter <filter name>
Packet filters control access to computers, networks, and net-
work services by analyzing the header information of each
packet of data sent against a set of rules. If the packet meets the
filter ’s criteria, it is allowed to pass through. Otherwise, the
packet is discarded. See Chapter 8 for instructions on creating
packet filters.
Command Reference 10-29
Netmask Table
The netmask table is used to define netmasks for Supernetting
(Classless InterDomain Routing). See Appendix B for an
explanation of this technique.
Alternatively, the netmasks table could be used to force the
NETServer to advertise routes to individual hosts on that
network rather than a single route to the entire network. To do
this, assign the desired network a netmask of
How to...
Add a netmask
To add a netmask you need to enter both the IP network address
and the netmask using the following command:
add netmask <IP network> <netmask>
For example:
add netmask
Delete a netmask
Use the following command to delete netmasks:
delete netmask <IP network>
Save Changes
Use the following command to save changes to the netmask
save table netmask
View the netmask table
Use the following command to view the netmask table:
show table netmask
10-30 Command Reference
Ports Table (S-port configuration)
The S-Port table is used to configure the external serial port and
all the internal serial ports (modem ports).
How to . . .
Bring Up the List of Commands
To bring up a list of commands and command options for the
ports, use the following command:
help set s<port #>
Change a Port’s Parameters
To change a port’s parameters, use the following command:
set s<port #> <command> <option>
For example, to set serial port S1’s Modem Control to On:
set s1 modem on
Save Port Configuration
It is important to understand that the NETServer actually stores
port configuration in three different areas:
• Default configuration (in RAM memory)
• Active configuration (also in RAM)
• Permanent configuration (Flash memory)
The NETServer does not actually use the default configuration.
The default configuration is instead simply a work area in
memory that stores all the changes you have made using set
The active configuration is the port configuration the NETServer
is actually using. It can only be changed by resetting a port,
which copies the default configuration for that port into the
active configuration area.
Command Reference 10-31
When a NETServer reboots, it copies configuration data from
the permanent configuration saved in flash memory to the
default configuration work area. The port is then reset, which
makes that configuration active. You can change the permanent
configuration by issuing one of the following commands, which
copy the default configuration to flash memory:
save s<port #>
save all
View the Ports Table
To view all of the S-ports, use the following command:
show all
Lo c a l Ad d r:
Ga te wa y:
De fa ult Ho st:
Ne tma sk:
Po rt Sp e e d Md m Ho st
Typ e
Sta tus
Inp ut Outp ut Pe nd
—— ——— —— ——————— ———
—————— ——— ——— ——
o ff
Log in/
Lo g in/
Lo g in/
ESTABLISHED 1246 15842
1362 17663
S1 115200
S2 115200
S3 115200
S4 115200
S5 115200
S6 115200
S7 115200
S8 115200
0 Ne two rk/ ESTABLISHED 1757 43367
Ne two rk/ IDLE
Lo g in/
Lo g in/
Lo g in/
Lo g in/
The number of each S-port.
This displays the baud rate that the port is configured
This field indicates whether Modem Control has been
enabled or not. See page 10-44 for more information
on Modem Control.
10-32 Command Reference
This column displays IP addresses. The address
displayed is dependent on what kind of connection
currently exists on the port.
active login user
The address of the host the user
is connected to
active network user
host device session
The address of the user
The address of the host
accessing the modem
idle login port
The address of the port's
default host
If none of the above is true, this field displays nothing.
The port type.
User login port
Host device port
Both user login and host device port
Network dial in or dial out port
See Determining a Port’s Type, below for more
Status Possible entries are:
!root account session
Setting up connection
Connection is active
The port is idle
Waiting for a user name or a password
The number of bytes that have been received from the
Output The number of bytes that have been sent out through
the port
The number of bytes waiting in the output buffer.
Command Reference 10-33
View an Individual Port
To view a specific port, use the following command:
show s<port #>
The information that appears may look something like this:
Sta tus: Co m ma nd
Inp ut: 964
Outp ut: 17606
Pa rity Erro rs:
Fra m ing Erro rs:
O ve rrun Erro rs:
Pe nd ing :
Ac tive Co nfig ura tio n
Po rt Typ e : Use r Lo g in
Lo g in Se rvic e : Ne tDa ta
Ba ud Ra te s: 115200
De fa ult Co nfig ura tio n
——————————— c a n ove rrid e )
(* = ho st
Use r Lo g in
Po rtMux
115200, 115200, 115200
Da ta b its:
Sto p b its:
Pa rity: No ne
Flo w Co ntro l: No ne
Mo d e m Co ntro l: Off
Init Sc rip t: USR_int
Init Whe n? : Eve ry Re se t
Ho sts: Erie
No ne
No ne *
De fa ult
Te rm ina l Typ e :
Lo g in Pro m p t: $ho stna m e lo g in
Dia l G ro up :
Extended Parameter Display
The NETServer can display information in either a basic or an
extended mode. The extended parameters are miscellaneous
parameters such as the Terminal Type, Host Override setting,
and Autolog name. By default, display of the extended param-
eters is enabled for all ports.
For more concise information summaries, you can disable
extended parameter display using the following command:
set s<port #> extended off
To enable extended parameter display, use the following
set s<port #> extended on
10-34 Command Reference
Determining a Port’sType
Three settings determine what type of connection a port per-
mits: User Login, Host Device and Network. The different port
types are discussed below.
The default settings for a port are User Login enabled, Host
Device disabled, and Network set to Dial In. This means that
the port may be used for login sessions using a terminal service
such as Telnet or for dial in PPP or SLIP connections, but may
not be used to dial out.
User Login
This setting allows login users to dial into the port. Once
authenticated, login users are connected to a host using a service
such Telnet or Rlogin. Use the following command:
set s<port #> login
If you want to set the port to both User Login and Host Device,
use the following command:
set s<port #> twoway /dev/<device name>
The <device name> field is described under Host Device, below.
You can also enable any of the Network port settings (except
Hardwired) by adding the network setting to the end of the
command. For example:
set s7 login network dialin
Information on parameters that apply to User Login ports can be
found in Dial In Port Parameters and User Login Port Parameters,
later in this section.
Host Device
A host device port allows IP users and hosts on the local net-
work to attach directly to the modem’s command line using a
login service such as Telnet or Rlogin. This allows local users to
share the port as a dial out modem.
Two Pseudo TTY drivers that support the NETServer are
available for UNIX hosts. A host running either one of these
drivers can use a NETServer modem configured as a Host
Device as if it were directly connected to the host’s serial port.
Command Reference 10-35
You can find these drivers (daemons called nettty and in.pmd) on
the U.S. Robotics web site.
To configure a port for Host Device use,
set s<port #> device /dev/<device name>
If you are using a UNIX pseudo TTY driver in conjunction with
the host device setting, the <device name> field must contain
the name of the pseudo TTY device being used. See Chapter 7
for more information on using such a driver. If you are not
using a pseudo TTY driver, this field should contain the word
If you want to set the port to both User Login and Host Device,
use the following command:
set s<port #> twoway /dev/<device name>
You can also enable any of the Network port settings (except
Hardwired) by inserting the network parameters before the
word device. For example:
set s4 network dial in device /dev/network
Device Service
When configuring a host device port, choose which service hosts
will use to establish connections with the modem: PortMux,
Rlogin, Telnet, or Netdata. The default is Netdata, which
provides a clear TCP connection to the port. Use the following
set s<port #> service_device <service> <TCP port #>
<TCP port #> is the port number that will be assigned to the
modem. We suggest 6000 plus the modem number. For ex-
ample, if you entered the following command,
set s10 service_device telnet 6000
a host would use the following command to get to the modem’s
command line:
telnet <NETServer’s IP address> 6000
10-36 Command Reference
The Network field determines if the port permits PPP or SLIP
connections. You may also enable User Login and Host Device
(unless Network is set to Hardwired). The default is Dial In.
Use the following command:
set s<port #> network <dialin | dialout | twoway | hardwired>
Dial In
Remote users may dial in to the NETServer and
establish a PPP or SLIP connection with the local
network. Remote networks dialing into the
NETServer in order to route IP and IPX packets
onto the local network also use ports configured
this way. See Dial In Port Parameters, later in this
section, for information on other settings that
affect network dial in ports.
Dial Out
The NETServer uses network dial out ports to
establish dial out SLIP or PPP connections during
LAN-to-LAN routing. Network dial out ports are
also used for dialback network users. You must
assign dial out ports to a dial group (see below)
A network twoway port supports both network
dialin and network dialout.
Requires that User Login and Host Device be
disabled. This setting tells the NETServer’s
operating software that the port is connected
directly to another device via a serial cable. No
dialing or authentication is required. Since all the
internal serial ports are already connected to
modems, S0 is the only port that can use the
hardwired setting. See Hardwired Port Parameters
for more information.
Dial Group
Network dial out and twoway ports must be assigned to a dial
group. A dial group is a pool of modems that can be assigned to
one or more particular locations. Use the following command:
set s<port #> group <group #>
The default <group #> is 0. Dial groups can have any number
between 0 and 99.
Command Reference 10-37
Specifying a dial group lets you reserve a modem for dial-up to
specific locations, or ensure that the modem used to make the
connection is configured as this particular location requires.
Dial In Port Parameters
These parameters apply to both user login and network dial in
Idle Time-out
This field specifies how many minutes the line can remain idle
before the NETServer disconnects. Use the following command:
set s<port #> idletime <0-240 minutes>
Possible settings:
Disable idle time-out
Login, password, and host prompts time out in 5 minutes.
However, there is no idle time-out on users who are
already logged in.
2+ Login, password, and host prompts time out in 5 minutes.
Users who are already logged in time out after the number
of minutes specified.
Line Hangup
This controls whether the DTR signal on the RS-232 connector
will drop momentarily and cause a hang-up after a user session
ends (asynchronous connections only). Use the following
set s<port #> hangup <on | off>
If set to off, DTR does not drop after the session terminates. If
set to on, DTR drops.
Login Message
This is an optional login message that users will see prior to the
login prompt. Use the following command:
set s<port #> message <login message>
10-38 Command Reference
The Login Message can be up to 240 characters in length. Use
the carat ( ^ ) to designate the start of a new line.
Login Prompt
Optional. The following command allows you to customize the
login prompt for the port. Any valid ASCII characters may be
set s<port #> prompt <login prompt>
If you use quotation marks when you enter this string (either as
delimiters or as punctuation), they will appear in the prompt
The default for Network Dial In ports is simply login.
The default for User Login ports is to display the name of the
port’s default host followed by the word login: (if the string
$hostname is included in the login prompt, the name of the port’s
default host is substituted for the string).
Many automated login scripting systems expect a login prompt
to end in login:. Putting any character after the colon (including
quotation marks!) will cause some login scripts to crash.
Security (Pass-Thru Login)
This setting determines what the NETServer will do with users
who are not in its User Table. You can turn security on or off.
If a user does not enter a user name/ password pair that
can be found in the NETServer ’s user table, check with
the RADIUS security server (if present). The connection
is terminated for all users who are not in either the
NETServer ’s user table or the RADIUS database. Use
the following command:
set s<port #> security on
(Default) Do not consult RADIUS. Anyone dialing in to
this port who does not enter a valid user name and
password will be connected directly to the Port Default
Host without being authenticated.
set s<port #> security off
Command Reference 10-39
IMPORTANT: Without a user table entry, the NETServer can’t
tell what type of user is dialing in. If security is off, network
users who are not part of the User Table are assumed to be login
users and passed on to a host. Security should be on if network
dial in users will be using the port.
User Login Port Parameters
The following parameters apply only to user login ports.
Autolog Name
Assigning an Autolog Name to a port effectively does two
• The port behaves as if the Security setting is turned off
except that users are connected to the Port Default Host
immediately. They will not see a login prompt from the
• If the Port Default Login Service is set to Rlogin or PortMux,
the NETServer will automatically enter the autolog name at
the Default Host’s login prompt. The first thing the user will
see is the corresponding password prompt.
Note: Since Telnet and Netdata cannot automatically enter
user names, users connecting to ports using one of these
services will receive a login prompt from the host before
they see the corresponding password prompt.
The Autolog name can be up to 8 characters long. Use the
following command:
set s<port #> autolog <user name>
Dialback Delay
This specifies how many seconds a port will wait to return a
dialback user ’s call. This is useful for allowing the remote
system more time to get ready for an incoming call. The default
is 0 (no delay). Use the following command:
set s<port #> dialback_delay <seconds>
10-40 Command Reference
This is the host for users whose user table host is set to Default.
If security for the port is off, this is also the host for users who
do not have user table entries.
set s<port #> host <default | prompt | IP address>
Default The port uses the Default Host specified in the Global
Configuration Table.
Prompt When users dial in, the port displays a host prompt.
Users then type in the name or IP address of the host
they want to connect with. The login prompt for
that host appears next.
You must specify the IP address in the command
line. You can specify one primary host and eight
alternate hosts. The primary host is specified like
set s<port #> host <IP address>
Alternate hosts are specified like this:
set s<port #> host <host#> <IP address>
<host #> is any number between 2 and 9. The primary
host is assumed to be host 1.
Input Filter
This packet filter determines whether or not a login user may
establish a session with a particular host. The filter contains the
IP addresses or names of hosts that the user can or cannot
access. Use the following command:
set s<port #> ifilter <filter name>
To set the access override for the port, use the following com-
set s<port #> access <on | off>
If set to off, individual user table entries cannot override the
port’s access filter. If set to on, access filters specified in the user
table take precedence over the filter specified here.
