3 - Button Transmitter
Wayne-Dalton corp.
p.o. box 67 mt. hope, oh 44660
(888) 827-3667
Model No. 3973C
WARNING! During programming the garage Door may operate. Keep people anD objects clear of the moving Door to
prevent Door Damage or possible personal injury.
Transmitter Programming
NOTE: any of the three transmitter buttons can be programmed to activate the door. in multi-door installations, each button or a combination of two
buttons pushed at the same time can be programmed to activate a separate door. only one button at a time (per-transmitter) can be programmed to
activate a door.
To program the transmitter:
1. place the emergency disconnect handle in the manual door operated position. this is for safety reasons.
2. press program button on Doormaster™ light fixture, idrive®, prodrive™, Quantum® or classic drive® opener.
leD will light or idrive® opener will beep once indicating that it is ready to learn a transmitter.
3. Within 30 seconds, press and hold the desired transmitter button(s); leD will turn off or idrive® opener will beep once. on the Doormaster™ only,
release the transmitter button and press again. leD will light briefly then turn off.
4. return the emergency disconnect handle to motor operated position.
5. press same tranmitter button(s) again; door should operate.
transmitter is now programmed to operator.
NOTE: idrive® model only: the first transmitter command after programming will only open the door through a six inch up/down cycle. normal door
operation will then occur on all subsequent transmitter commands.
large transmitter
program button
program button
program button
program button
Battery: failure of opener to respond to transmitter, may be due to weak or dead battery. replace the battery. to change the battery, insert a cclaosisnic in
the coin slot and twist to access the battery compartment. the transmitter uses (1) CR2016 battery. install fresh battery with the positive (+) of the
battery facing up. snap top case half onto bottom case half. Dispose of dead battery properly.
WARNING! fire anD burn hazarD. Do not recharge, Disassemble, heat, or incinerate. Keep battery out of the reach of
chilDren. install battery correctly. Dispose of useD batteries promptly.
WARNING! if sWalloWeD, contact physician immeDiately.
NOTE: the idrive® and Doormaster™ opener can be activated by up to six remote control devices (including wall station and keyless entry controls).
if a seventh control is programmed, the first of the programmed controls will be overridden and will no longer activate the operator. to clear the
programming of all remote control devices, press and hold the Doormaster™ light fixture program button, idrive® opener program button for
approximately ten seconds. When the Doormaster™ status leD goes out or idrive® opener beeps three times, then all controls are erased.
NOTE: the prodrive™, Quantum® and classicdrive® opener can be activated by up to 8 remote transmitters, 2 wall stations and 2 keyless entries. if a
9th remote is programmed the first remote programmed will be lost from memory. the same is true if a third wall station or a third keyless entry is
programmed, the first will no longer be in memory and will not operate the opener. to clear the programming of all remote control devices, press and
hold the prodrive™, Quantum® or classic drive® opener program button for approximately ten seconds. When the prodrive®, Quantum®, classic drive®
status leD goes out, then all controls are erased.
WARNING! never let chilDren operate or play With Door controls. Keep remote controls aWay from chilDren. fatal
injury coulD result shoulD a chilD become trappeD betWeen the Door anD the floor.
WARNING! alWays Keep moving Door in sight anD aWay from people anD objects until it is completely closeD. to
prevent serious injury or Death, avoiD stanDing in the open DoorWay or WalKing through the DoorWay While Door is
copyright 2007 Wayne-Dalton corp.
p/n 300623
rev. 4 5/1/2007
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