Command Reference 10-41
Login Service
The NETServer uses the service specified here to connect users
not in the user table to the port default host. Users with user
table entries will not use this setting. This setting will never be
used if security is set to on. The Default login service for a port
is PortMux. Note that this is different from the default for an
individual user (Telnet). Use the following command:
set s<port #> service_login <telnet | rlogin | netdata | portmux> <TCP
port #>
<TCP port#> is the service port of the Login Service you selected
in the previous field. We recommend that you leave this set to
the Login Service’s default service port: Telnet (23), Rlogin (513),
Netdata (6000), and PortMux (1642). Note that you cannot
change the PortMux service port from its default.
The service selected can be one of the following:
Supported by most TCP/ IP computers, Telnet lets
the user log in to hosts that support it. If you set a
terminal type, Telnet will pass that information
along. Otherwise, it negotiates a standard, Net-
work Virtual Terminal interface.
Although Rlogin was originally a (BSD) UNIX only
protocol, it is now supported by some non-UNIX
machines as well. Unlike Telnet, Rlogin allows a
user logged into a host, to access their accounts on
other (trusted) hosts without reentering a pass-
word. Rlogin requires that you specify a terminal
(Default) PortMux is similar to Telnet except that it
multiplexes many Telnet sessions into a single data
stream that’s more efficient to transmit and requires
fewer connections. PortMux requires that the host
be running a special PortMux daemon (in.pmd).
Note that this daemon also allows the host to use
NETServer ports set to Host Device as pseudo
TTYs (See Chapter 7). A UNIX version of the
PortMux daemon is available on the U.S. Robotics
web site.
10-42 Command Reference
Unlike Telnet, Rlogin, and PortMux, Netdata is not
actually a login service. Netdata is a direct (clear
TCP) connection to a given TCP port number. 8-bit
data is exchanged without interpretation. Such
connections may be used by dial in applications
that require a socket interface.
Terminal Type
This is required only if Login Service is set to Rlogin. Telnet will
use this information if it is provided or default to dumb terminal
mode if it is not provided. This sets the login user’s TERM
environment variable for the session. You can find this informa-
tion in the host’s termcap or terminfo databases. Use the follow-
ing command:
set s<port #> termtype <value>
Command Reference 10-43
Hardwired Port Parameters
The parameters described below apply to port s0 if it has been
configured as network hardwired.
This indicates whether Van Jacobson TCP/ IP header compres-
sion is enabled (on) or disabled (off). The default is off. Use the
following command:
set s0 compression <on | off>
IP Address
This is the IP address of the remote system. Use the following
set s0 address <IP address>
If the destination is set to for PPP connections,
the NETServer will try to learn the remote system’s IP Address.
If set to, the port will be disabled for PPP connections.
IPX Network Number
This is the IPX network number of the serial cable connecting
the NETServer to the other device. Note that the IPX network
number must be unique to the networks on both ends of the
serial connection. Use the following command for IPX:
set s0 ipxnet <IPX network number>
This is the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) used for the
connection to the remote location. MTU sets the largest frame or
packet size that a connection protocol will send. If an IP
packet’s size is greater than the MTU setting, it’s broken down
into smaller pieces. IPX packets larger than the MTU are
discarded. Use the following command:
set s0 mtu <value>
IPX connections require an MTU of 1500.
10-44 Command Reference
PPP connections are set between 100 and 1500 (default 1500).
SLIP connections are set between 100 and 1006 (default 1006).
This is the remote network’s IP subnet mask. The default is, which would be appropriate for a Class C net-
work with no subnetting or for Class C size subnets of larger
networks. You must change this value if the local network is
using a different subnet mask. Use the following command:
set s0 netmask <netmask>
Input Filter
This filter determines whether or not a packet received from the
port is allowed into the NETServer. See Chapter 8 for more
information on packet filters. Use the following command:
set s0 ifilter <filter name>
Output Filter
This is the filter that determines whether an outbound packet
sent to the port is allowed to leave the NETServer. See Chapter
8 for more information on packet filters. Use following com-
set s<port #> ofilter <filter name>
PPP Async Map
The PPP protocol supports the escaping of non-printing ASCII
characters. Escaping means that specific characters won’t be
sent, but will be replaced by a special set of characters. The
remote site then interprets this special set of characters as the
original characters.
The PPP Async Map is a bit-map of the 32ASCII control charac-
ters (the first 32 characters of the ASCII character set), repre-
sented as 8 hexadecimal digits. The order is actually big endian,
which means that the last bit of the last character corresponds to
the first ASCII character (Null) and so on.
set s0 map <value>
Command Reference 10-45
For example to escape the ASCII null character, the command
would be
set s0 map 00000001
The default is 00000000 (do not escape any characters). We
recommend that you do not change this field unless specifically
required by your network.
This field indicates what protocol the NETServer should use to
encapsulate packets going across the hardwired serial connec-
tion. The default is SLIP Use the following command:
set s0 protocol <ppp | slip>
WARNING: We strongly discourage using SLIP for a dedicated
Hardwired connection. SLIP has no security. This means that
any user (legitimate or not) who gains access to your network
may send an receive any packet once the connection is
This determines whether the port exchanges RIP messages
(route information) across the serial connection. The default is
Listen. Use the following command:
set s0 routing <option>
Valid options are:
The NETServer sends RIP information across the
serial connection as well as listening for dynamic
routes received.
The NETServer sends RIP information across the
serial connection, but does not listen for dynamic
routes received.
The NETServer accepts RIP information from the
serial connection, but does not send dynamic routes
to that port.
The NETServer does not exchange RIP information
across the serial connection.
10-46 Command Reference
Serial Communications Parameters
The following parameters configure the connection between the
NETServer and the devices attached to its ports (modems).
These parameters are independent of port type (such as user
login and network dial in)
S0 only: Setting DIP switch 3 on (down) will override these
settings and force the following:
Port Type:
As configured by DIP switches 1 and 2
8/ N/ 1
Byte Format:
Modem Control: Off
Port Speed
This is the baud rate of the port. You can set up to three baud
rates. For connecting the port to modern data communications
equipment, all three rates should be the same. However, some
older equipment may require multiple rates. Use the following
set s<port #> speed <#> <baud rate>
The <#> can be 1, 2, or 3. If not specified, 1 is assumed. When a
break character is received, the port will cycle through the three
assigned rates. The baud rate can be any one of the following:
115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 600, or 300.
This is the number of data bits per character the port is config-
ured for. The default is 8.
set s<port #> databits <8 | 7 | 6 | 5>
This is the number of stop bits. The default is one.
set s<port #> stopbits <1 | 2>
Command Reference 10-47
This is the parity of the data. The default is none.
set s<port #> parity <odd | even | strip | none>
Flow Control
This is the type of flow control used by the port. Note that you
will also have to configure the modem to use this type of flow
control. Use the following command:
set s<port #> <xon/xoff | cts/rts> <on | off>
XON/XOFF Sets the port to software flow control. ASCII
control characters stop and start the flow of data.
Not Recommended.
Sets the port to hardware flow control. The RTS
signal is raised or lowered on the RS-232 interface
to indicate when it can or cannot receive data.
The CTS signal is raised or lowered when it can or
cannot send data.
Host Override
If a port is configured for host device use, you may choose to let
the hosts override the communications settings of the port using
software control. This default host override setting is Off (do
not allow overrides). The NETServer may be configured to
allow an override of Baud Rate, Parity, Databits, and Flow
Control. Use the following command:
set s<port #> override <xon/xoff | databits | parity |baud> <on | off>
Modem Control
This sets the port’s carrier detect operations. The default for S0
is off, which tells the NETServer to ignore a carrier detect
coming from the modem. The default for the other S-ports is on,
which tells the NETServer to pay attention to the carrier detect
signal. In practice, modem control should be on for all modem
ports that are configured for User Login and/ or Network
service. Modem control should be off for ports configured for
Host Device service, but not User Login or Network service.
set s<port #>modem <on | off>
10-48 Command Reference
Routes Table Configuration
The routes table contains both static and dynamic routing
information. Dynamic routes are updated by RIP broadcasts
received from other routing devices on the network. Static
routes are routes added to the table by hand. A static route to a
given location will override any dynamic routes to the same
location. Static routes are required when dynamic routes to a
given location are not being received (For example, when RIP is
not running).
How to . . .
Bring Up the List of Commands
Use the following command for the IP Routes table:
help set route
Use the following command for the IPX Routes table:
help set ipxroute
Add a Route to the Routes Table
To add IP route, use the following command:
add route <destination> <gateway> <metric>
To add an IPX route, use the following command:
add ipxroute <destination> <gateway> <metric> <ticks>
Change a Route’s Information
To change a route’s entry in the Routes Table, you must delete
the old route and replace it with a new one.
Command Reference 10-49
Delete a Routes Table Entry
To delete an IP route, use the following command:
delete route <destination>
To delete an IPX route, use the following command:
delete ipxroute <destination>
Save Routes Table Changes
Use the following command for IP routes:
save routes
Use the following command for the IPX routes table:
save ipxroutes
View the IP Routes Table
Use the following command to view the IP routes table:
show routes
The information you see might look something like this:
De stina tio n
G a te wa y
———————— —— NL
Fla g
Me t
Inte rfa c e
Ne t0
10-50 Command Reference
Viewing the IPX RoutesTable
To view the IPX Routes Table, use the following command:
show ipxroutes
The information you see might look something like this:
Ne two rk
Ga te wa y
Fla g
Me t
Tic ks
Inte rfa c e
Ne t0
Ne t0
Ne t0
Ne t0
Ne t0
Ne t0
Flag Parameter
This is a nonconfigurable parameter for both IP and IPX routes.
It reflects a route’s status and can be up to four letters long.
H or N
Host Route
Network Route
S, L or D
Static Route
Local (direct) Route
Dynamic Route
The route has Changed.
The route is Old and is marked for deletion.
For example, the flag “HL” after a route table entry means that
it is a direct route to a host.
Command Reference 10-51
IP Parameters
This is the IP address or name of the host or network to which
the NETServer needs to send packets.
This is the IP address of the host through which packets should
be forwarded to reach the above destination.
This is the hop-count or the number of gateways that informa-
tion must pass through before reaching the destination.
This is the chassis interface through which the destination can
be reached.
10-52 Command Reference
IPX Parameters
This is the IPX network number of the network to which the
NETServer needs to send packets.
This is the network node address of the gateway, bridge or
router the packets will be forwarded through in order to reach
the destination. The format for the network node address is an
eight digit hexadecimal address followed by a colon and then a
12 digit hexadecimal address. For example:
This is the hop-count or the number of gateways that informa-
tion must pass through before reaching the destination.
This is how many clock ticks it will take to send a packet via a
particular route. According to Novell, a tick is approximately 1/
18th of a second (there are 18.21 ticks in a second).
This is the chassis interface through which the destination can
be reached.
Command Reference 10-53
SNMP Table
The NETServer provides support for using the Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) and supports industry standard
MIB-II variables. These variables are fully described in your
MIB-II documentation.
How to . . .
Bring Up the List of Commands
To bring up a list of commands and command options for the
SNMP Table, use the following command:
help set snmp
Delete SNMP Hosts
To delete an SNMP Read Host use the following command:
delete snmphost reader <IP address>
To delete an SNMP Write Host use the following command:
delete snmphost writer <IP address>
Save the SNMP Table Changes
To save any changes that have been made to the SNMP Table,
use the following command:
save snmp
Enabling/Disabling SNMP
By default, SNMP is disabled. To enable or disable SNMP, use
the following command:
set snmp <on | off>
10-54 Command Reference
View SNMP Table
To view the SNMP settings, use the following command:
show table snmp
The information you see might look something like this:
SNMP Re a d e rs (p ub lic ): Any
SNMP Write rs (p riva te ): Any
SNMP Table Parameters
Read Community Name
The SNMP read community is a kind of password. Only
devices that know the correct Read Community Name may read
the NETServer’s MIB information. The default is public. You
can change this string using the following command:
set snmp readcommunity <name>
Write Community Name
The SNMP write community is a kind of password. Only
devices that know the correct Write Community Name may
change the NETServer’s MIB information. The default is private.
You can change this string using the following command:
set snmp writecommunity <name>
The SNMP community names are generally used to segregate
administrative management communities and should match the
community settings of your SNMP management software.
Command Reference 10-55
Read Hosts
This defines which host(s) can perform SNMP GET operations
on the NETServer MIB objects. Use the following command:
add snmphost reader <any | none | IP address>
Valid options are:
Any host with the correct read community may
retrieve SNMP data from the NETServer.
The NETServer will not respond to any attempts
to retrieve SNMP data.
IP Address
A specific host may read SNMP data from the
NETServer. You can create a list of allowed hosts
by executing the following command for each host
in the list.
add snmphost reader <name or IP address>
Write Hosts
This defines which host(s) can perform SNMP SET operations
on the NETServer MIB objects. Use the following command:
add snmphost writer <any | none | IP address>
Valid options are:
Any host with the correct read community may
write SNMP data to the NETServer.
The NETServer will not respond to any attempts
to write SNMP data.
IP Address
A specific host may write SNMP data to the
NETServer. You can create a list of allowed hosts
by executing the following command for each host
in the list.
add snmphost writer <name or IP address>
10-56 Command Reference
User Table
The User Table defines users who dial in to the local network to
become virtual nodes or to establish login sessions with local
How to . . .
Add a User to the UserTable
The user name can be up to 8 characters long, and the password
can be up to 15 characters long. Both user name and user
password are case-sensitive. You cannot have both a login user
and a network user with exactly the same user name. For
example, a login user and a network user cannot both have the
name Bob. However, A login user Bob and a Network user BOB
are allowable because their case difference makes them different
names altogether.
Login users connect to an IP host via a login service like Telnet
or Rlogin. To add a login user to the User Table, use the follow-
ing command:
add user <user name> password <password>
Network users attach to an IP or IPX network using SLIP or PPP.
To add a network user to the User Table, use the following
add netuser <user name> password <password>
Note that you need only use the netuser command option when
adding a network user. When setting parameters for a network
user, set user and set netuser will both work .
Bring Up the List of Commands
To bring up a list of commands and command options for the
user table, use the following command:
help set user
Command Reference 10-57
Change a User’s Parameter(s)
To change a user ’s parameters, use the following command:
set user <user name> <option> <value>
Delete a User
Use the following command to delete users:
delete user <user name>
Save User Table Changes
To save changes to the user table, type the following:
save user
View the User Table
To view the User Table, type the following command:
show table user
The information you see might look something like this:
Use r
Typ e
Ad d re ss/ Ho st
Ne tma sk/ Se rvic e
————— ———————— ———————— —————————— ——
sa sha
ne t
Ne two rk Use r
Lo g in Use r
Ne two rk Use r
Pro m p t
Po rtMux
View a Particular User
To view information on a particular user, type the following
show user <user name>
The information displayed for a login user might look some-
thing like this:
Use rna m e : ro b in
Ho st: d e fa ult
Typ e : Lo g in Use r
Lo g in Se rvic e : Te lne t (23)
10-58 Command Reference
The information displayed for a network user might look
something like this:
Use rna m e : Ed
Ad d re ss: Ne g o tia te d
IPX Ne two rk: 00000022
Pro to c o l: PPP
Typ e : Dia l-In Ne two rk Use r
Ne tma sk:
Op tio ns: Liste n, Co m p re ssio n
Async h m a p : 00000000
MTU: 1500
Login User Parameters
Access Filter
The packet filter specified here determines which hosts this user
is allowed to establish sessions with (useful when Host is set to
Prompt). Use the following command:
set user <user name> ifilter <filter name>
When the user specifies a host, the IP address of that host is
compared against the permitted/ denied IP addresses of the
filter. If access is permitted, the user is allowed to establish a
session with that host.
Note: The input filter for the port the user is connected to will
override the filter specified here if the port’s access parameter is
set to off.
Information on creating packet filters can be found in Chapter 8.
Dialback Number
If you specify a dialback number, the NETServer will use it to
dial the user back after verifying the his or her user name and
password. The number can be any valid string up to 32 charac-
ters, and can include AT command characters. Use the follow-
ing command:
set user <user name> dialback <number>
To return the user to normal (non-dialback) operation, set
dialback to none.
set user <user name> dialback none
Command Reference 10-59
This field defines which network host the user ’s session is
forwarded to. Use the following command:
set user <user name> host <default | prompt | IP address>
Consult the ports table to obtain the default host for
the port the user has dialed into and connect the
user to the host listed there.
Allow the user to select a host (either by IP address
or name) to begin a login session.
IP address Connect the user to the host whose address is
entered here. This must be a valid name or IP
This is the Login Service the user is configured for. The default
is Telnet. Use the following command:
set user <name> service <rlogin | telnet | netdata | portmux>
Supported by most TCP/ IP computers, Telnet lets
the user log in to hosts that support it. If you set a
terminal type, Telnet will pass that information
along. Otherwise, it negotiates a standard, Net-
work Virtual Terminal interface.
Although Rlogin was originally a (BSD) UNIX only
protocol, it is now supported by some non-UNIX
machines as well. Unlike Telnet, Rlogin allows a
user logged into a host, to access their accounts on
other (trusted) hosts without reentering a pass-
word. Rlogin requires that you specify a terminal
(Default) PortMux is similar to Telnet except that it
multiplexes many Telnet sessions into a single data
stream that’s more efficient to transmit and requires
fewer connections. PortMux requires that the host
be running a special PortMux daemon (in.pmd).
Note that this daemon also allows the host to use
NETServer ports set to Host Device as pseudo
TTYs (See Chapter 7). A UNIX version of the
PortMux daemon is available on the U.S. Robotics
web site.
10-60 Command Reference
Unlike Telnet, Rlogin and PortMux, Netdata is not
actually a login service. Netdata is a direct (clear
TCP) connection to a given TCP port number. 8-bit
data is exchanged without interpretation. Such
connections may be used by dial in applications
that require a socket interface.
Command Reference 10-61
Network User Parameters
This is the location that the NETServer will dial after verifying
the user ’s name and password. It must be a valid location in the
Location Table. Use the following command:
set user <user name> dialback <location name>
IP Address
This is the IP address that the user has for the duration of the
connection. Use the following command:
set user <user name> address <assigned | negotiated | IP address>
You may select this option only if you have speci-
fied an IP address block in the Assigned Address
field of Global Configuration. The NETServer
assigns the remote user a temporary IP address
from this block of addresses.
Negotiated This option is valid for PPP connections only. The
NETServer attempts to learn the IP address of the
remote computer.
IP Address The IP address of the user ’s computer must be
IPX Network
To the networks on either end of a dial connection, the virtual
link between the NETServer and the remote device will appear
to be a physical network segment. This is a unique IPX network
number assigned to that virtual network segment. It must be
unique in both the NETServer ’s local network and any network
attached to the dial in user. Use the following command:
set user <user name> ipxnet <IPX network number>
10-62 Command Reference
Default is SLIP. This is the protocol the NETServer should use to
encapsulate packets bound for the user.
set user <user name> protocol <ppp | slip>
IPX connections require the PPP protocol.
PPP Async Map
The PPP protocol supports the escaping of non-printing ASCII
characters. Escaping means that specific characters won’t be
sent, but will be replaced by a special set of characters. The
remote site then interprets this special set of characters as the
original characters.
The PPP Async Map is a bit-map of the 32ASCII control charac-
ters (the first 32 characters of the ASCII character set), repre-
sented as 8 hexadecimal digits. The order is big endian, which
means that the last bit of the last character corresponds to the
first ASCII character (Null) and so on.
set user <user name> map <value>
For example, to escape the ASCII null character to a user named
Ted_S, the command would be
set user Ted_S map 00000001
The default is 00000000 (do not escape any characters). We
recommend that you do not change this field unless specifically
required by your network.
This is the network user ’s IP subnet mask. The default is, which would be appropriate for a Class C net-
work with no subnetting or for Class C size subnets of larger
networks. You must change this value if the user has a different
subnet mask. Use the following command:
set user <user name> netmask <value>
Command Reference 10-63
Default is off. This determines whether the NETServer ex-
changes routing information (RIP messages) with the dial in
user. Use the following command:
set user <user name> routing <on | broadcast | listen | off>
The NETServer sends RIP information to the dial in
user and listens for dynamic routes received from
the dial in user.
Broadcast The NETServer sends RIP information to the dial in
user, but does not listen for dynamic routes received
from the user.
The NETServer listens for dynamic routes received
from the dial in user, but does not send any.
The NETServer does not exchange routing informa-
tion with this user.
This is the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) used with this
interface. Use the following command:
set user <user name> mtu <value>
IPX connections require an MTU of 1500.
PPP connections are set between 100 and 1500 (default 1500).
SLIP connections are set between 100 and 1006 (default 1006).
This enables (on) or disables (off) Van Jacobson TCP/ IP header
compression. Use the following command:
set user <user name> compression <on | off>
Input Filter
Optional. This is a packet filter that screens all packets received
from the user. See Chapter 8 for more information on packet
filters. Use the following command:
set user <filter name> ifilter <filter name>
10-64 Command Reference
Output Filter
Optional. This is a packet filter that screens all packets sent to
the user. See Chapter 8 for more information on packet filters.
Use the following command:
set user <filter name> ofilter <filter name>
Command Reference 10-65
10-66 Command Reference
Appendix A
Technical Specifications
8 and 16 port NETServer Hardware
Complies with FCC Part 15 and Part 68, UL-listed, CSA-
486SX at 33 MHz
Operational MemoryDRAM
(Dynamic Random Access Memory)
4 Megabytes
Flash ROM
2 Megabytes
Physical Dimensions
12.6 x 17.5 x 3.5 inches
32.0 x 44.5 x 8.9 centimeters
Technical Specifications A-1
Shipping and Storage
-25° to +75° Celsius, -13° to +167°
Relative Humidity:
0 to 100% non-condensing
0° to +40° Celsius, 32° to +104°
Relative Humidity:
0 to 95% non-condensing
Power Requirements
Nominal 120V (90-264 VAC) @ 47-63
Maximum Output Power
125 watts
+5 V
18 A
1.9 A
1 A
+12 V
-12 V
Maximum Input Power
160 watts
1.3 A
Typical Input Power
8 port
57 watts
0.5 A
0.9 A
16 port
104 watts
50,000 hours
A-2 Technical Specifications
External Serial Port (“Console”)
Modular Jack
Data Set Ready
Carrier Detect
Data Terminal Ready
Signal Ground
Receive Data
Transmit Data
Clear to Send
Request to Send
Electrical specification:
RS-232, 8-position modular jack
8-position modular jack: Stewart 88-360808 or equivalent
Amp 748677-1 or equivalent
Transmission method:
Transmission rate:
Unbalanced RS-232
57.6 Kbps maximum
Serial Port Cable (DCE) Specifications
Using Adapter*
Function at NIC
Modular Jack
Transmit Data
Receive Data
Request to Send
Clear to Send
Data Set Ready
Signal Ground
Carrier Detect
Data Terminal Ready
Ring Indicate
6, 8
N/C indicates Not Connected
* DB-25-to-DB-25 null modem adapter
Wire type:
Belden 9538 or equivalent, 8
conductor, shielded
Maximum cable distance:
50 feet, 15 meters
8-position modular jack to DB-25
(IBM AT pin-out)
Technical Specifications A-3
Nominal direct current resistance:
Center conductor:
24 gage (7 strands 32 gage);
.61 millimeter diameter;
23.7 ohms/ 1000 feet;
77.8 ohms/ kilometer
15.5 ohms/ 1000 feet;
50.9 ohms/ kilometer
Nominal outside diameter: .265 inch; 6.73 millimeters
Nominal capacitance
between conductors:
30 picofarads/ ft;
98 picofarads/ meter
Ethernet Network Interface Card
Pin Number
Transmit Data +
Transmit Data -
Receive Data +
Not used
Not used
Receive Data -
Not used
Not used
Data Transfer Rate:
Accessing Scheme:
10 Mbps
CSMA/ CD (Carrier Sense Multiple
Access with Collision Detection)
Star Wired Hub (using multiport
Maximum Nodes:
Limited only by repeater used
Unshielded Twisted Pair
Transmission Medium:
Network Lobe Distance:
100 meters (328 ft.) suggested max.
Longer cabling can be used at the
expense of reduced receiver squelch
A-4 Technical Specifications
8-position modular jack, Stewart 88-
360808 or equivalent
Cable Specifications
Wire Type:
.5mm or 24 AWG twisted pairs
Maximum Cable Length:
100 meters (328 ft.) with standard
receiver squelch levels
Cable Loss:
Must be ≤ 11.5 dB/ 100 m for fre-
quency range of 5-10 MHz
Characteristic Impedance 85-111 Ohms for frequency range of
5-10 MHz
Propagation Delay:
≤ 5.7 nanoseconds/ meter
RJ45 plug to RJ45 plug straight
through for multiport repeater
applications (Transmit to Receive
crossover cable for two-node net-
10Base-2 (BNC)
Isolated GND
Data Transfer Rate:
Accessing Scheme:
10 Mbps
CSMA/ CD (Carrier Sense Multiple
Access with Collision Detection)
Maximum Nodes:
Transmission Medium:
Network Lobe Distance:
Coaxial cable
Minimum separation of .5 meters
Type BNC “T”
Technical Specifications A-5
Cable Specifications
Wire Type:
center conductor
.89 ± .05 mm diameter stranded,
tinned copper
2.95 ± .15 mm inside diameter
dielectric solid preferred; any other
material that meets other cable specs
polyvinyl chloride with outer
diameter of 4.9 ± .3 mm
- or -
fluoropolymer with outer diameter
of 4.8 ± .3 mm
Maximum Cable Distance: 185 m
DC Loop Resistance:
≤ 50 milliohms/ meter
Velocity of Propagation:
Characteristic Impedance: 50 ± 2 Ohms
≤ 8.5 dB for 10 MHz sine wave
≤ 6.0 dB for 5 MHz sine wave
BNC “T” (plug, receptacle, plug
A-6 Technical Specifications
Token Ring Network Interface Card
Token Ring STP Connector
Data Transfer Rate:
Accessing Scheme:
4 or 16 Mbps
Token Passing
Star Wired Ring
Maximum Nodes
for Physical Network:
Transmission Medium:
Network Lobe Distance:
Type 1 Individual Shielded Pair
100 meters (328 ft.) suggested
DB9, AMP 747844-3 or equivalent
Cable Specifications
Wire type:
Belden 96888 or equivalent, 4 con-
ductors in 2 individually shielded
pairs, copper braid shield overall
Maximum cable distance: 328 feet, 100 meters
Nominal direct
current resistance:
22 gage solid copper;
.0255 inches diameter;
16 ohms/ 1000 feet;
52.5 ohms/ kilometer
.310 inch x .455 inch
Nominal outside
Nominal impedance:
150 ohms
Nominal velocity
of propagation:
Nominal capacitance
between conductors:
8.5 picofarads/ foot;
27.9 picofarads / meter
DB9M to DB9M
Technical Specifications A-7
Token Ring UTP Connector
Data Transfer Rate:
Accessing Scheme:
4 or 16 Mbps (megabits per second)
Token Passing
Star Wired Ring
Maximum Nodes
for Physical Network:
Transmission Medium:
Network Lobe Distance:
Type 3 Unshielded Twisted Pair
100 meters (328 ft.) suggested
maximum, Level 4
8-position modular jack, Stewart 88-
360808 or equivalent
Cable Specifications
Wire type:
Belden 1154A or equivalent, 8
conductors in 4 twisted pairs
Maximum cable distance: 328 feet, 100 meters
Nominal direct
current resistance:
24 gage solid copper;
.020 inches diameter;
25.7 ohms/ 1000 feet;
84.3 ohms/ kilometer
Nominal outside diameter: .185 inches
Nominal impedance:
105 ohms
Nominal velocity
of propagation:
Nominal capacitance
between conductors:
15.0 picofarads/
foot; 49.2 picofarads/ meter
8-position modular plug to 8-position
modular plug
A-8 Technical Specifications
NETServer Firmware Specifications
Routing Support
Transparent On-Demand routing
IP and IPX protocol routing
Inverse multiplexing with programmable load balancing
Host, subnet, and network routes supported
Selective default routing
Continuous connection (automatic retries after connection loss)
Scheduled Link Establishment from UNIX cron
Local FLASH ROM for booting & configuration storage
Alternate tftp boot
Support for Domain Name Service (DNS)
Support for Network Information Service (NIS)
Call activity logging
SNMP management - MIB II
Microsoft Windows management software
Telnet command line interface
Packet Logging and tracing
Ping & traceroute utilities
Network and port monitoring
Dial-in management access
Password security for management access
Filtering & Security
IP, IPX, and SAP protocol filtering
Set inbound and outbound Packet Filtering independently
Total Control Management Security Option
Compatible with RADIUS authentication servers
IP address assignment per router or per port
Technical Specifications A-9
PPP Specific Features
Address and control field compression
Protocol field compression
PAP and CHAP authentication protocols
Magic number loopback detection
Maximum receive unit negotiation
Async control character map negotiation
IP Address negotiation and assignment
Van Jacobson compression TCP/ IP headers
Industry Standards Support
TCP/ IP (Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol)
RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol) and CSLIP (Compressed
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
PPP (Point to Point Protocol)
RFC 1331, 1332, and 1334 for PPP, and backward compatible
w/ RFC 1171, 1172
Client Dial-up Support
SLIP, CSLIP, and PPP with automatic PPP detection
Telnet and RTelnet
Remote ODI client drivers
Dynamic address assignment per call
A-10 Technical Specifications
SLIP and PPP Client Software Support
Novell LAN WorkPlace TCP/ IP
NetManage Chameleon
Windows ‘95
Stampede 3.0
NCSA PPP driver
Technical Specifications A-11
A-12 Technical Specifications
Appendix B
Addressing Schemes
This appendix contains a brief introduction to the IP and IPX
addressing schemes for administrators that are new to either one
or both.
IPX Addressing Basics
Unlike TCP/ IP, Novell’s IPX protocol uses two separate address
fields for each network interface: a 4 octet (4 byte) network
number and a 6 octet node address. The complete 10 octet
address is traditionally written as two hexadecimal numbers
separated by a colon, for example: 001EF230:000000012A45.
The network number is an arbitrary value assigned by the
network administrator. Each unique network number desig-
nates a single LAN segment. When configuring the NETServer
for IPX routing, you will need to assign several IPX network
numbers. Each one should be entered as an 8 digit hexadecimal
The node address of an IPX machine is taken directly from the
MAC address of each network interface card. This address was
pre-configured by the manufacturer of the card and usually
cannot be changed by a network administrator.
IP Addressing Basics
IP addresses are 32 bits long and generally written in what is
called dotted decimal notation: four decimal values separated
by periods. For example,
Addressing Schemes B-1
These 32 bits are structured very differently from IPX addresses,
in which you always have an 8 hex digit network number
followed by a 12 hex digit node address.
Address Classes
In IP, the same 32 bits can be divided in a number of different
ways to indicate networks and subnetworks of different sizes.
Imagine what would happen if the colon in the middle of an IPX
address could slide left or right in the address. Moreover,
imagine that the node addresses are no longer the physical
addresses of your network interface cards, but arbitrary num-
bers that are mapped to those physical addresses later. You
could then accommodate varying network structures from a
small number of network segments with huge numbers of nodes
to large numbers of networks with only a few nodes.
In the illustration below, you can think of the line between NET
ID and HOST ID as the equivalent of the colon in an IPX ad-
dress. Notice that the position of this line is determined by the
position of the first zero bit in the address.
0 1 2 3 4
1 0
1 1 0
IP Address Classes
A large IP network can be subdivided into smaller subnetworks.
This is done using a device called the subnet mask (in this text,
often called netmask), which tells a routing device how to
further subdivide the Host ID portion of an IP address.
A subnet mask is a 32 bit value which also can be written in
dotted decimal notation. It contains a number of bits set to 1
(indicating the network portion of an address) followed by a
number of bits set to 0 (indicating the host portion of an ad-
B-2 Addressing Schemes
For example, a netmask of on a Class B network
would indicate that the network is divided into 254 subnet-
works of 254 nodes each (0 and 255 are reserved numbers). would be host 28 on subnetwork 63 of that network.
The network itself would be called (Class B network
number 5).
Notice that by using subnet masks, you can define a natural
hierarchy in which the addresses themselves indicate how a
packet is to be routed. However, all routing devices on an IP
network must be using the same subnetting scheme.
Also note that a subnet mask for a given network segment is not
part of the address and is not transmitted with every packet. It
is simply a value which is known to all the routing devices
adjacent to that segment.
Subnets of Class C networks
Since Class C networks are by far the most common, we will
take a closer look at subnetting in a Class C network. The
following table is a listing of all possible values for the last octet
(byte) in a Class C subnet mask. H
Class C subnet masks
Addressing Schemes B-3
Two important things must be noticed about the address divi-
sions created by a subnet mask.
1. RFC 950 requires that the first and last subnet created by a
mask are reserved. So, the number of usable subnets is
always 2 less than the number of divisions created. This
makes 128 an unusable netmask because it has no legal
2. The first and last host address in each subnet are also
reserved (see Reserved Addresses below). This means 254 is
also an unusable subnet mask because there are no legal
host addresses!
Reserved Addresses
In most IP machines, setting all the bits in the host portion of an
IP address to 1 indicates a broadcast to all nodes on the network.
In the Class B network described above, an address of is a broadcast address meaning the packet is
destined for all nodes on the entire Class B network. would be a broadcast address indicating that the
packet is destined for all nodes on subnet 63.
However, one rare version of TCP/ IP instead considers an
address in which the host bits are all set to 0 a broadcast ad-
dress. On the NETServer, you configure for this difference as
part of basic setup (set net0 broadcast <high| low>).
On networks with a “high” broadcast address, setting all bits to
0 simply means “this host” or “this network” and is usually
used only when a node does not know its own network or node
address (and is probably requesting that information).
One other reserved address is 127.x.x.x. The contents of the last
three bytes are not important. This is a loopback address used
for troubleshooting. It allows you to verify that a device can
send something to itself. A packet with this address should
never actually leave the machine that originated it.
B-4 Addressing Schemes
Supernetting (Advanced TCP/IP)
Because Class B Internet addresses are in short supply, larger
networks are now usually granted a contiguous block of several
Class C addresses. Unfortunately, this creates very large routing
tables since multiple Class C routes have to be defined for each
network containing more than 254 nodes. Larger routing tables
mean more work for the routers and, therefore, poorer perfor-
Traditional IP - Each class C network must have
a routing table entry
Supernetting (Classless InterDomain Routing) is a technique
that allows each of these larger networks to be represented by a
single routing table entry.
To do this, supernet addressing does something very different
from traditional TCP/ IP routing (which allows only one
netmask per network). In supernet routing, each supernet can
be assigned its own netmask.
Supernetting is defined in RFC 1519.
Addressing Schemes B-5
CIDR - Each Supernet is treated as a single entity
Since supernet addressing is a fairly complex mechanism, the
easiest way to understand it is to walk through the setup
Step 1 - Select a netmask for each supernet
Each supernet must have a netmask assigned to it. The netmask
for an individual supernet can be, but does not have to be, the
same as the netmask for any other supernet.
As in subnetting, a netmask creates a division between the
network portion of an address and the host portion of an
address. However, since the network you are defining is larger
than a Class C network, the division you are creating is not in
the fourth octet of the address. For this example, we’ll be
creating supernets composed of fewer than 254 Class C net-
works. So, their netmasks will actually be splitting up the third
octet in their IP addresses.
B-6 Addressing Schemes
Notice that the number of zero bits in the third octet will actu-
ally dictate the number of Class C networks in the supernet.
Each zero bit makes the supernet twice as large. So, a supernet
composed of 8 Class C networks would actually have 3 zeroes (8
= 23).
This would seem very limited since it restricts you to using
groups that nicely fit into a power of 2 (1, 2, 4, 8, 16...). How-
ever, inconveniently-sized supernets can be accommodated
because of a simple fact: a netmask with more 1 bits will over-
ride a netmask with fewer 1 bits. This allows a smaller supernet
to share the address space of a larger supernet. If, for example,
you had a supernet of size 6 and a supernet of size 2, you could
assign the larger supernet an 8 network address space and
assign the smaller supernet the portion of that address space
that the larger supernet was not using. Because the smaller
supernet’s netmask has more 1 bits, packets whose address was
part of its address space would be routed to the smaller
supernet even though the address is also part of the address
space dictated by the larger supernet’s netmask.
Addressing Schemes B-7
Step two - Select a range of addresses for each supernet
The range of addresses in a supernet must fit exactly into a
space that can be described by its netmask. This means that the
zero bits in the netmask must also appear in the first address of
the supernet block. For this to be true, the third octet in the
address must be an even multiple of the same power of 2 used
to form the netmask. For example, if you had created a block of
8 networks, the third octet in the first address will be an even
multiple of 8.
B-8 Addressing Schemes
Supernet Example
The four networks in the example below are all connected to the
same Internet service provider (ISP). The ISP has decided to use
supernetting to reduce the size of his routing tables and, hope-
fully, improve throughput.
Supernets 1 and 2 each require four Class C networks, so they
require a netmask with 2 zero bits (4 = 22) in the third octet. This
yields a netmask of
Supernet 3 requires 7 Class C address spaces. Since 7 isn’t a
power of 2, we have to round it up to eight. This gives it a
netmask of
Supernet 4 is a single Class C network, making it s netmask
Now, we must assign ranges of addresses. Let’s assume that our
ISP is responsible for the network and that his first
free addresses are at
The third octet of Supernet 1 has to be an even multiple of 4, so
our ISP grants an address range starting at and
hopes that the block between 158 and 160 can be filled in later.
Supernet 2 must also begin on an even multiple of 4. The first
available address after Supernet 1 conveniently fits the bill. So,
supernet 2 extends from to
Supernet 3 requires an even multiple of 8. It also can begin on
the next available address.
Addressing Schemes B-9
Since supernet 4 can fit entirely in a single Class C address
space, it can use supernet 3’s surplus space. It is therefore given
the last Class C address space in Supernet 3’s territory, effec-
tively reducing supernet 3 to only the 7 class C networks it
Supernetting and the NETServer
In order to define a supernet on the NETServer, you must add
the network and its netmask to the netmasks table. For ex-
add netmask
B-10 Addressing Schemes
Appendix C
Software Download
Software download is a means by which the executable software
saved in the NETServer ’s flash memory is reprogrammed. This
can be performed through a direct connection to a PC or
through the NETServer Manager windows software.
Note that the software download process does not erase your
configuration data. The NETServer’s Global and Network
Configuration won’t be affected, nor will your Location or User
Tables. Software download only effects that part of the Flash
ROM that contains NETServer ’s operating code.
Why Perform an SDL (Software Download)?
There are two main reasons to perform a software download.
• A critical failure is detected in flash memory.
• Each time the NETServer is powered on, it performs various
self-diagnostic tests. One of these checks flash memory.
An updated version of the NETServer firmware is available.
SDL Using a Direct Connection to a PC
The NETServer’s firmware can be downloaded directly to the
NETServer by connecting a PC to the CONSOLE port on the
back of the unit and running the appropriate software provided
on disk. The same null modem cable that was used to initialize
the Command Line Software (See the Quick Start Guide) can
also be used for updating the flash memory.
Software Download C-1
Loading the Software Download (SDL) Program
Each NETServer is shipped with a disk containing replacement
firmware. This disk also contains the software download
program, and should be loaded on the Management Station PC.
Make Backup Copies of the NETServer Firmware
As with all software, it is a good idea to make a copy of the
original disk. To make an exact duplicate of the original disk,
use the DOS DISKCOPY command to copy all of the files.
(Make sure each destination disk is blank and formatted before
copying files.)
Software Installation
1. Insert the installation disk in your floppy drive.
2. Create a directory on your hard drive to hold the software,
and then change to that directory.
3. At the DOS prompt of the new directory, type the following
copy a:\*.*
(if the installation disk is in a drive other than drive a:,
substitute the appropriate drive letter)
The flash software for the card is loaded on the PC.
Starting SDL
Before starting SDL, we recommend that you unload any
terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) programs running on the PC.
TSRs slow down the SDL program considerably.
The easiest way to run SDL is to type SDL and press the Enter
key. This runs a batch file (SDL.BAT) that invokes PCSDL with
all the command line options preset so you don’t have to type
them in. However, you may want to edit this batch file from
time to time to make sure the options are correct for what you
want to do.
C-2 Software Download
PCSDL commands can be in either upper or lower case letters.
Leave one space after each command line parameter. The d
command is optional, the rest are required.
Note: After the Install utility copies files to your hard disk, it is
important not to change the file names or try to edit the files.
This will cause an error message to be displayed when you run
the SDL program. You will also need to know these file names
to launch SDL.
The table below shows what the file name means:
pn030100.nac pn
(NETServer/ 8)
(NETServer/ 8)
Version #
File Type
(03 01 00)
(01 02 00)
SDL Command Syntax
The following is a sample of the command syntax based on the
sample file names above. The table that follows explains each
pcsdl -p1 -r57600 -vsd1.2.0 -vna3.1.0 -nsdtr
initiates the PC SDL program
selects communication port on the PC cabled to
the NETServer (required); possible ports are 1, 2,
3, or 4.
selects serial port transmission rate of 57600 bps
software download file version number (re-
software .nac operation code version number
specifies the .sdl filename prefix (required):
(tr = NETServer/ 8 and NETServer/ 16 SDL file)
Software Download C-3
specifies the .nac filename prefix (required):
(pn = NETServer/ 8 and NETServer/ 16 NAC
specifies the directory path name (optional);
should be followed by the directory name where
the operation and SDL software is stored
Note: If an operator enters an invalid parameter or an
insufficient number of required parameters, the pcsdl program
displays a help screen specifying the correct command syntax.
Optional -d Parameter
The d option tells the SDL program to retrieve the operation and
SDL program files from the specified directory. Otherwise, the
SDL program assumes that the program files are in the current
Filename Prefixes
Filename prefixes are required to specify both the type of .sdl
file (software download utility) and .nac file (operational code)
to use in the download.
C-4 Software Download
Entering SDL Mode
Once the PC is connected to the NETServer and is running the
download software, turn the NETServer off and then on again.
The unit checks the serial port before it attempts to load its
system files from flash memory. If the NETServer detects a PC
running SDL software, it will begin the download process.
Note: If the NETServer finds that the software currently stored
in flash memory has become corrupt (i.e. it fails the NETServer’s
self-diagnostic checks or locks up during the boot process), it
will go back to the serial port and wait indefinitely for a PC
running the SDL software to be connected.
The PC SDL program first verifies the initialization and opera-
tion software, then begins the download. As the program
executes, the messages shown below appear.
Software Download C-5
From the Windows Management Software
In addition to being able to SDL new operating firmware to the
NETServer, version 3.2 of the NETServer Manager software
allows you to upgrade the internal modems.
Upgrading NETServer Firmware
1. Select Software Download \
NETServer from the File
2. The Download NAC file to NETServer dialog box appears.
Select the *.NAC file you want to perform the software
download with. For NETServer/ 8 and NETServer/ 16, the
filename is pn??????.nac, where ?????? is a six digit version
number for the firmware.
Click on the OK button when finished.
C-6 Software Download
3. A series of dialog boxes appear, informing you of the status
of the software download process. Some of these include:
Download Progress This dialog box displays the file name
and size of the NAC file you selected.
Erasing Flash
This dialog box displays the percentage
of Flash memory that is being erased.
4. NETServer Manager informs you that the changes will not
take place until you reboot and asks you if you want to
Reboot the NETServer.
5. When the reboot is completed, the Login to NETServer
dialog box appears.
Upgrading the Modem Firmware
1. Select Software Download \ Modem from the File Menu.
2. Select the modems to which
you want to download new
Note: In the ISDN version
of the NETServer, each I-
modem services two ports.
Since sending a firmware
upgrade to both ports is
redundant, only the first
port of each I-modem (the
odd numbered one) is
displayed here.
3. Click on the Start button.
Software Download C-7
4. Enter the name of the NAC and SDL files you wish to send
to the modems. For the analog (i.e. V.34) NETServer, the file
names are:
For the ISDN NETServer, the file names are:
?????? is a six-digit version number for each file.
5. Click OK. You will be returned to the previous window.
The status of each modem will have changed. To Pending,
In Progress, or Not Selected.
Download has been scheduled, but the
modem is busy. Download will begin the
next time the modem is idle.
In Progress
The download to this modem is in progress.
Not Selected This modem was not selected for the current
download operation.
6. Once the modem download is scheduled, you may exit this
window by clicking on the Exit button.
C-8 Software Download
Error Messages
All of the following errors are considered fatal and will cause
the PC SDL software to abort. If one of these errors is detected,
the operator must restart the PC software download.
Bad Address in Downloadable Data
The NETServer SDL software detects an invalid address while
parsing through the Intel records. These Intel records are
downloaded in RAM and are used for Flash memory program-
Bad CRC on Downloadable Code in ROM
The CRC of the software programmed in flash memory is
Bad CRC in Program Loaded in RAM
The CRC of the program just loaded in the NETServer ’s RAM is
Bad File Number
The file system in the SDL program detects a bad file number
when trying to close the file. This normally indicates either a
programming error or program corruption.
Bad Message Buffer
The communication buffer is too small or invalid due to pro-
gram corruption.
Bad Message CRC
The CRC associated with each message is bad due possibly to
noise on the transmission line.
Software Download C-9
Bad Message Length
The SDL program detects an invalid message length at the data
link layer. The message length is either larger or smaller than
the length required by the protocol. This error normally indi-
cates message corruption due to noise on the transmission line.
Bad Start of Text Characters
The data link layer of the PC SDL program detected an invalid
start-of-text characters sequence.
Command Line Error
The PC SDL program detected unknown command line argu-
Communication Error
The PC SDL program detected unknown communication errors.
File CRC Error
During file verification, prior to SDL, a bad CRC was found on
the program file. This indicates file corruption.
File Error
The PC SDL program detected unknown information in the file
header of the program to be downloaded.
File I/O Error
The PC SDL program detected unknown file I/ O errors.
Indicator Unknown
The PC SDL program detected an unrecognized indicator in the
MB message returned from the NETServer software.
C-10 Software Download
Insufficient Number of Arguments
The number of arguments in the command line is less than the
number of required arguments. The required arguments are -p
(COM port), -r (serial port rate), -vsd (software download file
version), -vna (.nac software operation code version), -nsd
(software download filename prefix) and -nna (.nac software
operation code filename prefix).
Insufficient Work Space to Download Program
The work space returned from the loader is too small to accom-
modate software download for the initialization or NETServer
operation program.
Invalid Access Code
The file system software of the SDL program denies access to the
file due to an invalid access code. This error probably indicates
a program corruption in the SDL program.
Invalid Argument
The file system software does not recognize the arguments
passed from the application software. This normally indicates
program corruption.
Invalid Code Returned from Flash ROM Erase
An error was detected while erasing flash memory.
Invalid Code Returned from Flash ROM Program
An error was detected while programming flash memory.
Invalid COM Port
The valid COM Ports are 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Invalid COM Port Handler
The communication driver software detected an invalid com-
munication port handler. This normally indicates program
Software Download C-11
Invalid Control Word
The SDL application layer does not recognize the control word
returned from the NETServer.
Invalid Device/Manufacturing ID in Flash
There was a problem reading the ID in Flash memory due either
to a wrong or bad chip.
Invalid Directory Path
The directory path specified in the command line does not
comply with DOS naming conventions.
Invalid Filename Prefix
In issuing the pcsdl command, the filename prefix specified for
either the .sdl file (-nsd) or .nac file (-nna) did not match the
prefix stored in the file header. Valid prefixes are listed earlier in
this appendix under Filename Prefixes.
Invalid File Type
The PC SDL program detected an invalid file marker in the file
to be downloaded.
Invalid Flash ROM ID for This Card
The NAC SDL program does not recognize the flash memory ID
sent from the PC SDL program.
Invalid Intel Record Found
This error occurs when the NETServer SDL software detects
unrecognized Intel record types while parsing through the Intel
records in RAM for flash memory programming.
Invalid Software Version
The software version specified in the command line (-vsd or
-vna parameter) was expressed incorrectly. The valid syntax is, where xxx is a decimal number 0−255.
C-12 Software Download
Missing Required Argument
There is a sufficient number of arguments, but some required
arguments are missing. The required arguments are -p (COM
port), -r (serial port rate), -vsd (software download file version),
-vna (software .nac operation code version), -nsd (software
download filename prefix) and -nna (.nac software operation
code filename prefix).
No Response from NAC within theTime-out Period
The PC sent a message to the NETServer three times and failed
to receive a response.
No Such File or Directory
Cannot find the program to be downloaded in the specified or
default directory.
Permission Denied
The SDL program tries to open a file, but the file system soft-
ware denies access to the file.
Problem Erasing Flash ROM
The PC software’s request to erase Flash memory was unsuc-
Programming Flash ROM Error
An error was detected during Flash ROM programming.
Software Download Error
Unknown error occurs during software download.
Too Many Open Files
The number of open files exceeded the number of open files
allowed by the file system software.
Unknown Error Returned from NAC
The PC SDL program does not recognize the error code returned
from the NETServer.
Software Download C-13
Unknown Information Received from NAC
The CRC is good, but the application layer detected unrecog-
nized information, for example, control word indicators in the
Work Space Buffer Overflow
There is no more space left in the NETServer ’s buffer for the PC
to download its data. Since the PC software knows the RAM
buffer size and can determine when the buffer is filled, this
should not happen unless the software is corrupted.
Wrong Card Type
The file you are trying to download is not a NETServer file.
Wrong File Type
There is an invalid file type in the program to be downloaded.
Wrong Software Type
There is an invalid software type in the program to be down-
Wrong Software Version
The software version specified in the command line does not
match the one in the file header of the software to be down-
C-14 Software Download
Appendix D
The Boot Process
When you flip the power switch to the ON position. The row of
LEDs on each set of 8 modems will cycle through several colors
as the modems perform self-diagnostics. When they are fin-
ished, the Run/ Fail LED(s) should be green, indicating that the
modems are ready.
The NETServer hardware (bottom row of LEDs) will also come
to life. Like any other computing device, the NETServer needs
to load its basic system files (boot) every time it is turned on.
Normally, the NETServer loads these files from its internal flash
memory. However, you may use a PC to update the boot files in
flash memory.
The first thing the NETServer does is wait for a PC connected to
its serial port to send a new version of the boot files. This is
done by running PCSDL (PC Software DownLoad) on the PC.
See Appendix C for instructions on how to use this program.
If the NETServer does not find a PC running PCSDL within 5
seconds, it will go directly to the boot files in flash memory.
During the POST (power on self test), the Flash RAM LED and
the bottom Run/ Fail LED turn red. When the POST tests are
complete, the bottom Run/ Fail LED then flashes green slowly
while the NETServer checks for a software download from the
serial port (5 seconds) . The LED then flashes more rapidly as
the NETServer loads its application software into RAM and
finally turns solid green when the process is complete.
Note that this process takes about a minute.
The Boot Process D-1
D-2 The Boot Process
Appendix E
Syslog Accounting
This appendix includes information on UNIX syslog network
accounting and samples of system messages.
Important: You must have the NETServer entered in the
\ etc\ hosts file of the UNIX server that is running Syslog. With-
out this, you will be unable to use Syslog network accounting
with the NETServer.
Using Syslog
To log connections and disconnections via syslog to the auth
facility at priority info (, on your NETServer set
loghost to the IP address or hostname of a UNIX host running
syslogd. On that host edit / etc/ syslog.conf as root and add the
following line: /var/log/authlog
Then run the following commands as root (note that the ‘ is a
touch /var/log/authlog
chmod 700 /var/log/authlog
kill -HUP ‘cat /etc/‘
Note that you don’t have to log to a separate file, but it can be
Syslog Accounting E-1
Spotting Unused Ports
A quick way to spot serial ports that should be active, but are
not, is to issue a grep command for the name of your NETServer
(in this example, usrobotics) or for the keywords “NETServer:”
and “dialnet” and make a frequency count of which ports get
May 4 20:52:20 usrobotics NETServer: port S5 Login succeeded for
May 5 04:05:10 usrobotics dialnet: port S5 Pgpu succeeded dest
Here’s a command that will do just that:
grep “port S” /var/log/authlog | awk ‘{print $7}’ | sort | uniq -c
Syslog System Messages
Syslog System Message Format
In the following examples:
• usr1 is the hostname of a NETServer, router1 is the host
name of an IPX router
• doug is a user name on the NETServer set up as a login user
• brian is a user name on the NETServer set up as a dialback
login user, Pbeach is a PPP netuser account for a host named
beach, using IP address
• Dsand is a dialback netuser
• Lsand is the Location Table entry referenced by Dsand, mint
and cane are the names of hosts
Anywhere a host name appears an IP address can appear
instead, if the NETServer ’s inverse address lookup fails.
All syslog messages start with the month, day and time stamp
as follows; this has been omitted in the examples below, but
looks like this:
Jul 24 14:54:56 usr1 dialnet: port S5 doug login failed
E-2 Syslog Accounting
Syslog System Message Examples
router1 dialnet: port S16 ppp_sync failed dest cane
Router1 is unable to establish a PPP connection to host cane on
synchronous port S16.
usr1 NETServer: port S2 Login succeeded for doug
User doug has logged into port S2 on usr1.
usr1 NETServer: port S5 session disconnected user doug
User doug has disconnected from port S5 on usr1.
usr1 NETServer: port S1 Dialback requested for bri
User bri has successfully logged in on a dialback user account
on port S1 of usr1, which will hang up and call him back.
usr1 dialnet: port S8 doug login failed
User doug has failed to login on port S8 of usr1.
usr1 dialnet: port S11 Pbeach succeeded dest
Netuser Pbeach has successfully logged in using address (beach), on port S11 of usr1.
usr1 dialnet: port S1 connection succeeded dest beach
PPP negotiation for host beach succeeded on port S1 of usr1 (see
usr1 dialnet: port S9 session disconnected dest beach
Netuser beach has disconnected.
usr1 dialnet: port S6 connection failed dest beech
beech has failed to connect successfully on port S6 of usr1.
usr1 dialnet: port S10 Dsand dialback requested to Lsand
Dsand has successfully logged in on a dialback netuser account
on port S10 of usr1; usr1 will hang up and connect to location
Syslog Accounting E-3
usr1 dialnet: port S8 PPP succeeded dest Negotiated
Hardwired network port S8 has established a PPP negotiation to
a negotiated address.
usr1 user: host mint admin login succeeded
Someone has used Telnet from host mint to login as !root on
usr1 user: port S16 admin login succeeded
Someone has logged in as !root on port S16.
usr1 user: port S10 admin login failed
Someone has failed to login as !root on port S10.
usr1 S7 packet bus handle opened.
A packet bus handle to the S7 modem has been opened.
usr1 S2 packet bus connected.
The previously opened packet bus handle has established a
packet bus connection.
usr1 S2 packet bus disconnected.
The previously connected packet bus connection has discon-
usr1 S2 packet bus handle closed.
The previously opened packet bus handle has been closed.
usr1 S11 call arrived.
A telephone call has arrived on modem S11.
usr1 S14 hung up the phone.
Modem S14 has dropped the telephone call.
E-4 Syslog Accounting
usr1 S15 to port 1 connection established
A TCP/ IP connection has been established between port 1 and
an IP host.
usr1 S15 to port 1 connection terminated(4)
The TCP/ IP connection between S15 and the IP host has been
Syslog Accounting E-5
E-6 Syslog Accounting
Appendix F
Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) is a
proposed standard Internet protocol for security and
• Obtaining RADIUS
• RADIUS security server
• RADIUS accounting server
Obtaining RADIUS
Versions 3.0 and later of the U.S. Robotics Total Control Manager
software have built in support for RADIUS accounting. The
security server that is available as an optional feature of Total
Control Manager is an implementation of the RADIUS security
U.S. Robotics will also release the same RADIUS security and
accounting server as a standalone product for both Microsoft
Windows and UNIX (Solaris) systems. Contact U.S. Robotics
sales for more information on these products.
Since RADIUS is an open standard, there are also third party
RADIUS implementations available. The NETServer should be
able to interoperate with all implementations of the protocol
which conform to the proposed standard.
Security - A Centrally Managed User Table
The RADIUS security server is based on a model of distributed
security previously defined by the Internet Engineering Task
Force (IETF).
RADIUS’s client-server approach to security allows a network
administrator to maintain a single user table for all NETServers
on the network, rather than individual user tables for each box.
Each NETServer acts as a client of the RADIUS server.
User Name
NETServer acts as a client
User Table
When a user dials into the NETServer, the NETServer first
checks its own User Table. If it can’t find the user, it then checks
with the RADIUS server (if it is configured to do so).
The NETServer encrypts the user name and password using an
encryption key shared by both the NETServer and the RADIUS
server, and passes the encrypted user name and password on to
the RADIUS server. The RADIUS server then checks the user
name and password against its users file, grants or denies
access, and passes this information back to the NETServer.
If access is denied, the NETServer disconnects. If access is
granted, the RADIUS server will forward the appropriate user
table information (such as what host or what protocol the user
Setting Up RADIUS UserTable Entries
RADIUS servers store their user data in a human readable (text)
database. The information following shows the format of
entries in that database. For specific, detailed instructions on
setting up a user table entry in the version of the RADIUS server
that you decide to use, see your RADIUS documentation.
Each user entry contains two kinds of parameters: the authenti-
cation items and the response items. The authentication items
are the parameters that the RADIUS server requires to authenti-
cate the user. The response items are the parameters that
configure the connection between the host and the user.
Authentication Items
The authentication items take up the first two lines of the user
entry. The first line must consist of at least the User Name and
the password. The second line indicates the user ’s service type.
The user ’s login name must have at least one space between it
and the Password parameter. If more parameters follow the
Password parameter, each (including the Password parameter)
must be separated by a comma. The first line does not have a
comma at the end of it; the second line does.
<user name> Password=“<pw>”, Client-Id=<ID>, Client-Id-Port=<1 | 2>
User-Service-type=<service type>,
User Name
This is the user name the user must enter when logging into the
network via the NETServer.
The password is enclosed in quotes and can be any combination
of ASCII characters up to 16 characters long.
It can also be a quoted value of UNIX. This forces the RADIUS
server to use the etc/ passwd on the RADIUS host or query the
NIS name server for password authentication if the network has
Adding this optional parameter will limit a network dial in
(framed) user to the specified NETServer rather than allowing
the user to access every one on the network. This is the name or
IP address of the NETServer the user will dial into. An IP
address must be enclosed in quotes (for example
Adding this optional parameter will limit a network dial in
(framed) user to the specified port. This is the S-port that the
user will dial in to. Enter 1 for s0, 2 for s1, etc.
This specifies the date on which the password expires, and must
be enclosed in quotes. Example:
Expiration=“December 1, 1995”
Response Items
For login users, response items define what host or system the
user is permitted to access. For framed service types (network
users), the response items define the configuration of the
connection. Every line but the last must end with a comma.
This is the name of a valid location table entry on the NETServer
requesting authentication. The NETServer requires such
information when dialing back a network dialin user. The
location name is enclosed in quotes. Example:
Dialback-Name=“NY Sales”
Required for Dialback-Login-Users, the Dialback-No field can be
any numerical string enclosed in quotes that contains the
dialback telephone number; for example:
This is the user’s IP address for the duration of the connection.
If this line is omitted, NETServers which have a pool of assigned
addresses set up will use assigned addressing. NETServers
without such a pool will attempt to negotiate the address.
Default is Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP. This field specifies whether or
not Van-Jacobson header compression is used. Examples:
The two packet filters specified here control which packets will
be allowed to pass from the NETServer to the user and vice
versa. The command looks something like the following:
Framed-Filter-Id=<filter name>
The NETServer will take the filter name given here and add .in
and .out extensions to get the names of the input and output
filter that will be used. For example, if you typed the following
the NETServer would look for two filters: and xyz.out.
You must create a filter for each of these names (See Chapter 8).
If you do not create a filter for one of these names, the user will
have no filter for that function.
The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) specifies the largest
packet that will be sent from the NETServer to this user. Larger
packets will be discarded for IPX connections. IP packets larger
than this value will be fragmented prior to transmission. PPP
connections are set between 100 and 1500 (default is 1500), and
SLIP connections are set between 100 and 1006 (default is 1006).
Default is This is the user ’s IP subnet mask.
Default is PPP. This field identifies which protocol the user is
using to make a connection. Possible entries:
This specifies a static route, or a specific set of routers that the
connection must take. The format of this parameter is below.
Framed-Route = “<destination> <gateway> <metric>”
<Destination> is the name or IP address of the host or network
the user will connect with.
<Gateway> is the router which provides the route to the host or
<Metric> is the number of routers between the destination and
the gateway; the metric is also referred to as the hop-count.
If the connection is configured to use assigned addresses or if
the address is negotiated, and you set the gateway to, the
NETServer will “learn” the gateway to reach the host or net-
Default is None. This determines whether the NETServer
permits RIP packets to be sent to or received from the remote
user. Possible values are:
The NETServer does not send any RIP mes-
sages to the remote user and discards any RIP
messages received from the user.
The NETServer broadcasts RIP packets to the
remote user.
The NETServer listens for RIP messages from
the remote user.
Broadcast-Listen The NETServer broadcasts RIP messages to
the remote user and listens for incoming RIP
This is the name or IP address of the host a login user will log
This field defines what kind of connection a login user will
make with a host. There are four options:
• Telnet - default port of 23
• Rlogin - default port of 513
• TCP-Clear (also called Netdata) - default port of 6000
• PortMux - default port of 1642
This field forces the user to connect with a specific TCP port
(such as 23, the default telnet port).
There are five types of users in the RADIUS users file:
• Login-User
• Dialback-Login-User
• Framed-User
• Dialback-Framed-User
• Outbound-User
This is the same kind of user that the NETServer command line
software would call a login user. Once the user name and
password are authenticated, this kind of user is connected via a
login service to the host or network specified in his or her
RADIUS users file entry.
A Login-User entry must contain the following parameters:
User-Name, Password, Login-Host, and Login Service.
Login-TCP-Port and Expiration are optional parameters.
For example:
Unlike the NETServer command line, RADIUS defines a login
user configured for dialback as a separate user type entirely.
When a user ID and password are authenticated, the NETServer
disconnects and dials users back, using a pre-defined telephone
number. Once this connection is made, users are connected via a
login service to the host or network specified in the RADIUS
users file.
A Dialback-Login-User entry must contain the following
parameters: User-Name, Password, Dialback-No, Login-Host,
and Login Service.
Login-TCP-Port and Expiration are optional parameters.
For example:
The NETServer command line software would call this a
network user. Once the user ID and password are authenti-
cated, users are connected to the network via PPP or SLIP.
A Framed-User entry must contain the following parameters:
User-Name, Password, Framed-Protocol, Framed-Address, and
Framed-Routing, Client-Id, Client-Port-Id and Framed-Com-
pression are optional parameters.
For example:
Password=“antietem”, Client-Id=NS3, Client-Id-Port=5
Unlike the NETServer command line software, RADIUS defines
a dialback network user as a separate user type entirely. When
such a user ’s name and password are authenticated, the
NETServer disconnects and dials the user back using the
location table entry designated by the “Dailback-Name” param-
A Dialback-Framed-User entry must contain the following
parameters: User-Name, Password and Dialback-Name.
Client-Id and Client-Port-Id, are optional parameters.
For example:
Password=“antietem”, Client-Id=NS3, Client-Id-Port=5
The RADIUS protocol defines this user type as a user on the
local network who is using the modems to dial out (Similar to
the NETServer ’s host device dial out user). However, the
RADIUS Outbound-User type is not defined on the NETServer.
Do not use Outbound-Users in your RADIUS users file.
For authentication, the NETServer requires that host device dial
out users be defined as login users who will be telnetted directly
to a modem when they successfully log in. To add these users to
RADIUS, define them as login-users.
Making NETServer talk to a RADIUS security server
This section assumes that RADIUS is already up and running on
a workstation on your network.
1. Select the primary RADIUS security server:
set authentic <IP address>
2. Optional. Select the alternate RADIUS security server.
If your network has more than one RADIUS server, indicate
which one will be considered the alternate server. If for
some reason the primary server is unavailable, the
NETServer will check with the alternate server.
set alternate <IP address>
3. Set the encryption key or secret.
This is the encryption key that the NETServer uses to
encrypt user IDs and passwords and that the RADIUS
server uses to decrypt them. The RADIUS server(s) must be
set to the same encryption key or secret. The encryption key
can be up to 15 characters long.
set secret <encryption key>
4. Save the changes. Use the following command:
save global
CHAP authentication using RADIUS
If the NETServer wishes to use RADIUS to authenticate the
remote device, the user name and the password of the remote
device can be stored in the users file on the RADIUS server.
The user name for the remote device must be the user ID that it
will send during CHAP authentication.
The password must be in clear text in order for the MD5 com-
parison to succeed. Remember, the password during CHAP
authentication is known as a shared secret. The remote device
uses the same password. If the NETServer does not have a user
table entry for the remote device, there must be an entry for the
remote device in the RADIUS users file.
RADIUS Accounting
RADIUS accounting is uses the same basic protocol as the
RADIUS security server. Both servers may run on the same
host, but you may choose a different host to provide each
function if you like.
The accounting server creates a separate account file for each
NETServer under the following directory:
RADIUS accounting fields
The parameters described in this section are unique to the
accounting server. The other parameters used by the RADIUS
accounting server are identical in meaning to the equivalent
parameters in the RADIUS security server.
There are two possible values for this record: Start and Stop.
The record is sent when service to a specific users account
begins or ends.
This shows how many seconds the NETServer has been trying
to submit this record. This value is subtracted from the time of
arrival so that the approximate time of the event can be deter-
This is a unique, eight-digit hexadecimal accounting ID that
makes it easier to match the “Start” record for a session to the
“Stop” record. Both of these records will have the same session
ID when they are generated by the same session. The session ID
must be in quotes.
This attribute indicates how the user was authenticated. There
are three possible values:
Used for Stop records and Pass-Thru Logins
User was authenticated by RADIUS
User was authenticated by local host or by the
This indicates how many seconds the user was connected. Acct-
Session-Time appears only in Stop records.
Accounting Examples
Below of a few examples of RADIUS accounting output. The
first example is for a login user who has just begun a session.
Thurs Jan 16 22:00:55 1995
When that user ends the session with the host, a record like the
one below is sent to the accounting server:
Thurs Jan 16 23:15:31 1995
If a SLIP or PPP user begins a session with the network, a record
like the one below is sent to the accounting server:
Thurs Jan 16 16:15:53 1995
When the framed user ends the session, a record like the one
below is sent to the accounting server:
Thurs Jan 16 16:25:57 1995
Alphabetical Index
Banner (login message) 4-7, 5-5, 5-11,
5-14, 10-38
Baud rate (S-Port) 10-32, 10-47
Broadcast address B-4, 2-7, 10-27
Access filter 10-59
ACCESS parameter 10-41
Accounting server
ICMP logging 1-3, 10-12
RADIUS F-12–F-14, 1-2, 10-11
Syslog 10-11, Appendix D
Active interface
Carrier detect
Login user 4-1
S-Port parameter 7-2, 10-48
Case studies
Changing 9-7
Viewing 9-6
ADD command 3-5
LAN-to-LAN routing 6-25–6-29
Network dial in user 5-11–5-16
Packet filter 8-12
Filter 8-4, 8-12
Help 3-5
Host 10-13
Init script 7-6, 7-8
Location 5-12, 6-14, 6-27, 10-14
Netmask 10-30
TCP/ IP modem sharing 7-2, 7-3, 7-4
Changing an active Interface 9-7
CHAP authentication F-11, 6-2, 6-9–6-11,
6-22, 6-26, 6-27, 6-28, 6-30, 10-7
CIDR (Supernetting) B-5, 3-7, 10-30
Clear TCP. See Netdata
SNMP 10-56
User 4-9, 4-14, 5-7, 5-12, 6-22, 6-26,
7-3, 10-57
Client-Id (RADIUS user parameter) F-4
Client-Port-Id (RADIUS user) F-4
Command line
Administrator requirements 2-1–2-2
Alternate hosts
Command overview 3-5
Connecting to 2-3, 9-2
Global 10-3
Exiting 3-4
Port 4-5, 10-41
How to enter commands in 3-3
Community names (SNMP) 10-55
Hardwired port parameter 10-44
Location table 6-17, 10-18
Network dial in user 5-10, 5-12, 6-24,
CONFIG, Novell utility 2-5–2-6
Connect message 10-3
Contacting U.S. Robotics vii
Continuous, location type 6-15, 10-16
CSLIP 5-10, 5-12, 6-17, 6-24, 10-18
Application set up 3-2
LAN-to-LAN routing. Chapter 6
Modem sharing 7-1–7-5
Network dial in access. Chapter 5
Terminal server. Chapter 4
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
9-12, 10-7
Assigned addressing 5-8, 10-3, 10-62
AT commands 7-6, 7-9
Au tolog name 10-40
CHAP F-11, 6-2, 6-9–6-11, 6-22, 6-26,
6-27, 6-30, 10-7
PAP 6-9, 10-7
Host override 10-48
Network dial in user 5-1
S-port parameter 10-47
DEBUG command 9-4
Default gateway 2-11, 3-6, 6-7, 10-5
Passwords F-2, F-3, F-4, 2-3, 2-11,
4-9, 5-7, 6-22, 6-26, 6-28, 6-30,
10-10, 10-57
Server F-2–F-11, 4-4, 4-13, 10-39. See
Default host
Exiting command line software 3-4
Expiration (RADIUS user) F-4
Extended parameters 10-34
Global 3-6, 4-3, 4-5, 4-13, 10-3, 10-41
Port 4-3, 4-5, 4-9, 4-13, 10-41, 10-60
Default route 10-6
DELETE command 3-5
Filter 8-19
File Transfer Protocol, Filtering 8-12
Filters. See Packet filters
Flash memory 9-12
Flow control
Host override 10-48
Login user 4-1
S-Port parameter 10-48
Frame type 2-9, 10-28
Framed user (RADIUS). See also Network
dial in user
Compression F-5
Definition of F-9
Dialback F-4
Filter ID F-5
IP address F-5
Netmask F-6
Help 3-5
Host 10-13
Init script 7-7
Location 10-14
Netmask 10-30
Route 10-50
SNMP hosts 10-54
User 10-58
DESTINATION parameter. See also IP
Framed user (RADIUS) F-6
Location table 6-27, 10-17
Routes table 10-49, 10-50, 10-52, 10-53
Device service 7-1, 7-3, 10-36
DIAL command 6-15, 6-29, 9-3
Dial group 5-5, 5-13, 6-13, 6-17, 6-18,
6-27, 10-19, 10-37
Dial script 5-12, 6-7, 6-27, 6-30, 10-22–
RIP messaging F-7
SLIP/ PPP use F-6
Specifying a static route for F-6
FTP, filtering 8-12
Framed user (RADIUS) F-9
Location F-4, 5-7, 5-12, 10-62
Login user F-4, F-8, 4-11, 4-14, 10-59
Network dial in user F-9, 5-4, 5-5, 5-7,
5-12, 10-62
Default 3-6, 6-7
Number 4-11, 4-14, 10-59
Dialback delay 10-40
DIP switches 2-11, 10-47
DNS (name service) 1-3, 2-4, 2-13, 3-6,
10-8, 10-9
Definition of 6-4
for a Framed user F-6
Routes table parameter 10-52
Global configuration
Accounting servers 10-11
Assigned address 10-3
Authentication servers 10-10
Connect message 10-3
Default gateway 2-11, 10-5
Default host 10-3
Default route broadcasting 10-6
DNS cache time-out 10-9
Help 10-2
IP address spoofing 10-6
Name service 2-13, 10-8
NetBIOS propagation 10-7
Overview 3-6
Domain name 2-13, 10-9
Dynamic routes
Definition of 6-6
Destination address 10-52, 10-53
Gateway 10-52
Metric 10-52, 10-53
Propagation of. See RIP messaging
Ticks 10-53
Viewing 10-50
Encryption key (RADIUS) F-2, F-10, 10-10
PAP authentication 10-7
Proxy ARP 10-7
Randomizing hosts 10-4
Supervisor password 2-11, 10-10
System name 2-4, 10-7
Viewing 10-2
IP Terminal Server 4-12–4-15
LAN-to-LAN routing 6-25–6-29
Network dial in user 5-11–5-16
Packet filter 8-12
TCP/ IP modem sharing 7-2, 7-3, 7-4
Global default host 3-6, 4-3, 4-5, 4-13,
Group number (location) 5-13, 6-13, 6-17,
6-27, 10-19, 10-37
Host unreachable message 8-1
Logging error messages 1-3, 10-12
Packet filters 8-15
Idle time-out
Hardwired port
Dial in port parameter 10-38
Location table parameter 6-28, 10-19,
IFCONFIG command 9-6–9-7
in.pmd (PortMux daemon) 4-6, 4-10, 7-1,
7-4, 9-3, 10-36, 10-42, 10-60
Initialization scripts
Compression 10-44
Creating 5-4, 6-12
Definition of 3-10, 10-37
Help 10-31
IP address 10-44
IPX network number 10-44
MTU 10-44
Creating 7-6–7-8
Packet filters 10-45
PPP async map 10-45
PPP/ SLIP use 10-46
RIP messaging 10-46
Subnet mask 10-45
Viewing 10-34
Overview 3-7
Input filter. See Packet Filters
Internet, registering addresses for 2-2
Broadcast address 10-27
Default gateway 2-12, 10-5
Default route broadcasting 10-6
Enable/ disable 10-25
Packet filter rules 8-8–8-15
Reference material 2-2
IP address
Assigned addressing 5-8, 10-3, 10-62
Destination in routes table 10-52
Filtering packets by 8-8
Hardwired port 10-44
LAN port 2-7, 10-26
Location 5-12, 6-27, 10-17
Negotiated addresses 5-8, 6-15, 10-62
Network dial in user 5-8, 5-12, 6-22,
6-26, 10-62
Overview B-1
RADIUS user F-5
Reserved addresses B-4
Spoofing 1-2, 10-6
Addressing basics B-1
Default gateway 2-12, 10-5
Enable/ disable 10-25
Frame type 2-9, 10-28
NetBIOS propagation 10-7
Packet filter rules 8-16–8-18
IPX network number
HELP command 3-5
Global configuration 10-2
Location table 10-14
Net0 10-24
Port configuration 10-31
Routes table 10-49
SNMP 10-54
User table 10-57
High water mark 6-18, 6-27, 10-19, 10-20
Hop count (metric) 2-12, 10-5, 10-52, 10-53
Global alternate 10-3
Global default 4-3, 4-5, 4-13, 10-3
Port alternate 4-5, 10-41
Port default 4-3, 4-5, 4-9, 4-13
RADIUS user F-7
Random 1-3, 10-4
SNMP read/ write 10-54, 10-56
User table parameter 4-3, 4-9, 10-60
Host device port
Configuration of 7-1–7-5, 10-35
Help 10-31
Host override 10-48
Overview 3-9
Viewing 10-34
Hosts table
Configuration 10-13
Overview 3-6
Hunt group 6-19
Filtering packets by 8-16, 8-18
Hardwired port 10-44
LAN port 2-9, 10-27
Location 6-15, 6-27, 10-17
Network dial in user 5-8, 5-16, 6-22,
6-26, 10-62
Overview B-1
Routes table parameter 10-53
Using CONFIG to find out 2-6
Login message 4-7, 5-5, 5-11, 5-14, 10-38
Login prompt 4-7, 4-15, 5-5, 10-39
Login service
for a Host device port 7-1, 7-3, 7-4
Port default 4-6, 10-42
RADIUS user F-7
LAN port 3-4, 10-24–10-29
Basic configuration 2-5–2-10
Broadcast address B-4, 2-7, 10-27
Help 10-24
IP address 2-7, 10-26
IP/ IPX enable 10-25
User table parameter 4-10, 4-14, 7-3,
IPX frame type 2-9, 10-28
IPX network number 2-9, 10-27
Media type 10-26
Overview 3-7
Packet filters 10-29
Login user. See Chapter 4
Access filter 10-59
Access override 10-41
Adding a new 4-9–4-11, 10-57
Definition of 3-2
Resetting the NIC 10-24
RIP messaging 10-28
Dialback F-4, 4-11, 10-59
Example 4-12–4-15
Subnet mask 2-7, 10-27
Viewing 10-25
LAN-to-LAN routing
Help 10-57
Host F-7, 4-3, 4-9, 10-60
Host device dial out 7-3
Example 6-25–6-29
Introduction to 6-4–6-8
Location table configuration 6-14–6-21
Port configuration 6-12–6-13
User table configuration 6-22–6-24
Line Hangup 10-38
Login service F-7, 4-10, 7-3, 10-60
Saving 4-11, 10-58
Viewing 10-58
Location table 10-14–10-23
Adding a new location 6-14–6-21, 10-14
Compression 6-17, 10-18
Continuous connections 6-15, 10-16
Deleting a location 10-14
Dial group 6-13, 6-17, 6-18, 6-27, 10-19
Dial script 6-7, 6-20–6-21, 6-27, 6-
30, 10-22–10-23
Manual dial out locations 6-15, 6-29, 10-16
Map (PPP async) 10-21, 10-45, 10-63
Maximum Transmission Unit. See MTU
MAXPORTS 5-13, 6-19, 6-27, 10-19
Memory utilization 9-13
Metric (hop count) 2-12, 10-5, 10-52, 10-53
as UNIX pseudo TTY 7-4
Carrier detect 7-2, 10-48
Dial group 5-5, 5-13, 6-13, 6-17, 6-18,
6-27, 10-19, 10-37
Dial script 6-7, 6-20–6-21, 6-27,
6-30, 10-22–10-23
Initialization scripts 3-7, 7-6–7-8
Sending AT commands 7-9
Sharing 1-6, 3-9, 7-1–7-5
Stored number 6-21, 6-27
TCP port number 3-9, 7-1, 7-4
Modem control 7-2, 10-32, 10-48
Dialback locations 5-7, 5-12, 10-62
Examples 5-12, 6-27–6-28
Help 10-14
High water mark 6-18, 6-27, 10-19,
How the NETServer uses this table 3-7,
Idle time-out 6-28, 10-19, 10-20
Input filter 10-22
IP address 6-27, 10-17
IPX network number 6-15, 6-27, 10-17
Manual dialing 6-15, 10-16
Maximum ports 6-19, 6-27, 10-19
MTU 6-16, 10-21
On-demand dialing 6-17, 10-16, 10-17
Output filter 10-22
Hardwired port 10-44
Location table parameter 5-12, 6-16,
Network dial in user 5-9, 5-12, 5-16,
6-23, 10-64
RADIUS user F-5
PPP async map 10-21
PPP/ SLIP selection 6-15, 10-18
RIP messaging 6-16, 10-18
Subnet mask 6-16, 6-27, 10-17
Type of location 10-16
Multiple line connections 6-18–6-20, 6-27
Viewing a location 10-15
Log into NETServer 2-3
Network dial in user
Adding a new 5-7–5-10, 6-22–6-24, 10-57
Compression 5-10, 6-24, 10-64
Definition of 3-2
Autolog 10-40
Domain 10-9
Dialback 10-62
Location 6-14, 6-27, 10-14
Login user 4-9, 10-57
Network dial in user 5-7, 10-57
Packet filter 8-4
Examples 5-11–5-16, 6-26
Help 10-57
in RADIUS. See Framed user
IP address 5-8, 5-12, 6-22, 6-26, 10-62
IPX network number 5-8, 5-16, 6-22,
6-26, 10-62
MTU 5-9, 5-12, 5-16, 6-23, 10-64
Overview 1-6
Packet filters 10-64
Password 5-7, 10-57
PPP async map 10-63
PPP/ SLIP use 5-9, 6-23, 10-63
RIP messaging 5-10, 5-12, 5-16, 6-24,
RADIUS user F-3
System (sysname) 2-4, 6-2, 6-10, 6-22,
6-26, 6-27, 6-30, 10-7
Name service 1-3, 2-13, 3-6, 10-7, 10-8
Negotiated IP address 5-8, 10-62
Net0 3-4, 10-24–10-29
Basic configuration 2-5–2-10
Broadcast address B-4, 2-7, 10-27
Definition of 3-7
Help 10-24
IP address 2-7, 10-26
IP/ IPX enable 10-25
IPX frame type 2-9, 10-28
IPX network number 2-9, 10-27
Media type 10-26
Saving 5-10, 10-58
Subnet mask 5-9, 6-23, 6-26, 10-63
Viewing 10-58
Network dial out port
Creating 6-12
Definition of 3-9, 10-37
Dial group 5-5, 6-13, 6-17, 6-18, 6-27,
Network number, LAN port 2-9
Network twoway port 5-4, 6-12, 10-37
Network interfaces. See LAN port and
Resetting 10-24
NIS (name service) 1-3, 2-13, 3-6, 10-8
NSLOGIN command 9-3
Packet filters 10-29
Resetting the NIC 10-24
RIP messaging 10-28
Subnet mask 2-7, 10-27
Viewing 10-25
NetBIOS 10-7
Netdata 4-14
Device service 7-2, 10-36
Login port service 4-6, 10-43
Login user service F-7, 4-10, 10-61
Overview 4-2
Definition of B-2
Hardwired port 10-45
LAN port 2-7, 10-27
Location 5-12, 6-16, 6-27, 10-17
Network dial in user 5-9, 5-12, 6-23,
6-26, 10-63
On-demand location dialing 6-7, 6-14,
6-17, 6-27, 10-16, 10-17
Outbound-User (RADIUS) F-10
Output filter. See Packet Filters
RADIUS user F-6
Netmask table B-10, 3-7, 10-30
NETTTY daemon 7-4
Network dial in port
Packet filters. Chapter 8
Creating 8-4
Deleting filters 8-19
Deleting rules 8-19
Editing 8-19
Filter name 8-4, 8-6
FTP 8-12
Hardwired port 10-45
ICMP parameters 8-15
Information sources 8-3
Input vs. Output 8-3, 8-5
Creating 5-4, 6-12
Definition of 3-9, 10-37
Help 10-31
Idle time-out 10-38
Line hangup 10-38
Login message 5-5, 10-38
Login prompt 5-5, 10-39
Viewing 10-34
IP rules 8-7
Port default
IPX rules 8-16–8-18
LAN port 10-29
Location 10-22
Login user 10-59
Network dial in user 10-64
Overview 3-8
Host 4-3, 4-5, 4-9, 4-13, 10-41, 10-60
Login service 4-6, 10-42
Terminal type 4-7, 4-13, 4-15, 10-43
Port type 3-9, 4-4, 5-4, 5-15, 6-12, 6-26, 6-
27, 7-1, 10-35–10-38
PortMux 9-3
Permit/ Deny 8-7
Device service 7-4
PTRACE filter 9-9
RADIUS user F-5
Rule number 8-6, 8-7
Rule type 8-6
Login port service 4-6, 10-42
Login user service F-7, 4-10, 10-60
Overview 4-2
SAP rules 8-18
Active interfaces 9-6
Saving 8-19
Authentication 6-9–6-11, 6-22, 6-30
Compression 5-10, 6-17, 6-24, 10-18
Location configuration 6-15, 6-16, 6-
17, 10-17, 10-18, 10-21
MTU 5-9, 6-16, 6-23, 10-21, 10-45, 10-
TCP parameters 8-10
Types of filters 8-2
UDP parameters 8-10
User login port 10-41
Uses of 8-2
Viewing 8-20
PAP authentication 6-9, 10-7
Host override 10-48
Network dial in user 5-1
S-Port parameter 10-48
Pass-thru login (SECURITY) 4-4, 4-13,
4-14, 4-15, 10-39
Negotiated addresses 5-8, 6-15
Overview 1-6
Port configuration 3-9, 10-35, 10-37, 10-
45, 10-46
User configuration 3-2, 5-1, 5-9, 5-10, 6-
23, 6-24, 10-57, 10-64
PPP async map
Hardwired port 10-45
Location 10-21
Login user 4-9, 10-57
Network dial in user 5-7, 6-22, 6-26,
6-28, 6-30, 10-57
Network dial in user 10-63
Prompt, custom 4-7, 4-15, 5-5, 9-1, 10-39
Prompt users for a host 4-5, 4-9, 10-60
Proxy ARP 10-7
RADIUS user F-3, F-4, 10-10
Supervisor 2-3, 2-11
PING command 6-29, 8-15
Port configuration
Pseudo TTY modem sharing 1-6, 7-4
Databits 10-47
Extended parameters 10-34
Flow control 10-48
for Modem sharing 7-1–7-5
Help 10-31
Host override 10-48
LAN-to-LAN routing 6-12–6-13
Modem control 10-48
Network dial in 5-4–5-6
Overview 3-10
Parity 10-48
Port type 3-9, 4-4, 5-4, 6-12, 6-26, 6-27,
Saving 4-8, 10-31
Sending AT commands 7-9
Speed 10-47
Accounting server F-12–F-14, 1-2, 10-11
Alternate security server F-10, 10-10
CHAP authentication in F-11
Configuring the NETServer to use F-
10, 4-4, 4-13, 10-39
Encryption key F-2, F-10, 10-10
Host device dial out ports 7-3
Obtaining F-1
Outbound user F-10, 7-3
Overview 3-6
Primary security server F-10, 10-10
Security server F-2–F-11
User types F-8
Randomize hosts 1-3, 10-4
Read community name (SNMP) 10-55
Read hosts (SNMP) 10-56
REBOOT command 2-10, 3-4
Repairs, obtaining vi
Stopbits 10-47
User login port 4-4–4-8
Viewing a port 10-34
System administrator 2-1–2-2
RESET command 3-4, 4-8, 5-6, 6-13, 10-24
RIP messaging
LAN-to-LAN routing 6-12–6-13
Modem control 10-48
Modem sharing configuration 7-1–7-5
Network dial in 5-4–5-6
Parity 10-48
Filtering 8-12
Hardwired port 10-46
How RIP works 6-6
Port type 3-9, 4-4, 6-26, 7-1
Saving 10-31
Sending AT commands 7-9
Speed 10-47
LAN port 10-28
Location 5-12, 6-16, 10-18
Network dial in user 5-10, 5-12, 5-16, 6-
24, 10-64
Stopbits 10-47
User login configuration 4-4–4-8
Viewing a port 10-34
RADIUS user F-7
Spoofing of 6-14
Host override 10-48
Rlogin 4-14
Port type 5-4, 6-12, 6-27
Device service 7-1, 10-36
Login port service 4-6, 10-42
Login user service F-7, 4-10, 10-60
Overview 3-2, 3-11, 4-2
RLOGIN command 6-29, 9-3
Routes table 10-51
NETServer name in 2-4, 3-6
Packet filter rules 8-18
Spoofing of 6-14
Viewing 6-29, 9-15
SAVE command F-10, 3-4
All 2-10, 2-13, 5-13, 5-16, 7-2, 7-8
Filter 8-4, 8-19
Global configuration 10-2
Hosts 10-13
Adding a route 10-49
Changing a route 10-49
Deleting routes 10-50
Destination address 10-52, 10-53
Gateway 10-52
Location 6-21, 10-15
Help 10-49
Net0 10-24
Metric 10-52, 10-53
Netmasks 10-30
Overview 3-10, 6-4
Saving 10-50
Port configuration 4-8, 5-6, 6-13, 10-31
Routes 10-50
Ticks 10-53
Viewing 10-50
ROUTING. See See also RIP messaging
Hardwired port 10-46
LAN port 10-28
SNMP configuration 10-54
User 4-11, 5-10, 6-24, 10-58
Security. See See also Authentication
Information sources 8-3
SECURITY (Pass-thru login) 4-4, 4-13,
4-15, 10-39
Security server F-2–F-11, 4-4, 4-13,
10-10, 10-39. See also RADIUS
Serial ports. See S-Ports
Service (login)
for a Host device port 7-1, 7-3, 7-4,
10-35, 10-36
Port default 4-6, 10-35
RADIUS user F-7
User table parameter 4-10, 4-14, 7-3,
10-57, 10-60
Location table parameter 5-12, 6-16, 10-
Network dial in user 5-10, 5-12, 5-16, 6-
24, 10-64
Routing, LAN-to-LAN
Example 6-25–6-30
Introduction to 6-4–6-8
Location table configuration 6-14–6-21
Port configuration 6-12–6-13
Testing the connection 6-29
User table configuration 6-22–6-24
Service repair order (SRO) vii
SET command 3-5
Shared secret (CHAP) F-11, 6-2, 6-9, 6-10,
6-11, 6-22, 6-28
Configuration overview 3-10
Databits 10-47
Extended parameters 10-34
Flow control 10-48
Help 10-31
SHOW command 3-5, 9-11
ARP 9-12
Ticks 10-53
Viewing 10-50
Filter 8-20
Flash 9-12
Statistics, viewing 9-14
Stop bits 10-47
Global configuration 10-2
Help 3-5
Subnet mask
Definition of B-2
Hosts 10-13
Init 7-7
Hardwired port 10-45
LAN port 2-7, 10-27
Locations 10-15
Memory 9-13
Net0 10-25
Location 5-12, 6-16, 6-27, 10-17
Network dial in user 5-9, 5-12, 6-23,
6-26, 10-63
Netconns 9-13
RADIUS user F-6
Netmasks 10-30
Netstat 9-14
Ports 10-34
Supernetting B-5, 3-7, 10-30
Syslog network accounting 10-11, 10-12,
Appendix D
Routes 10-50
SAP 6-29, 9-15
Sessions 9-15
Sysname (system name) 2-4, 6-2, 6-10,
6-22, 6-26, 6-27, 6-30, 10-7
System administrator requirements 2-2
SNMP 10-55
User 10-58
TCP packet filters 8-10
TCP port number
Active interfaces 9-6
Authentication 6-30
Compression (CSLIP) 5-10, 6-17, 6-24,
Location configuration 6-15, 6-16, 6-17,
10-18, 10-21
MTU 5-9, 6-16, 6-23, 10-21, 10-45,
Overview 1-6
Command line interface 9-2
Filtering packets by 8-10
Login service F-7, 4-6, 4-10, 4-14, 10-42
Modem 3-9, 7-1, 7-4
TCP/ IP. See TCP and IP
Technical specifications. Appendix A
Technical Support vii
Port configuration 3-9, 10-35, 10-37,
10-45, 10-46
Administrative session 9-1, 9-2
Bandwidth requirements 6-18, 10-20
Device service 7-1, 7-3, 10-36
Filtering 8-11, 9-9
Login port service 4-6, 4-14, 10-42
Login user service F-7, 4-10, 4-15, 10-60
Network dial in user 5-14
Overview 3-2, 3-11, 4-2, 10-35
Telnet access port 9-2
TELNET command 6-29, 9-3
Terminal server, using NETServer as.
Chapter 4
Example 4-12–4-15
Overview 1-5
Port configuration 4-4–4-8
Terminal setup 4-1
User setup 4-9–4-11
Terminal type 4-7, 4-13, 4-15, 10-43
Ticks, IPX route 10-53
Total Control Manager F-1
Troubleshooting commands 9-4–9-10
User configuration 3-2, 5-1, 5-9, 5-10,
6-23, 6-24, 10-57, 10-64
Enable/ disable 10-54
Help 10-54
Overview 3-10
Read/ write community names 10-55
Read/ write hosts 10-54, 10-56
Saving the SNMP table 10-54
System name 10-7
Viewing SNMP configuration 10-55
Specifications, technical. Appendix A
Static routes
Adding 10-49
Changing 10-49
Definition of 6-6
Deleting 10-50
Destination address 10-52, 10-53
Gateway 10-52
Help 10-49
Metric 10-52, 10-53
RADIUS user F-6
Saving 10-50
U.S. Robotics, contacting vii
UDP packet filters 8-10
User login port
Warranty vi
Web site, U.S. Robotics vii
Welcome message 4-7, 5-5, 5-11, 5-14,
Windows management software 2-9, 2-10
Write community name (SNMP) 10-55
Write hosts (SNMP) 10-56
Access override 10-41
Alternate host 10-41
Autolog name 10-40
Default host 4-5, 4-9, 10-41
Dialback delay 10-40
Help 10-31
Idle time-out 10-38
Line hangup 10-38
Yellow Pages. See See NIS
Login message 4-7, 10-38
Login prompt 10-39
Login service 4-6
Overview 3-9, 10-35
Packet filters 10-41
Terminal type 4-7, 10-43
Viewing 10-34
User table 3-11, 4-4, 4-9–4-11, 5-7–5-10,
10-39, 10-57–10-62. See also Login user,
Network dial in user
Van Jacobson compression F-5, 5-10, 5-12,
6-17, 6-24, 10-18, 10-44, 10-64
Active connections 9-6, 9-13
DEBUG messages 9-4
Flash memory 9-12
Global configuration 10-2
Hosts table 10-13
Initialization scripts 7-7
IP address resolution 9-12
LAN port 10-25
Location table 10-15
Memory utilization 9-13
Modem call diagnostics 7-9
Netmask table 10-30
Network statistics 9-14
Routes table 10-50
S-Ports 10-34
SAP interfaces 6-29, 9-15
Sessions 9-15
SHOW command 9-11
SNMP configuration 10-55
User table 10-58
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